
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tears for SIMI Afzal: Sonia Vs Fernadis

Who divide people army police courts into secular non-secular; show sympathy for SIMI in Mangalore; want mercy for Afzal? FIR against George Fernadis instead of Sonia: Save SIMI Afzal & hang Fernadis

CBI madam ki mutthi men: Sonia’s loyalist
“We are ready for a CBI probe provided the state government agrees for it," Jaiswal pointed out in Mangalore.
No problem in CBI probe into prof's death: Jaiswal said at Ujjain in second week of Sept. Sonia led Govt is even ready for CBI probe on ant death.

See how greedy UPA, non-vegetarian (violence, corrupt and communal) Govt is to give vegetarian (non-corrupt non-voilence) foods to CBI on the direction of Sonia Gandhi, defamed in KGB Bofors Oil for Food Wheat import through AWB ltd scams.

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Whole India knows about George Fernadis, Advani of 92. People will take revenge what a Congressee madam is doing now.

Chief Minister of Congress led J&K stae government Gulam slaves of Afzal initiate the save Afzal move on the instruction of Sonia Gandhi.

File FIR against SIMI Supporting Ministers leaders
Submit PIL in the courts against them. For the security of our nation we should not divide our police force and our army in secular and non-secular. Even people also not be divided in this line.

Is Home Ministery of security for insecurity of the people to encourage and save rioters? State Home Minister Jaiswal goes to non-Congress ruled states to fuel riots by evoking sentiments of minority.

"We are serious about the internal security challenges and besides using forces, we want to adopt other methods to deal with terrorists activities," Jaiswal said in Raipur at Mana airport. Following facts show how he and his government are serious.

Who evoked Muslims in Vadodara?
He went Gujarat Vadodara when there was a riot on the matter of a dargah situated in the way. He evoked Muslims to demur, particularly since they do not consider dargah as places of religious worship, and when Hindus had co-operated with the removal of shifting of temples.
Congress wants violence to divide both communities to increase its minority vote bank. At that time the Gujarat High Court has ruled there should be no discrimination when religious structures are demolished. His statement dishonored the high Court.

Union Home Ministry got stay from Supreme Court and thius appease Muslims for not wideningthe roads in Vadodara.

Fight BJP but not in this way..
To fight BJP and RSS this should not be the way. Govt. should research other ways to fight NDA as it researched ‘renounces’ ‘double profit’ etc. But it is unfortunate that State Home Minister Jaiswal researched in Gujarat 'newly constructed and long time constructed' religious places. What annovative discrimination!

Politicians Sleep more peace will be more
Before this a news channel presented secular picture of Jabalpur and a successful courage of an individual youth. The youth took photos of more than 100 illegally encroached constructions of shrines and dargah etc. and filed PIL in the High Court. After that court passed order for removing those structures. Both communities Hindu and Muslim happily co-operate the administration.
One person could do this because there was no Jaiswal. So, democratic loving doctors-people should give sleeping injection to the politicians’ especially typical seculars.

(3) Here it is notable that after that Congress led Maharashtra government removed more than 100 temples for widening the roads. Not a single Hindu took object. This is the example of living peaceful if there will be no votebank politics.

(4) In firt week of April 2006: Communal violence broke out in Aligarh on Wednesday night following a clash between members of two communities over the celebration of a religious programme in a temple in Dahi Walki gali. Earlier, Jaiswal refrained from visiting the riot-affected areas on the advice of the district authorities.

(5) When there was riot in Varanasi then he made statement to evoke Muslims against Mulayam Govt.

(6) ‘Salva judum’ started and still fighting by Congress leader Mahendra Karma is being targeted by Uninon Home Minister jaiswal in Raipur on Aug 20, 2006. Though now Congress has adopted the ‘Salva judum’. Before this he had two specific private visits as said by him in Raipur without intimating State Congress President Mahant or Congress office. Being State home minister he did not feel necessity to meet the state authorities to know the present naxal problem. Mahant made complaint to High Command of Congress for this.

Don’t raise finger on SIMI
The former Chief Minister M. Veerappa Moily who did doctorate in Resevation policy, has rapped Home Minister MP Prakash for his "irresponsible statements" about SIMI being involved

After that in a new twist to the Mangalore violence, Union Minister of Home Sri Prakash Jaiswal who visited sensitive areas in Ullal on Monday, was gheraoed by angry mobs sponsored by the secular typical idealogy of Congress. They claim that the police were behind the violence and instigated the riots and that they were not a handiwork of any specific community.

Secular Somnath Chatterjee said that naxalites are not criminals. It means Police force is criminal because they kills peace loving people.
Shivraj Patil said that terrorists are their brothers. It means Who became martyr to save parliamentarians from the Afzal and other terrorist attackers on parliament are criminals.

Can Police be divided as secular and non-secular?
Dharma is not co-terminus with religion; the closest Indian word for religion is pantha. Secularism in India, as noted jurist Dr. L.M. Singhvi insisted when translating the modified Preamble of the Constitution into Hindi, is pantha-nirpeksha (non-discrimination towards individual faiths). So, while ‘secular’ is the opposite of ‘religion’ and ‘communal,’ dharma is neither secular in the sense of being anti-religious nor communal in the sense of favoring a particular sect.

Please look here the son of Dr.L.M.Singhvi. His son Abhishek Sangvi is the spokesperson of Congress. He called Gujarat police non-secular and the police of UPA ruled provinces are secular. He divided police also in secular and non-secular.

Sonia opposed ban on SIMI
March 26, 2002: Sonia Gandhi, during an extraordinary joint session convened for the introduction of the POTA bill, says that the anti-terrorism measure had been selectively used to ban an organization that had nothing to do with terrorism in J&K. Further she opposed the banning of Islamic terrorist organization SIMI in June 2002.

Ban on SIMI was ill timed: Ambika
Smt. Ambika Soni, Former General Secretary, AICC issued the following statement on 28th September, 2001 on the ban on SIMI: Apart from being lop-sided, the action on SIMI is ill-timed. Just when the international environment is exceptionally tense, it is not in the national interest to take any steps that would disturb the domestic scene. But the BJP is far more interested in reaping the electoral harvest in UP by seeking to divide the people on communal lines than in the enlightened self-interest of the nation.

Prakash Jaiswal supported SIMI
It is important to note that in the year 2000 Prakash Jaiswal who was President of the state unit of the Congress (At present State Home Minister in UPA Govt.) and Samajwadi Party opposed the ban on the Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). They maintained the view that the Hindu fundamentalist outfits like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dal were more threat to the national security than SIMI. They viewed like that because forthcoming Assembly elections in the state in which the votes of the Muslims would play a significant role.

By Premendra Agrawal


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