
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tandoor Mattoo Jessica’s blood on Congress Hands

Blood of naina Sahni, Mattoo & Jessica lal poured in Yamuna. Congress canot wash its bloody hands. Naina was fired in Tandoor: killer claimed Congress flags burning!! Best Bakery Vs Jessica murder

Tandoor Sharma killed his wife to rise in Congress?
According to the Delhi Police chargesheet, Sharma, a former youth Congress leader believed his wife, also a Congress worker was having an affair with yet another Congressman Matloob Karim. Karim had been Naina's classmate. Sharma and Naina also had differences because he wanted to keep their marriage a secret.
A jealous Sharma had come home on July 2 that year to find his wife talking on the phone to someone. He redialled and confirmed she was talking to Karim. Enraged, he fired three shots from his licensed revolver at his wife killing her.
The police said Sharma then wrapped the body and tried to burn it in the tandoor with the help of the Bagiya Restaurant manager, Keshav.

A Delhi Police constable investigated what he suspected to be a fire and came across the manager trying to fuel the fire in the tandoor. He said he was burning Congress flags and campaign material, but the constable, Nazim Kunju, found the burning body of Naina.

For a while, many people in Delhi could not bring themselves to eat tandoori food and Sushil Sharma came to be popularly known as Tandoor Sharma. What you say about another Sharma Manu?

‘’ Profaning the dead body of a helpless woman whom the convict exploited for his own political career is an insult to womanhood,’’ Mr Thareja had said while awarding the maximum punishment for any offence.
Who will punish political bosses of the killer who are still running the government?

Priyadarshini Mattoo’s Murder:
In a Similar murder case in 1999, the court acquitted culprits due to poor investigation and currently the case is under appeal in Delhi High Court. “If I meet Jessica Lall’s father, I will sit next to him and cry. On his fate, on my fate, writes CHAMAN MATTOO on the wait for justice. I believe he could not take his daughter’s death and is suffering from amnesia. How can anyone compensate his loss? I would like to meet Jessica Lall’s family and others who share a fate like mine. We will petition the President of India to find a solution for people like us. I have not given up. How can I?”


Jessica Lall’s Murder case
Jessica Lall was shot dead in a restaurant on April 29, 1999 and Manu Sharma's statement was recorded on a CD seven days later. The CD has been presented to the Delhi High Court. "It was a fit case and a fit situation to have offered to the court and to have allowed the court to see it and then leave it to the court to reject or accept," said Kiran Bedi, Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development.

Jaheera Shaikh Vs Hostile witnesses of Jesica’s Murder case
Why not hostile witnesses of Jessica lal murder case be treated as Jaheera Shekh of Best Bakery case? Where is Teesta Setalwad who got ‘Sadbhavna’ award from Sonia Gandhi? Where is so called human activists, Human Right Commission, secular leaders?

Censorship should be on UPA
But we also need censorship on Sonia led Congress led Government besiddes in social sanction. The Congress leaders Haryana CM Hooda, Vinod Sharma father of accused and others who are hiding under the umbrella of Sonia Gandhi who influenced men who lied in court so that Jessica's murderers could walk free will now resume their normal lives. Why not ‘secular renouncer’ treated Haryana CM Hooda and Minister Vinod Sharma as Natwar Singh? None of them will act as though they have done anything wrong. They will continue to work. And secular media will forget that they have Jessica's blood on their hands besides the curroupt police and hostile witnesses.

Manu Sharma is the son of one of the leading politicians in the state of Haryana, Vinod Sharma, belonging to the Congress Party earlier a minister in the National Cabinet, Vinod Sharma is now a minister in the Haryana government, in charge of Power, Public Works, and the Environment. Before this he was a minister in central government also. One of Manu's aunts is a daughter of erstwhile President of India, Shankar Dayal Sharma.
The family has multi-billion rupee business interests in hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, two sugar mills (one each in Punjab and Haryana), housing colonies and orchards. These businesses are spread across Chandigarh, New Delhi, Manali, Lucknow and other places

Are we ourselves not culprit who voted pseudo-seculars?
As long as we allow such leaders to march with such culprits among us and as long as Indian society treats morality as a mere flag of convenience as Congress is habitual to show Sonia Gandhi’s innervoice, we will never be able to prevent Tandoor Jessica and Mattoo murders and witnesses from lying in court or from helping murderers evade justice. So, blame the police and blame the courts by all means. But let's not forget to blame ourselves who misused our voting rights.

Will we remember Tandoor, Mattoo and Jessica on the election days?
My fear is that the outrage over the Jessica verdict will ultimately amount to nothing more than media-fanned hysteria, knee-jerk sms texting and a dozen angry editorials. Two years later in 2009 when 10 Janpath loyalists Emergency defame Election Commissioner Naveen Chawla would condut the pole, the same Tugalqui and Mughaltimes government will be elected then somebody else will kill a woman in full public view. And they will get away with it again.

Rehersal of this is being screened before coming Utter Pradesh and other assembly election. SIMI cadres who were in the prison now they are free. Even for Muslim votes Mush becomes the friend of MM in the war on terror.

Our PM Manmohan a symbol of Sonia Gandhi is in South Africa to highlight ‘Gandhi’ but he will not protest to South Africa government for not naming the redlight area after Mahatma Gandhi.

Natwar alongwith Rahul Gandhi went Afghanistan. They visited Babars’ghost but not see holy soul of Prithviraj which is always insulted by Muslims there. Congress is secular so it will not even show the protest for that. It is not fault of Congess. It is fault of us who are saluting those who ruined and want to ruin India. So let's not waste the power of our anger. Let's not exhaust it on hysteria. Let's demand accountability. But Super PM is without accountability and MM as monkey with ‘Jai Mata di’ are moving ‘not worry’. Peoples are busy how they fulfill their stomach? Have you seen such rise in prises, unemployment and suicide cases in farmers?

Public anger for a short period
They know that public anger cannot even mold their hair. And they also know that with the Indian middle class, all issue-based outrage comes with a sell-by date. By next month, we will have found something else to be angry about. And at the election time we hear:
“Pee le Sharabi….Thodi si peejiye, Davaa hai maikhana, sharab cheez hi aysi hai, Main nashe main hoon, Hangama hai kyon barpa, Pee le sharabi, Pila pila..Chhayee ghata, Na samjho ke hum….”

Bina Ramani arrested to walk free Manu Sharma with co-accused
You call yourself a secular leader! You call yourself a secular media person? I want to ask you why Bina 63 year old Ramani was in the prison and Manu sharma alongwith other co-accused out. It is because She is alone witness at present against accused Manu Sharma as Ramani herself said,” 'I am a key witness in the case and the police is raking up an old case to pressurise us.' Of all the people who were allegedly involved in helping Manu Sharma to walk free only Bina Ramani has been named as an accused.

“Why Manu Sharma and his father were canvassing alsongwith his father for the congress candidate son of Haryana’s CM? This is the way of life of foreign born and now also in foreign hand Congress. Why web site of London based Hindu Human Right was blocked by the secular Govt. after 7/11 Mumbai Blast? Was it responsible for blasts? It was the revenge. Due to Hindu Human Right Tony Blair’s Government gave order closing of the MF Hussain’s paintings exhibition including nude paintings of Bharatmata. Do who write these truths are communal?

Rich and mighty politicians get away
In Lok Sabha L Rajagopal of Vijayawada spoke: “Recently, this Jessica Lall case has become an issue and it is an eye-opener for many. It has been widely publicized and many people felt that the rich and mighty get away in spite of whatever crime they commit in the broad day light or in front of thousands of witnesses….For that reason, I feel that we should have a different system for mighty people, for wealthy people, for powerful people, where the entire process or procedure, the criminal procedure, happens in a time bound manner,”
** According to Hindustantimes survey 95 per cent of respondents in a poll said that they believed that the rich and mighty can get away with murder in India? And don't you feel a surge of anger and helplessness at the sheer, glaring injustice of it all?

By Premendra Agrawal


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