
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bed for Sonia PM on Sofa: more Muslims must in forces

LeT in army Mole in PMO: Is still UPA stomach -dinosaur empty? Why again Religious Head counting? Has India a PM of Congress or Muslim League who wants reservation for Muslims in Security forces.
Is he got this idea from his new ally for war on terror Mush or Pope of India?
‘10 Janpath’ becomes the centre of ‘power’ and Prime Minister House 7 Race Course Road is ‘powerless’. Is not this insult of PM post, India and its constitution? Then why people are allowing this?

“Havana ki hava ka asar” is joint mechanism to tackle terrorism. MM accepted before Mush “Yes your wanted terrorists are in India besides our wanted terrorists in your country. You and Your country is also victim and our country is also victim. We both shake hands. “Ham hain ek hi path ke rahi? Do and die jointly? If you die then I will be ‘sati’ cremate?”
"Is this secular ‘Sati pratha’ patriotic or against the interest of India?

I recall a son with all evils and sang on the guidance of foreigner. He lost all wealth which was earned by his elders. We have found such an impotent government which can’t give any beneficiary result. Will this government want to be bankrupt in the defense of the nation, safety of the people and the prestige which our ancestors and our present brilliant brave Indians earned? Venezuelan President Chavez crowned of insulted words ‘Alcohlic and devil etc.’ to George Bush in UN. We are a citizen of civilized nation. So, how can we use those words for our secular leaders here?

On June 1, 2001 the royal family of Nepal went down in a hail of bullets. King Birendra, the queen, and several others were gunned down at a family dinner. The king's son Prince Dipendra, was mad at his mother because she didn't approve of the young girl he wanted to marry. I read that MandalII Arjun’s cousin later wanted to marry that girl. What Dipendras of UPA want from the people who are the kings in the democracy?

On Jan 30, 2006 In his video Zawahiri warned Bush “adopt Islam or accept death,” Sonia Gandhi instruct Manmohan in his year that he has to accept her orders otherwise he should vacant the PM post for other who is in que. Is India being rewarded because of its hospitality and opening door for outside air?

I recall an incident: a brave soldier with his family was in the reserved births of his name. TT came with unreserved needy passenger and ordered the soldier in rough tone,” vacant the berths immediately. These berths are in others names. You find out your reserved berths in other compartments.” Bravery of soldier had been turned into cowardness by the fraud of corrupt TT and greedy passengers. Is Gandhi dynasty a reserved caste to rule India?

Instead of honoring the PM post Manmohan is resigned to a life of dishonor. His actions bring discredit not only to his name but also lower the glorious history of Sikh community. He should pray to God “forgave me mine sins and cleansed me of all unrighteousness" He may be good academic "a man of honor" but in the hands of a foreign lady he is being dishonored. The congressmen defiled the India of Gangese by corruption of Quottorichi, bribery of KGB, Saddam’s kickbacks in Oil for Food etc. into it. We have to remove this pollution.

Nainital - The queen of the hills in Uttaranchal is all decked up to receive the queen of the Congress. The two-day Congress conclave is being attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, several union ministers, 14 Congress chief ministers, and senior party leaders. No one seems to know how much money has been spent on renovating the sprawling lounge and the giant-sized dining hall or the conference hall at the Club. Uttaranchal Public Works Minister Indira Hridesh said “However cost should not be more than Rs.100 million,” A master chef specializing in continental dishes has arrived from New Delhi to prepare food Sonia Gandhi likes most.

Manmohan found only Sofa to sleep instead of bed. The reason being cited is the "lack of space" in his room. Sonia's suit, on the other hand, has been equipped with a bed, five or six pillows and cushions. Her suit has been equipped with a library-cum-reading-room that has three sets of tables and chairs, whereas Dr Singh's suit has none of this paraphernalia. Have still viewers doubt who is PM and who Super PM is?

Secular Prime Minister of secular India Manmohan Singh urged regional leaders on Saturday to recruit more Muslims into the police and intelligence agencies to help counter a growing sense of insecurity in the minority community. Singh said there was an underlying sense of insecurity among Muslims due to what he called erroneous links made by the West between terrorist attacks and Islam, leading to the entire community being tarnished.

LeT in army, air force and CRPF: Mole in PMO leaked Pathak Report. KGB, Bofors, Wheat import through AWB ltd., Oil for food and so many scandals and other ghosted discoveries can’t allow people to believe in Sonia-MM team’s assurances. Further they are not immortal. How handcuffed future generation would wash our sins? Union Home Minister reacted sharply on Amercican Embassy’s warning. He said that there was no possible of Al Queda’s attack in India. Al Queda has nothing to do in India. Opposite to this National Security Advisor MK Narayanan admits al-Qaeda network in India. Now ATS says the same. Defense Minister said in the parliament that arrested three spies in Kashmir are of Army but before this in the same parliament Shivraj Patil had denied. Shivraj Patil and other secularists have said that they treat terrorists as brothers and Naxalites as children. But RSS should be banned instead of SIMI. Thank much to those who supported this Tugalki Government.

By Premendra Agrawal


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