
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Pope & Islamist should recall Vivekanand’s Speech

Christ & Prophet’s preaching right but their Followers are on wrong path. Pope is right on Islamists but wrong on Prophet or Islam. Are Christ/ Prophet only supreme? Intolerant must follow tolerant

Uma Bharati is right to say that healthy criticism as pope’s statement should be allowed. I myself don’t understand why sword is drawing by Muslim world when here in India both are insulting Hinduism and their heads. Even India’s present pseudo-secular Govt. encouraging them and some field such as in NCERT books it insults itself to Hindus and Sikh Gurus. More than 80% are Hindus in India. But they are so tolrent that no voice against the conspiracy.
Except Sonia, Congress protested Pope.

WELCOME ADDRESS of Swami Vivekanand - Chicago, Sept 11, 1893:
The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: "Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me." Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal

Pope is on wrong foot himself to preach that only Christ is supreme others are not. What followers of Christianity did in Iraq and what Pope’s Christian Missionaries are doing in India and other non-developed countries and developed countries to adopt forcefully conversion by Christians countries dollars? What Osama Bin Laden, LeT, terrorists ISI, SIMI, Separatist Cleric maulvis are doing in the name of Allah?

On the funeral of John Paul in 2005 President of Israel shook hands with his enemies the Presidents of Syria and Iran. Controversial speech of Pope Benedict XVI on Sept 12, 2006 has widened the rift between two largest religions of the world. On the funeral ceremony of John Paul who had kissed Quoran, in April 2005 President of Israel shook hands with his enemies the Presidents of Syria and Iran. In this year Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI.

Pope John Paul’s funeral ceremony was a close encounter of a diplomatic kind. Most powerful in the world George Bush President of Secular America knelt at the foot of the Pope and kissed his ring in a profound demonstration of filial obedience and homage. Only this ceremony could get George W Bush, the President of Iran, the President of Israel and the President of Syria into the same audience. Only he could get the Iranians and Syrians to shake hands with Israel. Israel's president, Moshe Katsav, shook hands twice with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, a country with which the Jewish state is formally at war, and Mohammad Khatami of Iran.

After the death of Catholic Pontiff Pope John Paul II, India mourned for 3 days to be democratic and secular. But to day Sonia mourns and dumb. Sonia and Laloo thinks that what would be the fate of Congress in UP and Jharkhand Assembly Election.

Like Shiiti and Sunni, there are Catholics and Protestants. In 2000, Ratzinger branded other Christian churches as deficient -- shocking Anglicans, Lutherans and other Protestants in ecumenical dialogue with Rome for years. Still today If British Prince Married Catholic Lady then her son can’t be heir of the British throne.

Pope is intolerant. Hindus are tolerant. Opposite to Indian Constitution Pope Benedict XVI is against Marxism, Secularism & Freedom of religion. Highest Hindu Head the Shankaracharya of Puri Nischalananda Sarawati urged the Pope to call upon Roman Catholic priests in India to stop conversions. He also said: "There is an urgent need for the US to ease its pressure on Muslim nations." This is Hinduism.

Late Pope John Paul sparked a controversy among Hindus when, on a visit to India in 1999, he defended the Church's right to seek converts there. New Pope was considered to be Pope John Paul II's "right hand man". Sonia should declare publicly that she does not support the process of conversion of Hindus into Christ.

Bush administration threw Saddam regime from Iraq and now its eye is on Iran. Osama Bin Laden to Iranian President sent invitation to Bush to convert to Islam. Jihadists have made it clear that Rome and much of Europe will eventually be in Islam’s possession.

In the background of above brief perhaps addressing an audience at Regensburg University in Germany on Sept. 12, Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI delivered a controversial speech, in which he quoted 14th Century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II regarding the issue of jihad: "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

After that on Sept 13: Germany Pope Benedict XVI made a solemn journey to the graves of his parents and sister Wednesday, kneeling before their tombstone in silent Pope Benedict XVI made a solemn journey to the graves of his parents and sister Wednesday, kneeling before their tombstone, hands clasped in prayer

Pope Benedict XVI’s German visit has become controversial. Pope compared to Hitler and Mussolini over Islam remarks. He quoted such words of 14th century’s Byzantine Christian Emperor wording which spreads like a wild fire among Muslim countries of all over word.

A statement by Ratzinger, in August 2004, was aimed at thrusting the Catholic Church into the political affairs of Europe by arguing that Turkey should not be accepted into the European Union. He openly based his opposition to Turkey’s admission to the European Union on the fact that Turkey is a Muslim country. “Europe has a culture which gives it a common identity. The roots which formed ... this continent are those of Christianity,” he declared.

Ratinger was the son of a police officer. In 1945 he was briefly held in an Allied POW camp. By June he was released, and he and his brother (Georg) entered a Catholic seminary. On June 29, 1951, Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich ordained them. Prominent German liberal theologian Hans Kung said that when Ratzinger decided to go to Rome, he "sold his soul for power." However, Ratzinger, new pope said he never "switched sides."

The new pope has close ties to ultra-conservative factions within the Catholic Church, such as Opus Dei, which are openly hostile to the core democratic principle of the separation of church and state, and seek to elevate the Church over civil authority.

In June 2004, Ratzinger issued a statement of guidance to US bishops that, in effect, gave the Vatican’s seal of approval to Church officials who were using the abortion issue to discourage a vote for the Democratic candidate.
The timing of Ratzinger’s statement, coming just a few months before the elections, was not coincidental. A week before Ratzinger’s statement, Bush visited the Vatican. According to the National Catholic Reporter, Bush complained to Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican secretary of state that “not all the American bishops are with me”. He asked the Church to pressure bishops in the US to take a more open stance on cultural issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

His intervention helped elevate Bush’s support among Catholic voters from 46 percent in 2000 to 52 percent in 2004.

Political role of Popes substantially increased in 754, when the Frankish ruler Pippin the Younger donated to the pope a strip of territory which formed the core of the so-called Papal States. In 800 Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish ruler. from that date it became the pope's prerogative to crown the Emperor or any monarch with affiliations with the church until the crowning of Napoleon. As has been hitherto mentioned, the pope's sovereignty over the Papal States ended in 1870 with their annexation by Italy. Since that list of Popes is as following:
Blessed Pius IX (1846-78)
Leo XIII (1878-1903)
St. Pius X (1903-14)
Benedict XV (1914-22)
Pius XI (1922-39)
Pius XII (1939-58)
Blessed John XXIII (1958-63)
Paul VI (1963-78)
John Paul I (1978)
John Paul II (1978-2005)
Benedict XVI (2005—)

By Premendra Agrawal


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