
Friday, September 22, 2006

Bomb Pakistan back to Stone Age? Done by Mush

Terror victims should be offensive. Terrorism progresses in its fear war. We fear what is immediate, most readily available in memory and what our ancestral history has prepared us to fear. MM fears Mush

The United States threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it cooperated with the US-led war on terror after the September 11, 2001 attacks, President Pervez Musharraf said in an interview released on Sept 21.

People live in shelters—houses or apartments rather than caves. The go out daily to make their livelihood—now in cars, trains, aeroplanes rather than most by foot. People gather by electronic channels and clubs ­most probably more isolated than the stone-age clans. But in fact humans as a whole really have not have changed basically since the Stone Age. In some regions local culture has instilled in its people respect for law and human life but even in those places the people will go to war when threatened. Other regions tribal and clan clashes are a way of life. If maulvis, religious clerics, madarsas becomes factories of terrorism then how can you say that there is not Stone Age? While Pakistan spends billions on the development of nuclear capabilities, it cannot find enough money to feed and educate Pakistani children, many of whom are destined to become terrorists.

Terrorism has made progress in their fear war, by diverting our anxieties from big risks toward smaller risks. Fearless unity with determination to fight terrorism has been shown by the people of all communities of Malegaon and Mumbai after facing serial bomb blasting. Intelligent mischievous pseudo-secularists elements such as CPM, Samajwadi party, Congress and print media such as The Hindu and The Hindustantimes dailies and electronic media such as NDTV and IBN-7 tried to evoke sentiments of minority. Now they again want to fire in Gujarat to give wrong message of amendments in conversion bill of Gujarat. Is it against the constitution and judgment of the Supreme Court? If yes then, why not they file PIL in Supreme Court instead of giving wrong information to the public? They know Supreme Court and Constitution is clear on the subject and the amendment is accordingly.

Actually terrorists are in offensive and victims of terrorism are in defensive. Terrorists are fearless. Victims of terrorism are in the grip of fear of terrorism. Instead of taking offensive to abolish training camps of terrorists India is fighting war against Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Now India has took more steps in this direction. Pakistan becomes the victim of terrorism fist time in the eyes of India and it becomes an ally of India as it is an ally of US in the fight of ‘War against terror’. There is also lack of belief, confidence and willingness to fight terrorism without deffenciating. Victim Countries which are fighting terrorist see each other in suspedious.

Psychological science has identified some influences on our intuitions about risk. First, we fear what our ancestral history has prepared us to fear. Human emotions were road tested in the Stone Age. Yesterday's risks prepare us to fear snakes and tigers although both combined now kill only few human beings a year in India or in other country.

We fear what's immediate. Teens are indifferent to smoking toxicity because they live more for the present than the distant future. Leaders become unable to see the danger of terrorism when they see coming assembly election of UP, Jharkhan and Delhi. Cases against office bearers of SIMI have been withdrawn by Mulayam Sinh. Congress finds equality in nationalists RSS and Jihadi SIMI.

We fear what's most readily available in memory. Such as 93’ Bomb blasts are always in our memory. Though there are so many man made and natural disasters occurred who took more lives than the 93’ blasts. Tragedies in trains accidents are 100 times more than the serial blasts in trains. But train serial bomb blasting remains in our memory always.

It's perfectly normal to fear purposeful violence from those who hate us. But with our emotions now calming a bit, perhaps it's time to check our fears against facts. "It's time to get back to life as Malegaon and Mumbais showed us after facing bomb blastings.

Shahjahan killed his brothers to be emperor. Aurangjeb prisoned his father Shahjahan and became emperor. Musharraf became dictator of Pakistan to deceive his PM Nawaz Shariff. Who hanged Bhutto? History of the Mughals and Pakistani rulers is like that. How can they say that they are not living in Stone Age?

President Pervez Musharraf wrested power from Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a bloodless coup on October 12, 1999. From Chief of Army Staff, he became the Chief Executive and then the President. He realised that religion was a tool in the hands of the Army. The erstwhile Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the early 1980s and the subsequent covert intervention of the United States by its raising a rebellious, religious army within Afghanistan found in Mr Musharraf a willing and enthusiastic learner.

Miyan ki juti miyan ka sar: Mush a Blackmailer
President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Government are trying to link a gas pipe line with Iran. Its earning to Pakistan could fund a revival of militancy in Kashmir against India. Musharraf cunningly show that Pakistan is an partner of America on ‘War against terror’. For this he takes one step forward for getting dollars and arms from America and after that comes back two steps to get supports from the terrorists and mullahas.

Mush laden shake hands aiming to hunt each other
Osama Bin laden is under the security of Musharraf’s loyal armymen and Laden’s jihadis are watching Musharraf 24 hours. Both are under the watch hunt of eachother. Laden may be sold by Mush to Bush in any time. Mush will be throwing in hell whenever Jihadis find him useless or as a threat for them. Both are serving each other in hunting mood to hunt eachother.

Though President Musharraf gave in under pressure, he kept his domestic constituency happy by turning a blind eye to Al Qaeda and Taliban groups taking shelter with religious and sectarian organisations like Sipah-e-Sahaba and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in cities like Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar. Today, these terror groups, morphed with local extremist organisations, are poised to unleash a new wave of terror across the world.

The Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who captured Afghanistan in 1997 by the support of Pakistan and America. Since then have been holding the country in bondage ever since. Now Taliaban is using Pakistani territory also frequently. Bin Laden is a political criminal with a master plan. When you think Taliban, think Nazis. When you think Bin Laden, think Hitler.

Musharraf may call Baloach and Pakhtoon the Kabailies of Stone Age. The members of the General Musharraf's inner circle i.e. Chaudhary Shujaat Hussein and Mushahid Hussein met Bugti and negotiated a political settlement. The General however, vetoed the agreement reached by his own men and launched the military offensive in July 2006, against the Bugtis, especially with an intent to decapitate them by killing Akbar Bugti. After a major aerial attack using air to surface missiles, on his compound the Nawab left his hometown of Dera Bugti , and went into hiding in the Bhambore hills in Marri area. On August 26, 2006, around 2230 hrs (PST), Bugti, along with his grandsons Bramdakh and Mir Ali were killed in a bombing operation that caused the cave roof to collapse on them. Bugti’s dead body was found in the cave which was later buried without the presence of any member of the deceased Bugti. Did they bury Bugti or his duplicate? Is this sign of Civilized country?

Bugti lead a protest against the present establishment in Pakistan in February 2005, after the rape of a female doctor, Shazia Khalid in Pakistan's Sui gas fields .The alleged rapist was a certain Captain Hamad of Pakistan Army. The General Musharraf later had told the Washington Post that women like Shazia Khalid had made it a business concern by getting raped to procure foreign visas. Is this not sign of Stone Age?

The reprisal attacks have involved the use of at least three Brigades-strength of the Army and the Frontier Corps and about eight helicopters .At a time when the Pakistan Army has been complaining to the UN and the international community about the shortage of helicopters for quake relief in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), it has diverted eight of its own helicopters, which were being used for quake relief in the POK, to Balochistan for being armed and used as helicopter gun ships. In addition to the use of helicopters, there have been at least two air strikes on suspected strongholds of the Marri tribe.

By Premendra Agrawal


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