
Thursday, September 28, 2006

CIA Saudi Bush Mush Sonia & Bin Ladens’ Nexus

‘War on Terron’ of Bush Mush is ‘War for Terror’
Why US State Department Report on Terrorism, been thrown in dust bin by the American Government? Nehru to MM all did not use the opportunities to take back PoK and abolidh terrorists training camps. If India wanted to try then what were the role of US and UK government? White papers should be come for all victims and who are fighting ‘War on Terror”. So victims of the terrorism would see their faces of suicide in the mirror of whitepapers.

Nexus in CIA Saudi Arab Bush Sonia and Bin Ladens
Newsnight program of BBC’s one sighted program was based on a secret fbi document, numbered 199i wf213589 and emanating out of the FBI’s washington field office, alleged that the cynicism of the american establishment and "connections between the CIA and Saudi Arabia and the Bush men and Bin Ladens" may have been the real cause of the deaths of thousands in the World Trade Centre attacks.

The BBC program further said that fbi was told to "back off" investigating one of osama Bin Laden’s brothers, Abdullah, who was linked to "the saudi-funded world association of muslim youth (wamy), a suspected terrorist organisation and india claiming it was linked to an organisation involved in bombing in Kashmir".

“Newsnigh”t said there was a long history of "shadowy" American connections with Saudi Arabia, not least the two presidents’ Bush’s "business dealings" with the Bin Ladens and another more insidious link revealed by the former head of the american visa section in Jeddah. the official said he had been concerned about visas issued to large numbers of "unqualified" men as a part of a scheme in which young men "recruited by Osama Bin Laden" were being sent for "terrorist training by the CIA" after which they were sent on to afghanistan.

It is more disturbing that more disturbing assertion that both presidents Bush had lucrative stakes along with the Bin Ladens in carlyle corporation, a small private company which has gone on to become one of america's biggest defence contractors. Bin ladens sold their stake in Carlyle soon after September 11, it said. American politicians later told the BBC programme that they rejected the accusation
Why Sonia Gandhi cancelled her trip of Sept 18, 2005 to US? Reason sighted some where that media and Clinton Foundation was alerted about Sonia Gandhi's links to Islamic organizations and her vulnerability to pressure from such quarters. Her speech was also schedule in this Foundation. In November 2001, when the world was still recovering from the shock of the 9/11 attacks, Mrs. Gandhi gave a talk at the Bin Laden family founded Oxford Center for Islamic Studies at London.

Supari Pan in Mush Mouth
* It was Churchill who once famously said that he had never suffered from indigestion by eating his own words. Same dictum is applied by Mush in his: In the Line of Fire means In the Line of Lyer.

* Parliament attack: Afzal smiled on hearing his death then why tears for death penalty to Parliament attacker Afjal and why silence on 30,000 Hindus killed and more than 500,000 Hindus have fled Kashmir in terror besides the innocent Muslims and Sikhs.

* Musharraf made time bomb while in college. Mush on Sept 28, 2006 said: “I totally, 200% reject it. I reject it from anybody - MoD or anyone who tells me to dismantle ISI.” Pakistan press reported in Dec. 2001 that Pak dictator Musharraf was a Director of Rabita Trust, a terrorist organization masquerading as a charity and and US had to warn him to step down before adding this organization to a terrorist list.

* I cried after East Pak"s fall: Musharraf. Why not he cried when Pak invaded present PoK and he himself installed nuke at Kargil.

* Karjai asked Mush to close the madarsas. “madrassas” are the breeding ground of terrorists who supported Al Queda and the talibans and were responsible for the 9/11 attacks on US and also terror attacks on India.

* Osama bin Laden had received his kidney dialysis at their Pak military hospital on the eve of 9-11.

* CNN reported on 1-12-02, that 50 Pak soldiers, arrested at Kandahar, admitted to fighting under Pak officers against US coalition Force in Afghanistan.

* NY Times and the Boston Globe have reported that 4,000 Pak army officers were involved in Pak ISI conducting terrorism against India.

India UK & US have democracy of Secularism & Peaceful co-existence
When Blackwill asked then Bush replied, “A billion people in a functioning democracy! Can you believe it? Can you believe it?” Further (1) To India just like the US, secularism with a peaceful co-existence with cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is the most important issue.
(2) Pakistan calls itself an “Islamic Republic”, and its stated raison d’etre is the theory” that Moslems cannot and ‘must not be allowed to co-exist’ with other religions.

US State Department Report on Terrorism says:
What is the Kashmir Issue?
* UN Security Council resolutions 38-40, and particularly the resolution of August 13, 1948, said that Pakistan had attacked Kashmir, and ordered Pakistan to withdraw its forces and its tribals.

* In 1948, the then US Secretary of State Gen. George C. Marshall told the pro-Pak British that Kashmir=s accession with India was legal and final as far as US was concerned.

* In 1952, the Kashmir legislature, elected in elections recognized by observers as free and fair, with 100% of the legislators Muslim, voted to ratify Kashmir=s accession with India.

* Pakistan gave away large part of the POK to China, which now claims those lands as its own.

* In 2000, a bipartisan Congressional commission on terrorism recommended to the State Department that sanctions be imposed on Pakistan for its role in terrorism, but this report was ignored.

Pakistan Refused to Withdraw
* Pakistan has consistently refused to withdraw its forces from the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir portion.

* Instead, Pakistan joined big power blocks of US & UK and received massive military and economic aid from the West.

* Still US giving military, arm and monetary help to the Pakistan by both hands.

* Present wrestling between Bush and Mush is a ‘noora kusthi (Friendly Fight) as Laloo and Sonia’s party fighted in Bihar or fight of love between laila and Majanu.

The list of all three countries is very long. I have sighted few as a symbolic. People of these countries should know the facts before punishing.

United Nations: Jan 1, 1948 A Black Day for India
Pt. Nehru on the advice of Sheikh Abdullah stabbed the knife on the back of the India to complain to the UN so as to get Pakistan to end Pakistani aggression against India in Jammu and Kashmir. This was being done when our brave army was droving the Pakistan’s army on the mask of the kabailies.

Pakistan Attacked India in 1971
The war which Mr. Bhutto had said could not last for ever in fact lasted for twelve days. 16 December, 1971 the Pakistan military and auxiliary forces more than 93000 surrendered unconditionally with its vast territory to India. Indira Gandhi could not utilize this opportunity to taking back PoK from Pakistan. And thus she wiped out her victory in an easy way: ‘Ham hi khele ham hi mitaye (She made and she wiped as a game)’.

Why Death=murder of Lal Bahadur Shastri could not be investigated?
Pakistan’ Dictator Ayub Khan Attacked India in 1965
* Dictator Ayub Khan sent 34,000 Pakistani soldiers into Kashmir and Gujarat in massive land and air attacks against India.

* Targets: (1) Jammu-Kashmir, (2) New Delhi

* Of 3 Indian soldiers awarded the “Param Vir Chakra” (all posthumous) for heroism, one was Moslem – Havildar Abdul Hamid.

* Pakistan was defeated by India and signed the Tashkent agreement with India.

In all three wars, Kashmiris rose to the defense of India. They joined the Indian army to defeat the Pakistanis

FOURTH Invasion by Pakistan: 1999 Kargil War
* When Prime Minister Vajpayee went to Lahore, Pakistan for signing a peace agreement in a BUS-Diplomacy tour, the Pakistani army secretly invaded India and even occupied a portion of Indian territory in Kashmir.

* Subsequently Clinton & Nawaz Sharif met at Camp David & Clinton asked Nawaz Sharif to withdraw Pakistani army from Kargil, India.

* With support of the world community India went to a limited war and had it vacated.

Why not limited war being used to destroy terrorists camp in PoK and Pakistan?

Nehru to Atal and now Manmohan could not utilize the bravery of our army and the opportunity which god gave to us.

Gandhi Bhakt angered on Gandhigiri dadagiri of ADM Janardan Baranwal who allegedly in Lucknow commented before the Gandhi caps-protesters,” Gandhiji chale gaye aur apni auladein chhod gaye.” Then other comment perhaps could be heard “Rajivji chale gaye aur apnee Italian patni chhod gaye”.
By Premendra Agrawal


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