
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Political Terror for 7/11 blasts & Pardon to Afzal

"We are serious about the internal security challenges and besides using forces, we want to adopt other methods to deal with terrorists activities," Jaiswal said in Raipur at Mana airport. Following facts show how he and his government are serious.

Congress, PDP and CPI (M) want pardon to Afzal who got death penalty in the case of parliament attack. Ban on SIMI by NDA government was opposed by Sonia Gandhi, Cabinet Ministers Ambika Soni and Sri Prakash Jaiswal. Few days before Mulayam’s withdrew the cases against SIMI chief and others to utilize them in the coming election. RSS is the enemy number one for SIMI. So for getting support of it ‘post boys’ of the Congress gave Sonia’s letter to the President Kalam against RSS.

Before filing case against banned SIMI’s office bearers for its involvement in 7/11 Mumbai serial blasts and removing the ban on it as unsuccessfully pleaded by UP Congress President as advocate in Supreme Court, case should be registered through FIRs against the political terror providing leaders. There should not be objection for the pardon to Afzal. But before that pardon seekers should be in the parliament and Afjal should be out of parliament with A-47.

“Hum hain ek duje ke liye”
The main culprits are Faizal Sheikh, Kamaluddin Ansari and Ehtasham Siddiqui. Siddiqui is the General Secretary of SIMI's Maharashtra branch. However, India's counter-terrorism efforts would immensely benefit from realizing that the activities of banned organizations and their cadres who entered in Samajwadi Party and Congress especially also need constant monitoring if such attacks are to be prevented.

Many members of SIMI were, and continue to be, on the payroll of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Further, indications of the linkages between SIMI and LeT were provided by the intelligence departments of several State governments where the former is active. For example, an official declaration by the Kerala government submitted on 1 June 2006 before the tribunal examining the legality of the ban on SIMI indicated that its cadres had developed links with the LeT. Similarly, Maharashtra Police has said that the three LeT terrorists involved in the attack on the RSS headquarters in Nagpur on 1 June 2006 used the SIMI network to arrange arms and ammunitions for the task. Mohammed Amir Shakeel Ahmad Sheikh, another SIMI activist arrested in the May 2006 Aurangabad arms haul case, was a Lashkar recruit.

FIR be lodged against Pseudo-Secular media & leaders
Mumbai police ATS and media are reporting that there is a conspiracy to spread riot behind the Malegaon and 7/11 bastings. Today’s press conference briefing of the Maharasthtra Police also said that arrested accused of 7/11 blasts caught local trains for blasting from Churchgate. One Pakistani and one Bhartiya are in every group of them. Without local support Pakistanis could not do the blasting. But local supported persons arrested are influenced and encouraged by the policies of UPA government.
So UPA leaders are more rioter than the arrested terrorists.

For the first time, Sharad Pawar has admitted, on record before Shekhar Gupta that he had “deliberately misled” people following the 1993 Mumbai blasts by saying there were 12 and not 11 explosions, adding the name of a Muslim-dominated locality to show that people from both communities had been affected. 'The Hindu' daily English Newspaper publisher N.Ram (Narsimhan Ram), published an article on Sept 9, titled ' Malegaon: the road to perdition' written by Praveen Swami who is of its Delhi bureau & Anupama Katakam. They made accuse in their article to Bajrang Dal for the riots. After that the same blame was repeated by CPI M). After getting pressure from high command security forces reported that more than 20 persons of Hindu Majority Area of Malegaon were detained by the police.

There is no doubt that our people next to God in democracy gave the sword to monkeys.
“Minority welfare” or “Vote welfare”
In India Deputy Chief of Army Staff-designate Lt. Gen. Z.U. Shah is the brother of actor Naseeruddin Shah. Today I heard in a news channel that he is now promoted. Our President is Dr. Abdul Kalam. Indira Gandhi married to Muslim Phiroze Khan. But UPA Government want religious head counting in every field which it calls its efforts to promote “minority welfare” by studying the social, economic and education status of the Muslim community in India.
After such head counting in the army and judiciary now today’s report says that now the same is doing in the universities. Perhaps secular ministry is decided to ruin the country to be more Jinnahs’ fathers.

Sonia opposed ban on SIMI
March 26, 2002: Sonia Gandhi, during an extraordinary joint session convened for the introduction of the POTA bill, says that the anti-terrorism measure had been selectively used to ban an organization that had nothing to do with terrorism in J&K. Further she opposed the banning of Islamic terrorist organization SIMI in June 2002.

Ban on SIMI was ill timed: Ambika
Smt. Ambika Soni, Former General Secretary, AICC issued the following statement on 28th September, 2001 on the ban on SIMI: Apart from being lop-sided, the action on SIMI is ill-timed. Just when the international environment is exceptionally tense, it is not in the national interest to take any steps that would disturb the domestic scene. But the BJP is far more interested in reaping the electoral harvest in UP by seeking to divide the people on communal lines than in the enlightened self-interest of the nation.

Prakash Jaiswal supported SIMI
It is important to note that in the year 2000 Prakash Jaiswal who was President of the state unit of the Congress (At present State Home Minister in UPA Govt.) and Samajwadi Party opposed the ban on the Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). They maintained the view that the Hindu fundamentalist outfits like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Bajrang Dal were more threat to the national security than SIMI. They viewed like that because forthcoming Assembly elections in the state in which the votes of the Muslims would play a significant role.

Congress & left wanted support of SIMI
Hindustan Times published an article of Tapan Das on April 23, 2004 which contained: Both the Congress and the Left Front have reportedly begun courting the outlawed Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in a bid to win over the Muslim vote bank. But a section of SIMI supporters aren’t apparently impressed, and have instead decided to back the recently floated Indian National League.

CPM guideline and vote bank politics
Our PM and Sonia Gandhi wants more Muslims in the security forces without needed qualities. Editorial of ‘Organizer’ weekly rightly says: “The party will plead for a UN Security Council membership for Hugo Chavez—after all he is good at abusing President Bush—even if that will undermine India’s chance for a seat in the UNSC. The party has no qualms in cohabiting with Hajis and namazis, bartering support for votes with SIMI, Jamaat-e-Islami or Madani’s PDP. But it will punish its minister for visiting a temple. It would blame Hindus for the spread of Islamic terrorism, and will even condemn the police for trying to search in Muslim localities, for the criminals of serial blasts in different parts of the country. “

Madarsas for Terrorism
Maharashtra has more than 3,000 madarsas and most of them are unregistered. Mumbai alone has some 500 madarsas. In the entire state, there are more than one lakh madarsa students and 5,000 teachers. Even President of Afghanistan Kerjai told Musharraf for closing the madarsas. Our HRD Minister wants two laces Urdu teacher and these would be available only by import from Gulf Countries.

Claiming to have cracked the July 11 serial blasts in Mumbai trains, Mumbai Police said that Pakistan's ISI was the "mastermind" behind the terror attack carried out by Lashkar-e-tayba with help from SIMI activist.
By Premendra Agrawal


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