
Monday, October 02, 2006

Hindu in Burka: Miss Bikini: Why Sonia in Saree

When Hindus wear the burkha? Afghan girl was participant but Pakistan got its first Miss Bikini. Why Christian Sonia in Saree converts Congress in Christ? Christian Ahram and Sanyasin are to convet.

Politics has always shimmered in a sari's folds. India's Italian-born leader of the Congress party, Sonia Gandhi, is always seen in saree. Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife Cherie sports seeked Indian voters wearing saree.
When Pakistan was created in 1947 as a Muslim homeland, Fatima Jinnah, founder Mohamed Ali Jinnah's sister, declared that saris were unpatriotic.

Converted leaders should see their faces in mirror
“Oscar Fernadis, Margrate Alwa, Ajit Jogi, YSR Reddy and Antony Christians should acknowledge that their basic heritage is Indian. They should not boast themselves Italian. We have many sects in Hinduism itself. It is not as if we are asking them to convert to Hinduism. We just want them to stop taking directions from abroad from Pope, Quottorchi or else.''

Fatwas on Cash
Most worrying to governments are fatwas involving violence, which are related to politics. But the crisis of Islam can be gauged above all by the fatwas that are produced each day, for every aspect of life. We have seen how maulvis issued fatwa related to Vandemataram and Insurance after taking bribery in cash.

There was a controversy because Actress Kulkarn appeared in court in a burqa to evade photographers. A man wearing burka trying to enter arodurm arrested in Mumbai. But no controversy!

‘Burka Bikini’ Clash of Civilizations
I have seen a picture of Mamta Kulkarni shrouded in a burkha. Beside there are pictures of Pak and Afghan beauty contestants, wearing nothing but bikini. One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other two totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."

Burka/ Burkha/ Burqa
It is a loose garment (usually with veiled holes for the eyes) worn by Muslim women especially in India and Pakistan; "the Taliban forced all women to wear the burqa. It is worn over the usual daily clothing (often a long dress or a salwar kameez) and removed when the woman returns to the sanctuary of the household.

Afghan beauty from burka to bikini
Vida Samadzai, first Afghan entrant in an international beauty contest for 30 years, and the first since the fall of the hardline Islamic Taliban government in 2001, joined more than 50 other women at a posh hotel in the Philippine capital to fight it out for the Miss Earth title. The dark-haired Samadzai, 25, was born and raised in Afghanistan, but left for the United States in 1996 to escape the turmoil of civil war and the rise of the Taliban religious movement. The only other Miss Afghanistan was Zohra Daoud, who joined the Miss Universe contest in 1972.

'Miss Bikini' of Pakistan
Houston based Pakistani-American Mariyah Moten, won the “Best in Media” title (trophy plus sash), for being the most photographed and interviewed girl in the entire pageant, reports the Daily Times in Sept 2006. Born and brought up in the port city of Karachi, Moten moved to the United States with her family eight years ago.

Islamic dolls dressed burka
A newspaper of Egypt published a fatwa dealing with girls:"It is permissible or not to play with a Barbie doll?" Answer: "No, because these dolls display the attractive parts of a woman's body and that is sinful." That is why the sale of Barbie dolls has been forbidden in Iran and Islamic dolls, which are dressed in the Muslim manner, with a headscarf, chador, burkha, have been introduced

Fatwa burka sticers
Website of online contains: “Name: Fatwa Burka Type: Vinyl Sticker Code: fburka Size: 10x3 inches (width x height) Price: $2.99. Sorry, we are currently sold out of Fatwa Burka,”
Wake up call of the 7/11 serial blasts
As reported on Sept 22, 2006, one after another in diffent time police received complaints that man wearing burka hangs packet on tree. “It was just a religious supplication. The Urdu words on it were prayers to ward off evil spirits from a household,” said Senior Police Inspector Dilip Chauha of the Marine Drive police station.

Now not a single heroine in Afghanistan
Black shadow of Taleban ending means film in Afghanistan would release. Afghan actors and Bollywood technicians come together to produce ‘Spring of Hope’ of two crores budget. Taleban’s uncivilized barbaric acts include the banning of women from appearing in public unless covered from head to foot in the all-encompassing burkha. Even the flying of kites - a hugely popular pastime among Afghan children - was considered frivolous and un-Islamic.

Fake note circulator burka women
An inter-state gang, in the business of circulating fake currency originating in Pakistan, was busted by Chembur, Mumbai police on just before 6 days. police said on September 22, a burkha-clad woman arrived at Rajiv Bhardwaj's shop at Chembur Naka and asked for an ice-cream. She handed over a Rs 1,000 note for a Rs 25 ice-cream. She told Bhardwaj she didn't have change, after which Bhardwaj returned the balance. However, when Bhardwaj got the note verified by a note-checking machine at a neighbouring shop, he it to be fake. After some time, another woman arrived with a Rs 1,000 note and asked for a Rs 25 ice-cream. Bhardwaj sold her the ice-cream, returned the balance and followed her until he saw a traffic policeman.

British hospitals’ scheme for Muslim gown
Two hospitals in northwestern England will be offering head-to-toe gowns for Muslim women who request them, officials said Tuesday.The burqa-style blue gown will be available from the beginning of Nov of this year.

Hindus wear the burka
Timesofindia of Oct 1, 2006 reported: The Al-Jamiatul-Fikriya Islamic English School in central Mumbai, which is run entirely on Islamic lines. HRD manager and other say to the Hindu women teacher “"I was told at the very beginning, 'We are not going to convert you,'" Visiting preachers who come to talk on Islam are informed that the staff includes Hindus. (Apart from one Christian, 35% of the non-teaching staff and 19% of the all-female teaching staff, is Hindu.). Wearing burka is compulsory for them in the school. "However modestly we may dress, men's eyes always fall on our bodies, sometimes resting here, sometimes there. But in a burkha, what can a man see?" Malti says laughing, adding regretfully that she can't say this to her Hindu friends

Why can't they also respect my beliefs??
Following few lines were part of a girls student’ experience of her tour for MA Social Work course. She studied at Madras Christian College in Tambaram, Chennai, India:
“Then in Shimla... Shimla is a hill station…. In the accomidation we stayed was a church and daily I wear bindi, so the preacher came to me and tried to 'convert me.' Anyhow I don't mind if others believe as they like, why can't they also respect my beliefs?? I would never try to force my religious beliefs on others. I am not hurting anyone. However, There is a fine line between conversion and personally accepting a new faith on your own accord (in India in regards to Christianity).”

Christian Ashram & Lady Saint Masks to deceive
The Christian Ashram Scheme is an attempt to give Christianity the Indian face and 10 Janpath is for converting Congress leaders into Christinity. Both methods are deceiving secularism, without changing any of the basic doctrines of Christianity. Corruption, Conversion and Crime, these 3 Cs as Dinosaur is the introduction of Sonia led Congress and left supported Congress led UPA Govt. There is a war between Rome-Raaj and Ram-Raaj or Rome-Rule and Home-Rule.

Why wholly Westernised Sonia consciously choosing to play the role of the devout Hindu with her head draped in a saree bowing before various gods and goddesses? She is no more Hindu than the other Christian Missionaries in India who are posing as "Swamis." The Christian Clergy even dress like Hindu Swamis, knowing fully well that a Swami is a title of great distinction and veneration amongst the Hindus

Beware of dogs and convetors by fraud!
S. Shanmukham of the Hindu Munnani, Kanyakumari, states: "Once I met an orange-robed sannyasin. I took her to be a Hindu sannyasin. When asked, she said 'I have put on this dress so that I can come in contact with Hindus very easily and tell them about Christianity.'"

Ishapriya in Carmel, California: The white-haired nun, about 50, was dressed in a saffron sari and wore a large cross around her neck. Hinduism Today inquired if there is any Christianity in her teachings. She replied "Of course, there is Christianity in my teachings, I am a Catholic."

Themselves vs non-believers
Missionary evangelical Christianity and Jihadi islam. They divide the world into two distinct categories: themselves vs non-believers
Hillary Clinton once said: "In every religion, there are those who would drape themselves in the mantle of belief and faith only to distort it's most sacred teachings -- preaching intolerance and resorting to violence".
Civilized World has taken a serious note of Jihadi Islam. Though evangelical christians committed the some of the worst crimes unfolded in history, but escape the dragnet due to their excellent public relations skills.
Robert A. Heinlein said: "One man's religion is another man's belly laugh."

Globalization of Saree (Sari)
A Maharani of Cooch Behar went further in eclecticism by calling on Queen Victoria in a Western gown over which she elaborately drape a scarf to resemble a sari.

Sarees also were camouflaged as gowns - with hats, gloves, lace ruffles, capes and abundant brooches - would not be seen dead in skirts. They dreaded being mistaken for Christian converts or Eurasians, both implying social diminution in those days.

When Rajmata Gayatri Devi of Jaipur was stopped at the entrance to the Royal enclosure at Ascot because Queen Elizabeth had forbidden uncovered heads, she merely pulled the sari over her head and sailed in.

“Globalization is economically essential, but heaven save us from copycat cultural uniformity.” – wrote Sunanda K. Datta Ray, former editor of The Statesman.

By Premendra Agrawal


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