
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Congress SIMI Involve: 1st Arrest in Malegaon

Sonia Gandhi Musharraf U S Fareed U N Quader Narullah NDA Jaiswal Mulayam Masarsa Taliban CPI Hurriyat Gulf Saudi Bush Sunni Shiiti Pok Chavez Nazi Christian BJP JD Flag Islam Muslim Gov Bajrangdal

Congress; SIMI; Malegaon blast; Mangalore riot; ISI; LeT; Jehadi; Secular media; Afzal; Kashmir; Terrorism;Religion; 93 blast; Politics; Appeasement; Nationalism; Communal;Gandhigiri; Vote bank

Congress SIMI Car Male Blast to M’lore Riot

SIMI is grand son of ISI and Sonia; son of Jehadi LeT and Secular Govt. SIMI and son of Congress MP were responsible for Mangalore riot and Malegaon blast. jara hatke jara bachke ye hai Hindustan meri jaan.
U T Fareed, the Congress MP from Ullal and his son U T Quader are under screening in the Mangalore Riotl.

ey Dil, hai mushkil, jeena yahan,jara hatke, jara bachke,ye hai Hindustan, meri jaan…
kahin building, kahin dramey, kahin motor, kahin mill,milta yahan sab kuch,sirf milta nahi ek dilinsan ka nahin kahin namo-nishaan
Deshdrohiyon ka hi yahan samman
Vote bank politics hi yahan sab kuchh
milta yahan sab kuch,sirf milta nahi ek dil

SIMI Link Found in Malegaon Blast & First arrest made
Twenty-three-year-old Nurullah Samsudoha, a loom worker, was arrested today by ATS from his residence in Malegaon and 21 books of the organisation were recovered from his possession. Samsudoha was under the police scanning ever since the arrest of five locals in connection with the arms and RDX haul in May this year from various places of Maharashtra. "He was also detained for questioning by the ATS (Anti-Terrorism Squad) and the Mumbai Police Crime Branch following the July 11 blasts. He was also questioned following the arrest of his friend Shabbir Ahmed Masiullah, who was arrested by the Mumbai police Crime Branch on charges of obtaining arms training in Pakistan," an official said

Is worship to Bharatmata & cow & sing Vandemataram crime?
But to hammer the religious sentiments of Hindus may be duty of typical seculars. In any case there should not be riot. Terrorists with the support of appeasement communal and vote bank politics of Congress slaughter the innocent people of minority and Hindu both as we saw in Malegaon blast and 7/11 Mumbai blasts. Congress wants riot through SIMI.

Allow from the busy road of a big city Managlore cow loaded truck for slaughter house. Teach lesson of MF Hussain who made nude painting of Bharatmata. Give Fatwa on Vandemataram after getting cash. PM and Super PM intentionally boycotted the historical Vandemataram day. All these are gandhigiri for the unity of India to fight terrorism and communalism. Now pardon petitioner for Afzal and their sponsored Congress, CPI (M), NCP, PDF, NC, Narmada Bachao and Raj Babbar Gabbar Singh etc are in ‘Matam(sad)”

Hindustan times reported: The trouble started when Bajrang Dal activists protested against illegal transportation of cattle to slaughterhouses in the city. The situation turned violent when a mini-truck carrying cattle to a slaughterhouse got involved in two road mishaps, injuring the cattle severely.

Govt should announce by drum beating that instead of transporting illegally cows for slaughtering, blocking the truck is a crime in secular India. Even to protest of this by calling bundh is also not under the new definition of gandhigiri. They should be with Gandhi-cap and with flowers in the hands. They should follow Don Babalu Shrivastav.

Why SIMI is dangerous for Karnatak
As reported on June 19, 2006 The Karnatak State Government submitted two affidavits before the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal and sought continuation of the ban on the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).

In Karnataka, there have been no cases registered against the banned Islamic student outfit Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) since 2001. This is called ‘Appeasement’.

SIMI gave a call for restoration of the Caliphate for unity of global Muslim community (Ummah) along with rejection of nationalism, democracy and secularism. Its political ideology was based on fundamentalist views propounded Maulana Maududi, the cleric of Karnataka who had immigrated to Pakistan in 1947.

After targeting Mumbai, India's financial capital, terrorist groups may now turn their attention to the booming information technology centres of Bangalore and Hyderabad. The agencies have warned that a loose network of SIMI activists and sympathisers pose a grave threat to southern India, which has come to symbolise India's technological advance.Information technology behemoths Infosys and Wipro are headquartered in Bangalore, while Hyderabad is home to Satyam Computers.
A detailed dossier on SIMI available with the Union home ministry says the radical Islamic group has a solid presence in south India.
Deendar Anjuman & SIMI Nexus
Deendar Anjuman, an off-shoot of Anjuman-e-Islam, was found to be a violent organisation, linked to SIMI, a banned Islamist outfit. It was charged with bombing and torching churches in Andhra and in Karnataka to foment Hindu-Christian clashes and to defame India at the global level.

National flag hoisting at Idgah Hubali
A settlement was reached at Hubli permitting the State government to hoist the national flag at the maidan on Republic Day and Independence Day. But the state government is not hoisting the national flag lest it would hurt the religious sentiments of minorities. The Islamic extremists who caused riots are not the offenders but Uma Bharati was nor is the government which prevented the national flag being hoisted but Uma Bharati was.

Malegaon Blasts
After Black Friday of 93 Bomb blast, another sad black Friday was on Malegaon Blsating day.

“Kisi Kaa Ghar Jale Aur Koi Aag tape”
(Is burning home to save cold?) During the Blitz 1940 (7 September 1940 through 10 May 1941), London had only about 20% of the total population of Britain, but suffered half the deaths, half the damage, etc. Ironically, despite personal losses, the British upper classes greeted the damage to the West End with a measure of relief. “I am glad we’ve been bombed,” the Queen confided to a friend when she narrow escaped from the bombing, “Now I feel we can look the East End in the face.”

Secular media such as The Hindu Daily, CPI (M), Muslim jehadis and Congress blamed Bajrangdal for the Malegaon blasts and Magalore riots to fulfill the wishes of ISI. They could not get success in Malegaon but succeeded spread riot in Mangalore to defame BJP and JD (S) government at Karnataka.

Burning Sect and Religion based Two nation Theory
There was a talk about 29 December 1940, the "Second Great Fire", which had some of the heaviest bombing, making it difficult to get water to put the fires from Incendiary bombs out. However, almost immediately after this, heavy rains started so the Germans abandoned the explosive bombing stage.
One bishop expressed problems in knowing "what prayers to say when two Christian countries were fighting together." (It is odd to me that they though of Nazi Germany as Christian.)

The leftist Christian leader Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez appeared to call another Christian leader George W Bush "the devil" at the U.N. General Assembly, saying the U.S. president had left the smell of sulphur hanging in the chamber from his appearance the previous day.

Birth of Bangladesh, Buried the two nation theory. Could tie of Islam stop Sunni Baloch to fight with Sunni led Pak army? Why fight between Sunni & Shiitis of Iraq? Baloach, Pakhtoon, PoK and Sindh of Pakistan want to bury two nation theories and one by one revolted. Now Baloach revolt becomes the danger singnal for Musharraf. By killing Bugti, the president has now earned the permanent enmity of the Baloch.
Terrorism in India a developing Industrial and service Giant
A mix of indigenous SIMI and like other products of Madarsas enterprise and ISI-LeT Pakistani know – how and duly sponsored. They train the new requisites. It has always been the desire of our government to develop a 100 per cent indigenous industry but enterprisers impossible to work without the involvement of ISI LeT Taliban etc. as showed by Huriyat and SIMI. However, in these depressing days of terrorism, spread across the country with bloody frequency, nobody bargained for a terrorist outfit to be entirely indigenous with, probably, part of the capital investment being foreign especially of Gulf Countries Saudi Arab etc.

Is support to SIMI not crime of Sonia Gandhi?
SIMI was banned by the Centre on September 27, 2001 by NDA Govt. That time ban on SIMI was opposed by Sonia Gandhi, Ambika Soni, Shriprakash Jaiswal, Mulayam Singh Yadav and others. Even uptill now Mulayam Singh and Janeshwar mishra is crying for removing the ban. UP government of Mulayam freed SIMI leaders one of them was accused even for ‘Deshdroh’ and were in prison.

Kashmir is not a part of India for SIMI & Afzal Guru
Last year SIMI leaders openly challenged the Union government by saying that Kashmir is not an integral part of India and a jehad of the type being carried on in the state now alone will liberate the state. Afzal Guru & his wife do not say that Kashmir is part of India.

Ban the selling of Musharraf’s book in India
Mush showed Kishmir as a part of Pakistan in his book: In the Line of Fire. This book is freely being sold in India. We are the first to ban on October 5, 1988 - importation of the Rashdie’s book into India though govt was not boud legally for that. Then why doesn’t ban the importaition of Mush’s book in to India? Is appeasement of minority or friendship with Musharraf is greater than sovereignty of India?

UP Congress President pleaded SIMI in Supreme Court
In June 2006 the Supreme Court rejected plea of SIMI’s advocate Salman Khurshid (President of UP Congress) and the ban on SIMI stays even as it is exposed as a terrorist outfit. It is indeed surprising that, despite the avowed objects of SIMI being publicly known and one of its goals being, there are people and leaders who go to its defence in the name of Democracy and Human Rights.
By Premendra Agrawal


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