
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

TOI poll & Sonia’s Reborn in India or Rome ?

TOI poll says: Want to be reborn in your country?: Non Indians including Italian should reborn here prior to wash the water of Ganges. Sing & worship Vandemataram. Are God Goddess Martyrs for insult?

TOI’s poll, conducted by leading market research agency TNS and published on Oct 3, 2006, says that despite Indians’ strong love for the country, their religious affiliations were very strong. Among those favoring rebirth as non-Indians, a majority (75%) wanted to follow their present religion. Mumbai was the only exception — a significant number (40%) in the city seeking rebirth as foreigners wished to be born into a different religion.

TOI should ask: Sonia Gandhi wants to reborn in India or in Rome?

Nani Palkhivala is despondent about India's future in an interview
'I would rather not be rebornthan be reborn in India'
What expectations did you have from free India?
I would say ask me no more for fear I should reply.
My expectation was so great. What fine leaders we had. We had some of the world's finest leaders. But none of them would get elected today.

It is fact. Late Acharya Kriplani former President of Indian National Congress as an independent candidate was defeated in Lok Sabha Election from my city Raipur by a simple Congress candidate Gupta. Even late Ramnath Goenka founder of Indian Express was defeated from here besides the editor of ‘Mother India’ of that time. This happened and happens everywhere in India.

What can be done to avert such a situation?
Palkhiwala replied: “You don't have to go to other countries because you have all the ethics, all the knowledge and all the intellectual acumen that you need to be a great country.
The only solution is to have a strong man rule this country.
Our culture is one but most people do not realise it.”

We have one only one strong Sonia to rule this country? One Mungerilal of one NGO sent Sonia Gandhi’s name for Noble Prize. Mahatma Gandhi could nont get but Italian Gandhi can get. “This is India my brother. Every thing can be happened here”
Are our martyrs Bhagat Singh, Azad, Sukhdeo sacrificed their lives so that a foreigner again rule on us?

Longer the leaders sleep, the less the world will be damaged
HARTLAND, A SMALL village nestled in the South West of England, has become an internationally well-known mecca of the green movement because of Satish Kumar a man from India. He expresses his wish that politicians have more time to sleep. There is no doubt that the longer the leaders sleep, the less the world will be damaged. He is simply revealing his genuine wish that today's political leaders should be spiritually reborn and become peaceful in their mind.

Who wants to reborn as a woman or as a man?
In the context of the above I recall following conversation:
I asked, "That a man would be reborn as a woman, and a woman as a man?"
"Yes," he replied, "because desire is creative, and the desire of either sex is towards the other."
"And how many men," I said, "would want to be reborn as women?"
"Probably very few," he answered. "But the doctrine that desire is creative does not imply that the individual longing creates its own satisfaction,--quite the contrary. The true teaching is that the result of every selfish wish is in the nature of a penalty, and that what the wish creates must prove--to higher knowledge at least--the folly of wishing."

California text books war Vs Arjun’s NCERT & IGOU text books
Niraj Mohanka on Feb 10, 2006 in his article wrote: Feelings of a Hindu child and especially a Hindu girl, “My teacher did not say any such horrible things when she was teaching about Christians, Muslims and Jewws. But the textbook cannot be wrong.
Sarah was my friend, but now she will make fun of me….And they treat all men and women equally in Islam, but in my religion they really ill-treat women and even other men. Why was I born Indian? Why was I born Hindu? I wish I wasn’t.”

These textbooks include clichéd pictures of scavengers and untouchables cleaning latrines, scrawny cows eating garbage on streets…. Hindu holy books are just “poems”, ‘songs’ (like Madonna’s pop-songs?), or “myths” whereas the Bible and the Quran are “revealed scriptures” whose accounts are historical facts. The list of such errors of fact, bias and disparity with other faiths in these textbooks is endless.

Is HRD Minister’s NCERT & IGONU’s books are different than the above?
Insult of Hindu deities by IGNOUThe students of Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) are being taught that Lord Shiva was bhogvilasi and he used to sexually assault the wives of other Gods. The book claims that Goddess Durga used to drink wine. There are also various other derogatory remarks against our God, national heroes and saints in the books. Tilak, subhash, Veer Savarkar were terrorists? Ramayana and the Mahabharata become as 'fiction Painter MF Hussain who made nude paintings of Bharatmata and Goddess Sarswati, is being lessoned in the NCERT books.

China & India are being reborn in this era of globalization
Among other reasons cited for sticking with India was its 'rapid economic progress', its ‘intellectual capabilities’ and its ‘great human resources’

An article of theseoultimes says on Oct 3, 2006: In this era of globalization, the elephant and the dragon are finally running fast, together.

'Unity in diversity'
TOI poll: What’s the reason behind this strong love for India? ‘Unity in diversity’ was cited as reason No. 1, proving perhaps the power of clichés. More than a third said that’s why they wanted to be reborn as Indian. Poll should re-differentiate: Indians who want to reborn to run on the line of NCERT & IGNOU and California’s text books. These should be blocked to reborn in India. Others should be allosed.

Division along caste and religious lines
TOI poll: Now, here’s a spin — the one big reason why some didn’t want to be reborn as Indian was that the country was divided along caste, community, linguistic and regional lines. Diversity, as you can see, cuts both ways.

Who wants caste basis reservation? Who are doing religious head counting? Why Manmohan and Sonia gave direction to security forces to employ on religion basis?

India’s 'rich spiritual heritage'
TOI poll: After 'unity in diversity' the second big reason for staying with India in the next life was the country’s 'rich spiritual heritage'.
Are UPA in the chairpersonship of Sonia Gandhi with the support of Leftists not ruining India’s glorious spiritual heritage?

Wish to be reborn as a little bee
Pampa of Karnatak proclaimed his wish to be reborn as a little bee in the land of Kannada,

Remind Arbindo Ghosh when you read TOI poll:
Given a choice, most Indians would like to be born as Indians again. In an exclusive poll by The Times of India, nearly 90% of people in five metros — Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad — opted to be Indians in a hypothetical next birth. The poll was conducted among those in the 18-35 age groups, and their overwhelming preference for India was across religious and gender divides.

“The wish to be reborn we have in abundance, there is no deficiency there. How many attempts have been made, how many movements have been begun, in religion, in society, in politics! But the same fate has overtaken or is preparing to overtake them all. They flourish for a moment…Our beginnings are mighty, but they have neither sequel nor fruit” Arbindo
Is the present Congress not represent every word as said by Arbindo Ghosh?

Sri Aurobindo returned to India on February 6, 1893, at the age of twenty
For the present, the eight-year-old Indian National Congress, whose members were mostly drawn from the Anglicized upper classes of society, had full faith in British fair-mindedness and the “providential character” of British rule in India, and year after year swore its “unswerving allegiance to the British crown”

Remember what PM Manmohan said in Oxford Uniersity. He appreciated there British Rule in India. Congress followed Pope to oppose forcefully conversion bill.

Sri Aurobindo was twenty-one when he wrote a series of nine articles, “New Lamps for Old”:

Is present Congress different than 120 years back?
August 21, 1893
“Our actual enemy is not any force exterior to ourselves, but our own crying weaknesses, our cowardice, our selfishness, our hypocrisy, our purblind sentimentalism.” Arbindo

Manmohan surrendered before Musharraf at Havana. Secular government fights terrorism to crush Hindus, singing Gandhigiri song, allow entrance LeT in Army, Air force and CRPF. Now it is stepping religious head counting and reservation. ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’ slogal banned by Congress Govt of J & K, Now its Congress CM and CPI(M) wants pardon to Afzal.

Are we still not blind as Arbindo said in the past?
August 28, 1893
“I say, of the Congress, then, this—that its aims are mistaken—in brief, that we are at present the blind led, if not by the blind, at any rate by the one-eyed….The Mother is not in our hearts, in our brains, in our arms.” Arbindo
Recent example of this is fatwas on vandemataram and absence of MM Sonia on Sept 7.

TOI poll is awakening bell for comrades
TOI poll is in sharp contrast to a recent online poll in China that asked the same question. According to the Guardian, 64% of the roughly 10,000 Chinese polled said they didn’t want to be reborn as Chinese — that is, before the authorities woke up to the ongoing poll and shut it down.
Now comrades may rethink for their loyalty towards China.
By Premendra Agrawal


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