
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Congress Clones Afzals

Afzal neither ask himself for pardon nor did he feel guilty. Then why President thinks on pardon issue? He & his wife do not say that Kashmir is part of India. Even seculars go through through.

Why President should think on Pardon?
Uptill now there is no written pardon letter duly signed by Afzal himself.
Petioners say that Afzal is poor. It means ISI LeT is not funding terrorists and NGOs and so called seculars. They say his poorness not allowed him to engage proper advocate. They say that Shivsena and Bajrangdal threat government suggested advocates, so they refused to plead his case. Then why not these pardon seekers provide him that facility. They say that Afzal was not involved directly in the parliament attack. It means to fire bullet on parliamentarians was necessary. These seculars are in the line: Congress including its leader Sonia Gandhi claims that they have “Never seen or touched a barrel of oil” in Oil for Food scam or Kick backs in bofors.

Should President or Government think on the pardon?
Does Afzal himself ask for that? Will secular government bring amendment to the cange in the constitution or Law Mininister Mr. Bhardwaj re-writes law for the sake of Afzals terrorists?

One daughter of Manmohan Singh is in USA to serve as an advocate in an organization who is perhaps devoted to plead on behalf of accused international terrorists. Why did not secularists take legal advice of her in the case of Afzal. UP Congress President, Salman Khursheed pleaded in Supreme Court the case of SIMI. Why not he came forward for Afzal?

Congress & Terrorism are on foreign back to ruin Hinduism. Congress & Mush are terroristic symbol partner in ‘War on terror’. Pak & Congress kill democracy, unity & equality to divide India.

Seculars’ save Afzal Move
Congress, CPI (M), Congress CM Gulam and leaders of Kashmir, Motilal Vora, Medha Patkar, Arundhati Roy, Actor Rahul Bose, Nirmala Deshpandey, Nandita Advocate are few names of great Indians as usual publicized by the secular media. They are in the fore front of “Save Afzal” movement to keep India always under the shadow of terrorism to depress people. This is an International conspiracy to crush India’s ancient glorious culture of co-existance equality respect all religions and faiths without encouraging forcefull conversion, appeasement and votebank politics. In the name of democracy, war on terror, secularism and so on all kinds of terrorist-dengues are breeding.

Partnership with kargil villian
If they are for democracy then, why partnership with Kargil villain Mush? If they repect Independency of the Independent countries than why Iraq was invaded and why Terror-war through Kashmir against India? Taliban was born by the intercourse of Pakistan and America. Aurangjeb prisoned Shahjahan; Mush threw his boss Nawaz Sharrif to follow tradition of Mughal emperors. If they are democratic than who is dictator?

Seculars obey Supreme Court?
All secular parties and their leaders say that they have respect for Supreme Court and they obey its order. Supreme Court has given death penalty to Afzal for attacking Parliament. Do secularists obey Supreme Court in Afzal case?

Are we under the Anti-India government?
Mush showed Kishmir as a part of Pakistan in his book: In the Line of Fire. This book is freely being sold in India. We are the first to ban on October 5, 1988 - importation of the Rashdie’s book into India though govt was not boud legally for that. Then why doesn’t ban the importaition of Mush’s book in to India? Is appeasement of minority or friendship with Musharraf is greater than sovereignty of India?

Guideline of Nanidta and Teesta
Afzal and his family still do not accept Kashmir as a part of India. This question was arised in Rashtrapati Bhawan before Afzal’s wife then petition seekers’ advocate Nandita stopped her to give answer. The same guidance was given by Teesta Selalvad by saying “ don’t toch jehad word in the speech” to Sonia Gandhi when both were at London in the conference of a Muslim Organization related to the brother of Osama bin laden.

Man-eating sedcular tigers
Geelani, Afzal and Shaukat sentenced to death by POTA court on Dec 18, 2002. But by propaganda, evoking sentiments of minority and adopting other pressure tactics these petition seekers have succeeded in getting release of Geelani and removing death penalty of Shaukat. So petition seekers become the man-eater tigers. Now they want pardon for Afzal to encourage terrorism in India.

Get Selfless sevice of seculas NGOs
Simple question arises why these secular leaders NGOs are doing all this? If they are doing for humanity then why they are not vocal for the victims of terrorism including kashmiree Padits, passagers killed in the train blastings, Malegaon blast and other terror crimes? From where are they getting money for their movement including Narmada Bachao Andolan? Narendra Modi requested government to findout the details of the fund getting souces of NGOs. Is this question against any community?

Afzal & Bhagat Singh?
Afzal himself uptill now did not ask to the President for pardon, He did not say that he did not involve to attack on parliament. As congress makes Sonia the symbol of Durga, Subramanyam Bharati and Durgavati etc etc like that kashmiri separatist leader compared Afzal as Bhagat Singh. We know Bhagat Singh throw bomb knowingly and he never asked for pardon and denied his act. Then why through through is going on? Who are encouraging these NGOs and secular leaders to do this? Why they are evoking the sentiments of Kashmiris and minorities against India? Don’t say all these act ‘Deshdroh’. I myself think like that. But then I want to ask the leaders who are governing our great country to whom we should call traitors and to whom we hould call patriots? Are terrorists patriots and victims of terrorism were traitors? Is my question communal?

Gandhigiri Tel-gi Charles Shobhraj methods
"We are serious about the internal security challenges and besides using forces, we want to adopt other methods to deal with terrorists activities," Jaiswal said in Raipur at Mana airport on Sept end.

I have sighted above some methods which might be in the line of our Home Ministry. .
In short more other methods are:
(1) Partnership with Mush to fight ‘war on terror’ by joint mechanism.
(2) As news reported LeT ment are entered in Army, CRPF and even Air force. Perhaps it might be happened due to the policy adopted by the government to admit surrenders terrorists into these.
(3) Relighious head counting in the Army, Judiciary, Universities and all other fields. Pm Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi boldly gave slogan to the people and instructions to the appointing authorities that their secular government needs more Muslims in the sefcurity forces.
(4) Terroist, separatists of Kahmir and voters of secular parties should not be angered. So Gulam nabi Azad’s Govt banned in Poonch Dist of Jammu to raise slogan of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jay’ in the way of ’Budha Amarnath’. Hindus are tolerant and ‘Majboor’ and ‘majboori kaa naam Mahatma Gandhi’. So after that Azad became azad to initiate the movement “Don’t hang Afzalji”. Are after succeeding in this more steps in this direction not expected?
(3) When Katiyar and Verma BJP leaders announced one lac to village defense committee member for killing prooved terrorists then the same Azad’s Congress government registered FIR against them. But there is no complaint against UP minister Mohammad Yaqoob Qureshi, who announced a reward for killing the Dutch cartoonist who lampooned Prophet Mohammed.
(4) Terrorists are now on gun point force to Hindus of Rajouri and other areas to accept Islam. When saharasamay channel wanted clarification for this then he did not give proper reply.

I have sighted few examples as a symbolic. Now all depends on the people.
“Ishwar Alla tera naam, Sabko sammati de Bhagwan”

By Premendra Agrawal


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