
Friday, October 06, 2006

Mercy for Afzal: Mercy for Scams Kickback

Survey: Swiss tops to prevent bribery and India has top bribers. Kazakhstan Govt says its President deposited in Swiss bank for safekeeping. Quottorichi deposited for safety in Swiss for Gandhis or else?

Is deposit in Swiss banks for safekeeping?
Does Nehru-Gandhi dynasty follow spelled dynasty of Kazakhstan. In April 2002, Kazakhstan's government finally admitted that the president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, had foreign (Swiss) holdings, explained as money sent abroad for safekeeping.

“Never seen or touched a barrel of oil”
It is expected that the facts in the Volcker Report be covered up the way several transgressionsof Indian VIPs have been in the past, the better to blackmail them with later. Congress including its leader Sonia Gandhi claim that they have “Never seen or touched a barrel of oil” or Kick backs in bofors. Smugglers never touch the smuggling goods.

Bil Clinton pardoned Bandit Mark Rich
Marc Rich the commodity bandit and "spook" was interwoven with the White House of George Bush The Elder and later, Bill Clinton. The book author described him, "Marc Rich, the man whom the United States Justice Department privately called the most corrupt corporate executive in America". ["Metal Men", page 13.] By 1990, Rich played such a game which became one among many reasons to downfall of USSR. He was sentenced to 325 years in prison but he was pardoned by Bill Clinton at the end of 2000.

Who Punish Sonia and Congress for their involvements in scams? They are always pardoned by tmselves, by parliament, by opportunistics power greedy pseudo-secular leaders and innocent peoples.

The company, Masefield, mentioned in the Volcker Report as having managed the transactions for Natwar Singh and the Congress, is a Zug-based oil-trading company controlled by protégés of Marc Rich.

Study: Switzerland Tops in Preventing Bribery
In the 2006 index ranking, the corruption watchdog organization Transparency International released a study on Oct 4, 2006 showing that Switzerland is most effective among the world’ leading exporting nations in preventing its firms from bribing and India is the worst for bribing.

Rank Country/ territory Average score (0-10) Percentage of global exports (2005)
1 Switzerland 7.81 1.2
2 Sweden 7.62 1.3
3 Australia 7.59 1.0
4 Austria 7.50 0.5
5 Canada 7.46 3.5
6 UK 7.39 3.6
7 Gemany 7.34 9.5
8 Netherlands 7.28 3.4
9 Belgium 7.22 3.3
US 7.22 8.9
11 Japan 7.10 5.8
12 Singapore 6.78 2.2
13 Spain 6.63 1.9
14 UAE 6.62 1.1
15 France 6.50 4.3
16 Portugal 6.47 0.3
17 Mexico 6.45 2.1
18 Hong Kong 6.01 2.8
Israel 6.01 0.4
20 Italy 5.94 3.6
21 South Korea 5.83 2.8
22 Saudi Arabia 5.75 1.8
23 Brazil 5.65 1.2
24 South Africa 5.61 0.5
25 Malaysia 5.59 1.4
26 Taiwan 5.41 1.9
27 Turkey 5.23 0.7
28 Russia 5.16 2.4
29 China 4.94 5.5
30 India 4.62 0.9

It is a most humorous joke of the year
My study shows that Switzerland in the world’s alone country who takes deposit of the all briberies corruption currency on the condition that Swiss will not disclos the identy of those. It means Swiss is a fort an umbrella to hide for all corrupt guns of the world. So Swiss is the boss of all corrupt bribery personalities of the world. Legally openly Swiss can’t be blamed but in fact it is the only country which should be blamed. 50% corrupt bribery kickback receivers can be punished if Swiss does not hide the identies of those corrupts who deposited the money in Swiss banks.

Switzerland is for international Economic Criminals
You don't need to fly to Switzerland to open a Swiss bank account. You may open a regular postal Swiss bank account by simply filling out a short online form at the Swiss bank's web site.

Switzerland is for international corrupt bribers and kickback takers economic criminals many of whom have offices there. The Swiss have made it almost impossible to recover ill-gotten money, once they are given charge of it. Marc Rich is one of Switzerland’s wealthiest residents, and is one of its largest taxpayers. He is discreetly protected by the Swiss police and security apparatus, as many journalists seeking information have found out. India should not expect any real cooperation or evidence from that Canton or Switzerland. This is also why merely sending a letter from the MEA or from Justice Pathak to the Government of Switzerland will produce Bofors-like results.

Bribery Index of Sonia & UPA
Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi is a good friend of Gandhi family. Quattrocchi received Bofors kickbacks through Myles Stott of AE Services based in London. “The statement of Myles T. Stott that the amount Bofors had paid to AE Services was related to the agreement of sale of guns to India; and the trail of subsequent transfers of the money to companies owned by Quattrocchi—from AE Services to Colbar Investments to Wetelsen Overseas,” at page 7 of its judgment, the Swiss Court then noted. Day-by-day length of this tale is going long and long. Why evil process of covering up this tale is going on? Scott had links with AWB Ltd. He was holding an important post in the company. Wheat is imported by UPA through this company. Why? Volcker had named this company in Oil for Food Scam. AWB Ltd was the biggest exporter of humanitarian goods to Iraq.

Return Swiss Banks deposit to the people
I and others are writing to force corrupt leaders especially Sonia Gandhi to follow Sani Abacha. The glare of international publicity on Switzerland concerning the criminality of erstwhile Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha led to the unearthing and returning to Nigeria of 730 million US dollars that were looted and stored by the dictator in Swiss banks.
Do you feel India is your country? Don’t talk gimmicks to win vote bank. You gave slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’. Congessmen become richest. Your slogan;’Congres ka hath, Aam adami ke saath’ remains empty. Tandoor Mattoo Jessica’s blood on Congress Hands. Congress was born by foreigner and still it is as playboy toys in the foreign hand. Dont say, your mother in law your husband and you did it. India is not a poor country. If yes then please return the money of the country to the country which you and others deposited in Swiss and other banks.

London, Switzerland & Italy focal point for Gandhis
So No result will be Oil for Food Scandal because:
250 crore spent in chasing 64 crore of Bofors scandal.
* Former minister of state Margaret Alva helped Quottrochhi to fly from India 29-30, 2003, by keeping File of CBI till August 16.
* CBI officers who were in Switzerland heard the victory of Congress, came back keeping legs on their heads. Bofors documents have been thrown in the dust bin because Mr.Q said:” 'I believe it would be in interest of justice and India's reputation if this case against me is brought to an end.'
* In Jan. 2006, India's Supreme Court directed the Indian government to take steps to maintain the status quo and ensure the frozen accounts are not unlocked. But before this on the direction of Law minister as requested by B Datta, additional solicitor general of India, the high court in London ordered to defreeze Quattrocchi's two British bank accounts. Why two London bank accounts of the Italian businessman, key accused in the Bofors pay-offs case, were defrozen at CBI's behest.

"Progress made"

"When you look back 10 or 15 years ago, bribery was widely accepted, even in our country," "You had the privilege of deducting your bribes from your taxes."

"That's now over," "Companies try really hard to avoid it or at least to conceal it, and trying to conceal it is difficult."

By Premendra Agrawal


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