
Monday, October 09, 2006

Should Pardon Petitioner Moles in Govt be hanged?

Instead of mercy for Afzal discussion should be on the hanging of pardon petitioner moles in Govt. FIR against these moles should be filed. These moles defame Supreme Court. Moles are equal to Afzal?

Was Dhanjay crime greater than Afzal? “Joint anti-terror mechanism with Pakistan” is itself a Mole process which will expose Indian intelligence on Pakistani terrorism.

Why has the court not taken a suemoto stand on the sovereignty and safety of this country and the moles who are defaming the Highest authority of law in India. These moles should be asked: “Are they challenging the order of all the courts or want mercy for Afzal?” Why Afzal doesn’t give himself mercy appeal duly signed by him to the President? There should not be hearing of mercy appeal by the President Kalam and the Govt.

Sonia Congress is pushing its partners NCP, CPI (M) and PDF in power sharing towards ‘Save Afzal Move’. Sonia herself stands in the back door but she instructed to CM of J & K ‘Gulam of Terrorism Azad of Congress’ and other leaders such as Motilal Vora and Nirmala Deshpandey to initiate the save afzal movement. Evergreen partners of secular Congress ‘Narmada Bachao’ Medha Patkar, Arundhati Roy, Actor Rahul Bose and Nandita Advocate and newly ally of Congress Raj Babbar are few names who get always publicity of secular media.

Joint anti-terror mechanism with Pakistan:
The Intelligence Bureau says it will expose Indian intelligence on Pakistani terrorism. The national security advisor, M.K.Narayanan has opposed. Behind Narayanan's back, the PMO obtained RAW's approval to the mechanism to please because a group of Muslim parliamentarians and others have already opposed Mr.Narayanan.

Bhanumati ka pitara and Ghani ka bail
There was a general election in 2004. NDA was in election with joint manifesto under one name ‘NDA’ under one leadership of Atalji’. Congress, CPI (M), Samajwadi Party, DMK and so.. so.. were also in election fray. Were they in election jointly as NDA? Please don’t go through the innervoice of Sonia mata of Govinda alaa re and others. You go through your innervoice and reply me. After the election we saw “Bhanumati ka pitara”. I don’t know who Bhanumati is and why these parties ‘mati (mind)’ are moved in circle: “Ghani kaa Bail (Bullock of local made expeller). Bullock pair was also the symbol of Congress in one time.

Power grabber gether to gether to form Govt
After the election of 2004, power grabber gether to gether and form UPA in the outside support of Leftists to kill democracy to deceive people’s mandate to ruin India by corruption, scams, Tugalakee policies. Explain me how Samajwadi party is ally of Congress? How leftists are allies of rightist Congress when they fight each other in the provinces? Prof Chaudhary was caught in bed sharing with his girl student. Both are shameless. We are also shameless under the cloud of western culture. Channels found saleable material for few days. I think that this type of political bed sharing should not be allowed to improve the health of democracy. Is partnership with Musharraf by joint mecahanism ‘war on terroror ‘war for terror’?

UPA Govt: Belagam Ghodi
Is our government’s ministry not a symbol of ‘belagam Ghodi’? Is ther lagam (break) on the suicide of farmers? Is there break on increasing rates? World fame economist our PM says ‘Aisa to hoga hi’. When we say there shoul not be allowed forcefully conversion then Indian popes say “hamari marji ham yah Karen voh Karen”. No body want to hear when we say that Oh! Brothers! This is Hindustan Bharat India instead of country of Romeos then no body wants to hear.

In Indo US Nuke Deal
UPA Govt sold nuclear secrecy and safety of our natrion in the hands of US. Please explain me when whole nation is stand up against this deal then the preparedness of PM to sign, is it not dictorial way?

Italian highjacking
On defense and national security issues, the PMO is flying off on a dangerous tangent. We have an incompetent health minister who says AIIM is resopnsibe for spreading Dengue. What an irresponsible he is? Is this not government. Is it Italian highjacking?

Bush Republican worried for Indiana womanhood without marriage. So they make law to stop illegal production. Congress UPA Govt has womanhood to produce unaccountable undemocratic allies in & out.

Republican Party of George Bush is drafting new legislation that will make marriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana, including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who do become pregnant “by means other than sexual intercourse.”

According to a draft of the recommended change in state law, every woman in Indiana seeking to become a mother through assisted reproduction therapy such as in vitro fertilization, sperm donation, and egg donation, must first file for a “petition for parentage” in their local county probate court.

Gestational Certificate
Only women who are married will be considered for the “gestational certificate” that must be presented to any doctor who facilitates the pregnancy. Further, the “gestational certificate” will only be given to married couples that successfully complete the same screening process currently required by law of adoptive parents.

Duplicate favicol kaa awasarwadi jod hai, Tootega hi…
In politics of India Congress led UPA plus outside pushers Leftists are power greedy undemocratic unaccountable irresponsible allies with marriage of convenience only for power sharing. In fact it is a hating joint bully allignement.

“Hamare Mahan desh ki Congress mahan hai”
In our local Chhattisgarh tradition some may say it ‘another marriage to wear bangle from another man’. I heard today that there is a minister of Congress in Pondicherry Govt who has four wives. In a news channel he was busy in selecting the saries from a sari-shop for his four wives. It is more typical job then selecting the cabinet ministers among so many tainted MPs. His neck was snake-wrapped by a long clath piece with ‘hand’ symbol. In my one article I mentioned praising words for Congress on Tandooree Shusheel Sharma who burnt his wife in Tandoor. When Police inspector asked him then he replied Congress banners, flags and publicity materials were being burnt!

Mosquito-net & another wife
Few years back, my friend was going to keep mosquito-net in the carrier of his cycle. I asked him where he was going. He smiled and said that that night I would sleep with my third wife. There are so many incidents like that.

Production without marriage
I recall another incident. I was sitting in my advocate friend. Two little children came to beg. My advocate friend gave them coins and they run away. My friend asked me did I know their father. He added their father was resident of my area and of my caste. I wondered!

‘ayaram gaya ram’ and “Ram nam ki satt….
I am triple graduate but metric fail in politics. So please allow me to ask few questions to learn politics. Is the same compared situation is not in our politics of ‘ayaram gaya ram’ and opportunistic politics and government. So Dinasur atmosphere situation should be burnt with slogan “Ram nam ki satt ……..”. No one is immortal accept God. False God Goddess can’t be immortal.

Political democratically principled marriage
Our nation is needed law for political democratically principled marriage duly defined prior starting the election process and 10 Janpath Loyalist, defame name of emergency, Navin Chawla should be removed for conduting 2009 Election as a Chief Eletion commissioner and “who knowingly or willingly participates in an artificial reproduction procedure, artificial opportunitistic marriage of convenience and power-bed sharing for undemocratic prinipleless reproduction” without court approval should be chargesheeted and punished.
The bill then requires “intended parties” to be politically married to each other and specifically says an unmarried party-person may not be an intended party-parent.

I am not trying to stop people-parties from having kids-alliances; I am just trying to find some idea for fair election by valid principled alliances for strengrhening democracy.

By Premendra Agrawal


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