
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

PaK freed LeT Saeed & comes in support of Afzal

Pakistan foreign minister Kasoori has defended Afzal Guru in a statement. Besides Hurriyat now Pakistan finds more allies in Kashmir. Bumper gifts on Diwali by Musharraf presented to Manmohan. Nehru made PoK….

Bumper gifts on Diwali by Musharraf to Manmohan
Reuters reported to day: A Pakistani court ordered the release of the founder of an outlawed Islamist militant group blamed by India for bloody train blasts in Mumbai in July, his lawyer said.

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed founded Lashkar-e-Taiba in the early 1990s but quit as leader days after India accused it of involvement in an attack on the Indian parliament in December 2001, which brought Pakistan and India to the brink of a war.

Indian police also accused Lashkar and Pakistan's military spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, of involvement in the July 11 bomb blasts on commuter trains in Mumbai that killed 186 people and wounded hundreds.

Pakistan finds more allies including Congress CM of J&K Gulam of Afzal and Farooq Abdullah to grab Kashmir. Pak got golden chance to make kashmir an International issue through support ‘Afzal’. Farooq Abdulla;

To day Saharasamay reported:
Kasuri’s statement seen as a diplomatic effort to save the parliament attack accused from being hanged.
It is speculated that Pakistan may think of exchanging Afzal with Sarabjit, who is languishing in Pakistani jail on several charges and facing death row.
Speaking on an internal matter of another country is in itself offending and that too on a treason convict.
Pakistan’s statement could also be seen as an act of abetting terrorism since it is supporting an accused that was in close contact with those who unsuccessfully tried to blow the parliament of a nation.

America declared death penalty for al-Qaeda member Gadahn

We are so great humanitarian figure that we want to remove death penalty for a terrorist who attack our temple of democracy ‘parliament’. Opposite to this:

It was the first time in the previous week an American al-Qaeda member Gadahn, converted to Islam who threatened a terrorist attack in Melbourne, has become the first US citizen to be charged with treason since World War II. "

Based on the indictment, the FBI added him to its list of most wanted terrorists and offered a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction.

Gadahn is believed to have attended the terrorist group's training camps in Pakistan and served as one of its translators. He has become known by his nom de guerre Azzam al-Amriki, or "Azzam the American."

The more serious charge of treason carries a range of penalties - from a mandatory minimum sentence of five years' jail, to the death penalty.

(1) Manmohan became fool in Havana
Before this, Mush succeeded in Havana to make fool Manmohan. Both shook hands for a joint mechanism to fight terrorism. By this Pak succeeded first time to show to the world that as India, Pak also affected by terrorism. Though, Pak itself is the production factory of terrorists. It is heaven for terrorists.

(2) Stayed hanging, so Pakistan also joins secular lobby of India
It is certain that President Kalam and the Government decided to postpone the hanging of ‘Afzal’ to evoke sentiments of separatists and fake secular Muslim community. They gave time to Pakistan for joining the ‘save Afzal’ move initiated by Congress CM of J&K Gulam of Afzal.

(3) Congress helped Pak to make Kashmir an International issue
Congress made fool people of India but it itself becomes fool in the hands of Pakistan. UPA’s fool making machine is for suicide.

Portugal agreed to send the Mumbai gangster Abu Salem who is a prime accused in the Mumbai serial blast of 1993 from its Lisbon prison only on an ‘assurance’ from India that he would not be awarded the death sentence if he was found guilty in an Indian court.

Though Pakistan will not be success in its motto but it will try with its best to internationalize the issue as it is done in the past in every international forum.

(4) Suicide band of fake secular media
In India, the majority of people would appear to favor the death sentence for terror related crimes, while a relatively smaller but more vocal section including fake foreign aided media, human activists and NGOs thinks otherwise.

Media as a drinker is giving news and comments to evoke sentiments of the Muslims and to encourage separatists. Such as it gives reposting daily related to hanging rope. Mercy petitioners made Afzal’s son for repeating the dialogue before the President related to his hanging drama.

They are reporting that hanging will be on 20th and ropes and other objects are being made ready.
"The hanging rope weighed 3.75 kg and is 60-feet-long
Tihar jail gets rope to hang Afzal
Special hanging rope ordered for Afzal
Special rope for Afzal's execution costs Rs 675
Hanging rope for Afzal taken from Buxar jail
Afzal finds solace in Koran
Afzal's hanging rope gets Bihar prisoners emotional
Special hanging rope ordered for Afzal

(5) Govt becomes half mad
If government becomes fully mad then there is possibility it will be thrown immediately. But to treat half mad is a tremendous job. Neither half mad can be sent in ‘Agra’ nor it can be leave free.

Sonia Gandhi got support TRS and its supporters naxalites to win in Andhra. Now TRS Telangana Rashtra Samiti withdrew support from UPA. So now congress wants to fight naxalites with the support of BJP ruled states.

Congress first work after forming the government is to remove POTTA. Now UPA is thinking to make such type of law in another name.

(6) Terrorists join hand with seculars to raise fingers on Judiciary
Now with the intention of terrorizing the government machinery and the people in general terrorists warned of further intensification of their attacks if Afzal is not pardoned.

As mercy petitioners terrorists are also raising fingers on the Indian judicial system and its ‘secular’ fabric. Why they are with Congress, CPM and other fake seculars to give the real definition of secularism.

(7) Is Peace process with Pakistan depends on Afzal?
There is no doubt that Afzal is a LeT trained terrorist who attacked parliament of India on the guidance of Pakistan.

There is a report from Islamabad that If New Delhi goes ahead with the execution of Muhammad Afzal Guru, it would have very serious implications for the ongoing peace process between India and Pakistan, said Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement (JKPM), Ghulam Ahmad Mir.

(8)Vote bank Politics to make insecure the country and its people
People at the ministry level or from the Congress are just thinking about themselves and of the benefit to their party. They do not seem to be concerned with innocent people and the soldiers who are standing on the borders of our country to give us peaceful and secure life

(9) Terror attack on judges by Farooq Abdulla
Farooq Abdullah says "You want to hang him, go ahead hang him but the consequences of hanging you must remember... Judges will need to be protected like anything; some crook will come and will murder them".

Nehru Sheikh Abdulla nexus
In the past Pt Nehru on the advice of Sheikh Abdullah accepted cease fire and Kashmir issue went to UNO. Even he made a plan so only dead body of Dr. Shyam Prasad Mukrjee could be come back from Kashmir. Atal Behari Vajpayee has already disclosed this publicly. Subhash Chandra Bose was not killed in accident. He was also murdered under the conspiracy. Truth could not come due to the Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Files related to the death of Subhash had been hided by them to say that those were not traceable. I have given so many details for that in my past article. Are these were the greatness of the world leader?

This is true that he not only divided Kashmir but also divided Married couple Indira Gandhi and Phiroze Gandhi to make them separate. He did so only to groom Indira for future PM of India. Sonia is also doing same crime to make separation between Colubian girl and Rahul Gandh to groom Rahuk for the future PM of India because in India only Gandhi dynasty is a reserved caste to rule. Sonia Gandhi made husband of Priyanka Vadera an enemy of his own father who was died in that shock after that. Sonia’s marriage was also wonderful. Her father, follower of Mussoline neither attended marriage of her daughter nor he came in India in his life.

Sonia’s game to divide India
Sonia Gandhi herself doesn’t come in the front. She played the game of dividing India in hidden way. Now Congress through J&K CM Gulam of Afzal follows Nehru. Congress itself is knowingly or unknowingly internationalized the ‘Afzal’ issue. Foolish UPA government push the whole Kashmir in a death well by ‘save afzal’ move. I want to hear from the viewers: Do terrorists their supporter, separatists, infiltrators, insurgents, naxalites and other thses type of anti-India elements whose names have been enclosed in the voter list support the Congress and its allies or others?

By Premendra Agrawal


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