
Monday, October 16, 2006

Farooq Gulam Terror: Congress & OSHO

Rajneesh wished to sink his Sin think-tank Followers turned it in OSHO. Gandhi last wish to finish congress was unfulfilled but wishes of Afzal loyalists are being fulfilled to abolish the Congress.
* Rajneesh had dropped the title Bhagwan and, later, even the name Rajneesh
Nehru accepted partition to make Congress his property.
And thus both Rajneesh and Mahatma Gandhi forced to see their life full deaths.

Instead of Gandhi wish of Farooq Gulam of Afzal is being fulfilled
Gandhi’s last wish was to abolish the ‘Congress’. Last wish of hanging accused is heard. And now India is going to write a new history to fulfill the wishes of the sympathizers for such hanging terrorist who himself did not ask for mercy. But last wish of Gandhi was not fulfilled

Farooq Abdullah, made in a television interview that the whole of Kashmir would go up in flames if Mohammed Afzal Guru is hanged for conspiring in the attack on Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001. How his father Sheikh Abdulla was a brother of Nehru, he should know better. How on behalf of Nehru Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee was murdered and how on the advice of his father Pt Nehru stabbed the knife on the chest of Bharatmata to accept ceasefire when Indian army was stepping forward to recapture the remaining portion which was now being called PoK. Farooq spent his most life in England and time to time came here to rule the J&K.

PDP took birth to support terrorists and on the basis of their support it ruled with Congress in J&K. Now defeated Farooq wants to recapture the power to support terrorists. Farooq Gulam and others are doing competition for this traitorous act.

Burning effigies of Ram Sita Hanuman
Indira Gandhi’ ‘Monkey sena’ was for getting freedom of India but now congress wants to convert it in ‘Ravana sena’. Experiment was done in the Bhatinda of Punjab as reported on Oct. 3: Police have registered a case against three persons for allegedly burning effigies of Lord Rama, Sita and Hanuman during Dussehra at a village here; instead of Ravana means Farooq Abudullah, Gulam Nabi Azad, CPM, PDP and congress leaders who are wiping for Afzal.

Mysterious Manmohan 'invisible' in UK
Manmohan Sigh of Punjab called Italian as a tallest leader. He sings Mohe Rang de Itali instead of Mohe Rang De Basanti, Five-year-old Garvit, a student of Punjab has astonished everyone with his ability to recite verses from the Bhagawad Gita. But Dr.Singh is learning in his old age Italian Sonia Bhakti.
Today TOI reported:” Manmohan Singh came, saw and stayed mysteriously hidden. It was almost as if the Indian prime minister were in purdah. Singh might have been wearing the full veil or niqab. He was practically invisible. Britain hardly knew he was in the country,”

Gandhi did not want to fight war by non-violence
October 1899 until 31 May 1902: Mahatma Gandhi did not want to fight war through Non-Violence. At the onset of the South African War, Gandhi argued that Indians must support the war effort in order to legitimize their claims to full citizenship.

World War II broke out in 1939 when Nazi Germany invaded Poland Initially, Gandhi had favored offering "non-violent moral support" to the British effort, but other Congress leaders were offended by the unilateral inclusion of India into the war, without consultation of the people's representatives.

Don’t forget sacrifices of others: Sudarshan jee
At an RSS rally in Varanasi, Sudershan said, "The Quit India movement could not realize the objective of freedom from British rule as it took several more years to rid our self from the colonial yoke." He further added "The Congress has no right to claim itself as the only nationalist force which had waged a battle for freedom of our country from British rule...The RSS and other nationalist forces had also participated actively in the freedom movement,"

In fact pre-independence Congress was not the property of only Nehru Gandhi dynasty. Tilak, Veer Savarkar, Subhash, Bhagat Singh who are now is being called terrorists in HRD Ministry’s ECERT books. This can be written only by the traitors.

In January 1990, Osho passed from his body instructing his physician to place his favorite socks and hat on him. When asked what they should do with him after he died, he said simply, “Stick me under the bed and forget about me.”

Mahatma Gandhi was also thought that it would be better if Mahatma’s so called fake followers forgot him. But his selfish Anti-Hindu followers are crushing his soul to show Mahatma in a false shape. They made him a symbol of joke Gandhigiri. Now Bablu Srivastav, Abu Salem, Sanjay Dutt will teach us Gandhigiri.

Rajneesh Sheela & Gandhi Nehru
* The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known simply as Osho) was born Chandra Mohan Jain in the village of Kuchwada in Madhya Pradesh on 11 December 1931. He taught briefly at a Sanskrit university, Raipur (City of this article’s author) and began traveling the country teaching. By the early 60’s he was conducting large meditation camps.
In 1970, Rajneeshs settled in Bombay.

Later, Rajneesh flew to the United States.

Ma Anand Sheela and her band of loyal supporters ran the Rajneeshpuram, with an extremely heavy hand. Sheela and her coterie of female managers, known collectively as the “Mas,” created what Rajneesh himself would later refer to as “a fascist concentration camp.”

Did Mahatma Gandhi’s Congress Pt Jawaharlal Nehru not act as Ma Anand Sheela? Nehru was the trustee of the “a fascist concentration camp,” as referred by Rajaneesh for Ma Sheela.

* Gandhi’s on silence for the deeds of Nehru became a disaster for India as Bhagwan’s own silence lent de facto support to Sheela’s transformation of the movement.

In Gandhi’s Congress Nehru was the wholesole authority as Sheela in Rajneesh ashram. Gandhi had allergy with Subhash Chandra Bose like leaders. He was partial for Nehru.

* In September 1985, Sheela and a small group of core supporters abruptly left the commune for Europe. Rajneesh in a 17 July 1985 interviewed with Good Morning America. “I insistently emphasize that they are not my followers, but only fellow travelers.”

In America he was hero as well as in the last prisoner. Rajneesh entered his plea on two counts of immigration fraud and agreed to pay $400,000 fine. After getting said amt Dave Frohnmeyer agreed to drop all RICO charges against the corporations. (Carter, pp. 236-238).

* Sannyasins of Rajneesh Ashram in India finally reached a settlement with the Indian government concerning back taxes on the Pune ashram and Rajneesh returned to his homeland.

Gandhigiri & Red Light Area in Gandhi Name
Red-light Road of Durban S.A. named after Gandhi. Manmohan recently went South Africa but did not protest for this.

Congress is now a defeated force
“har roz har pal…baar baar apne haathon se gala ghot kar mara hai. par mujhe koi dukh nahi (everytime i killed gandhi). Let’s remind this Anupam Kher’s movie as a lesson!
A beautiful poem of Harivanshrai Bachhan in this movie’s theme is:
Don't run away from the 'playground' of strugglesAccolades are never won by not doing anythingPeople who show courage are never defeated.

Sonia Gandhi representing Ma Anand Sheela
The course of the 1990’s, Rajneesh, now packaged as Osho. His ashram in Pune transformed into a meditation resort (complete with an air-conditioned modern hotel and zennis courts) is now, once again, a popular destination for Western seekers.

The Indian government, once his adversary, now respects the potential tourist dollars represented by Osho and his resort. The library of the Indian congress has established a separate Osho collection, an honor only held by one other, Mahatma Ghandi. The Times of India named Osho one of its 10 most influential Indians of the 20th century.

He often spoke of the mechanism that led from a Buddha to the creation of a religion and how that process destroyed the religiousness of the teaching. I think that the Oregon experiment was an attempt by Rajneesh to facilitate this process through the simulated death of his silence and ceding control to Sheela.

He often spoke of the mechanism that led from a Buddha to the creation of a religion and how that process destroyed the religiousness of the teaching. I think that the Oregon experiment was an attempt by Rajneesh to facilitate this process through the simulated death of his silence and ceding control to Sheela as called by Rajneesh to her “fellow travelers,”.

Sonia Gandhi is at present thoroughly representing Ma Anand Sheela a modern Sanyasin.

By Premendra Agrawal


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