
Monday, October 16, 2006

Fake Media Human Right leaders’ War against India

TOI editorial against army, Bofors to War Room Leak, one sided love with Mush for joint terror mechanism, Indo-US Nuke deal, tears for Afzal are war on India to read Supreme Court & Guj HC Decisions

Media friend Mayank Jain of 'Asian Tribune' told me on Oct 13,” Are some of our editors on the pay roll of the ISI? Pl sees pasted below yesterday’s editorial in the Times of India. After I read the article I thought that I was reading ‘The Times of Pakistan’,” I myself agree with him after reading at:

TOI editorial includes: “There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. People of Nagaland, Manipur and Kashmir will tell you how army presence has stripped their lives of dignity and meaning. …..The army in these regions provokes more violence than it claims to suppress, because that is the nature of the beast…..

India is the world's largest democracy, but with a remarkably militarised state. Two million children in India below the age of five die every year, yet the defence budget remains a holy cow. …..To legitimise defence, a mere euphemism for war, is to accept the curtailment of basic entitlements and freedoms…..” besides the other most objectional thinking.

If we see the policies and acts of fake secular media leaders and human right and its activists then we have been force to say there is clear-cut revolt against the sovereignty of India. Question here is who will be Vibhishan in the Lanka of Ravan?

Duty, Honor, Country are more than words. Those three words co-joined represent the essence of what is good and "different."
All those who seek to undermine military action for partisan advantage do so, on the foundation of efforts and sacrifices of the soldier.Father Denis O'Brian, USMC noted: It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

The said editorial of TOI is a revolt against India. This is not the first time. I recall another editorial of Diliip Padgaonkar in which he argued that Gujarat police encountered against human right. He said Human Right Commission should take action against the police who had gunned down innocent girl Ishrat. Actutally she was a terrorist affiliated to LeT. The same Dileep Padgaonkar said in the praise of Italian that her becoming prime minister would be in tune 'with the highest Vedantic ideals'. Vir Sanghvi of Hindustan Times and ohers were also not behind to worship Sonia. Columnist Prem Shankar Jha wrote an article in a newspaper of Gulf country that after adopting Hindutva ideology by BJP there is possibility of further communal riots like Gujarat in future. It is not the insult of ‘Hindutva’ only it is the insult of India.

I wrote in this month another article on: “TOI poll says: Want to be reborn in your country?: under the title “TOI poll & Sonia’s reborn in India or Rome?”

I appreciate TOI when it first reported that at the time when Manmohan Singh was getting Doctorate degree from the Cambridge, and the same Cambridge was deleting the same time the Teaching course of Sanskrit and Hindi for the under graduate students of the Cambridge. Immediately I wrote an article on that titled: “Cambridge honored Dr. Singh to close door on Sanskrit, Hindi”

War Room Leak Bofors and TOI editorial
Glue that links all scams in the last two decades: Gandhis Curious connection of Abhishek Verma in Navy War Room Leak, Natwar in Oil for Food & Quattrocchi in bofors scams, Daud with Vincent George.

The Delhi Police after the complaint lodged by Abhishek Verma, had quizzed Vincent George former secretary of Sonia Gandhi on his possible underworld Don Daud links.

In reality, Abhishek Verma was former Asst Enorcement Diretor Ashok Agrawal’s "spotter" -- a term used in the Mumbai underworld. They are squealing not only against each other but against a large number of political notables in the capital who may have been their friends such as Ashok Jain, J.K.Jain, Badjatya, S.N. Johri and Amit Burman owner of the Dabur. J.K.Jain is the owner of Jain TV, a private television channel. Ashok Agrawal collected political commission also being PS to Union mines Minister Balram Singh Yadav.

A letter written by Abhishek Verma to the CBI says that he came under extreme political pressure from Congress bigwigs to withdraw his statements under oath involving Aggarwal.

The leaders, who had reportedly approached him, or his mother, include senior Congress leader Arjun Singh, party MPs Mabel Rebello, Suresh Pachouri, R. Sambasiva Rao and Santosh Bagrodia, and party spokesman Ajit Jogi. Most leaders who have been mentioned, however, say that they visited Veena Verma routinely.
"The late Srikant Verma and I hail from the same village. It is but natural that I'll visit Srikant's widow," Jogi says.

Vincent George former secretary of Sonia Gandhi however doesn't deny his "social acquaintance" with Ashok Agrawal and Abhishek Verma. Thanks to his crucial post, George has no dearth of admirers in the party. Still, it is embarrassing for the Congress to even admit that Agrawall, a tainted officer, Abhishek Verma a most corrupt son of Congress MP enjoyed close access to the Congress president's household staff.

Congress treasurer since July 2000, Motilal Vora is close to Verma Family. They held from Chhattisgarh. The telephone conversation recordings exist of conversation between Vora and Abhishek Verma regarding the submarine deal. Verma spoke to Motilal Vora, the Congress treasurer, at 1.33 pm on May 28, 2005

Why Sonia instructed Defense Minister to sign the deal?
According to media allegations the deal was opposed by the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC), Finance Minister Chidambaram, and the Prime Minister. Nevertheless French Scorpene submarine deal was signed by the Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee. Should not Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh be questioned why the deal was signed?

E-mail exchanges between Verma and his associates to imply that he had access to information available only to the Prime Minister, defense minister and the chief of naval staff. They quoted the e-mails and phone records to implicate Manmohan Singh and Sonia. Quoting the e-mails, they cited a reference to a “certain lady” in the Congress.
“Even after a meeting with the RM (Raksha Mantri), Thales (the French partner in Armaris) would want an assurance directly from the lady,” said Verma in the alleged e-mail.

War Room Leak bigger than Bofors
CBI gave five months to the accused to destroy evidence? As Bofors this scandal facts will be also thrown in the dust bin.

4 percent commission on the contract amount-between Rs. 500- Rs. 700 crores- makes the Scorpene payoff by far the biggest defense scandal so far, one that is far bigger than Bofors.

Full details can be found on my article at:

I hope that as the founder of TOI from 1838 to 1950 served the interest of British residents but the present owners Indu Jain and Vineet Jain will now serve the interest of India. The editorial of Oct 12 is only serve the interestof Musharraf and separatist, insurgent groups of North East provinces only.

Yellow Journalism
When I was publishing Hindi weekly in my student life then Sharad Yadav President of JD(U) was also publishing weekly from Jabalpur. At that time I heard the name of ‘yellow journalism’ which was labeled against the small individually owned city based weeklies. Now I wondered to know that India’s most reputed newspapers not only TOI are coninuing yellow journalism.

I heard that plagiarism is also in the TOI. It is actually a crime against the intelligensia. I heard about this also in my young age. For example Rajkamal Prakashan ltd of Delhi published the name in a fake pseudo name. That publication did not give the name of actual writer. So poor writer get only labour charge and popularity was gone to the publisher.

I wondered the same policy has been adopted by Christian Missionaries and such politicians who are either non-Indian such as Sonia Gandhi or Indian such as Ajit Jogi, Arundhati Roy and Teesta Setalwad but against the Indianess.

The TOI has at times been panned for its unabashed promotion of inhouse brands owned by its parent company, M/s Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd, (such as Femina, Radio Mirchi, Planet M, Times Music). I personally have no objection for that. But TOI should not promote terrorism, separatist, insurgents and religious convertors as the editorial of Oct 12 was written to fulfill this.

Sensational News Story
Publishing sensational news story is also the job of small city based newspapers. Reputed paers such as Times of India and Indian Express should also avoid this.

Emergency Supporters
Its whole-hearted approval of Indira Gandhi's excessive repression measures during the internal Emergency in the 1970s is not lost on political observers. Since the 1980s and early 1990s, the Times of India has consistently produced some of the country's finest journalists. CPI was also openly supported Emergency and CPM supported it ‘sharma sharma ke’ with hesitation. There are so many loyalist of 10 Janpath who soupported emergency. Naveen Chawla and Vidhya Charan Shukla are among them.

We should buried fake secular communal human right words
I have personally regard and sympathy towards late Ashok Jain. Unnecessarily harassment should not be given. But ‘Human Right’ word as ‘secular’ ‘leader’ words has become an insulted word now days. Many business men don’t want to be called as ‘Sethji’. This word has also become and insulted word.

Owners of the TOI are defamed due to the human activists and for barking ‘Human Rights’ which is still continue. One human activist in the bigfight of Rajdeep said that the terrorists who attacked narendra Modi should not be called terrorist because they wanted to kill Modi in revenge. These types of cheap human activists are in the market to be sold themselves as animal in the animal market.

Now the words ‘secularism’ ‘communal‘ ‘Human Rights’ ‘human Activits’ ‘NGO’ ‘Renounce’ ‘Desh ki bahu’ etc. have become the words of traitors. So these should be buried and new words should be publicized in real sense. One organization told me that they change their email id with in every three months to stop the fraud. The same situation comes in the above mentioned words.

By Premendra Agrawal


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