
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is Macaulay our PM; Stay Hanging Tributes to Martyrs

Worshipper of Golden Temple dared to speak in Oxford golden words “India’s experience with Britain had benefited too” to forget Jaliawala Bagh. Now he is joyous to remind his slavery days in Cambridge

Congress led Govt tributes martyrs and honor Supreme Court to stay hanging of Afzal.

Is alumi of Cambridge Manmohan Singh follower of his predecessors other alumis Lord Macaulay and Mohammed Iqbal who were greatest enemies of India?

Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay (1800-1859) Historian’s followers are now writing history of India to enter in HRD Ministry’s NCERT and IGNOU.

Mohammed Iqbal: Right hand of Jinnah to divide India on the basis of two nation theory through the Muslim League which is still taking breadth in India and sharing power in the Central Govt with the Congress.

As a chief guest of the Jamia Millia Islamia's convocation the President A.P.J. Kalam quoted Macaulay's 1835 speech in British Parliament, 'I do not think we would ever conquer this country (India), unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.'"

Macaulayites Congress leaders
Macaulay's biographer G.D. Trevelyan wrote: "A new India was born in 1835. The very foundations of her ancient civilization began to rock and sway. Pillar after pillar in the edifice came crashing down."

Now remaining Macaulayites Congress leaders want to born a new India to ruin our glorious ancient civilization as described by the Supreme court in its various judgements and Foremer President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Manmohan should follow Bugti a Oxford Alumi
Oxford-educated tribal chieftain Baloch freedom fighter Bugti became vociferously critical of the military dictatorship after General Musharraf assumed power in a bloodless coup on 12 October 1999. Bugti's key legacy lies in his patriotic death, and in Musharraf's apparent miscalculation of the tribal elder's popularity.

Wilful betrayal implies some sort of hatred
At the time of praising Oxford and Cambridge he feels shame to mention our historical Institutions which are now being made ‘camp of gundaism’ by the congress and comrades. There are three notable Oxford alumni of India: Indira Gandhi, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan president 1962-67 and Manmohan Singh. Manmohan Sinh should read Radha Krishnan what he said about Hindutva and Hinduism. Is India made by Oxbridge returns? I never say patriots to those who are unable to see their inner side.

I recall an incident. Before 40 years in my young age I was puzzled to run press and to publish my Hindi weekly. Every time I needed money from my father to run these. The principal of the school in which I was the student was helping nature to me. He guided me and said that I saw always outside towards your father instead of your innerside. He asked me to make a list of such persons to whom I had to recover bills agaisnt ad or statinoery . I made a list and I went to collect money. I wondered that I had collected much recovcery. Our govt looks always abroad instead of to develop our resourses.

If PM is still slaves of British Rule then he should resign atonce
Christian Missionaries are giving good education to call spirit of Christ in the schools so they can be converted in Christ in due course. Decoit kidnapped in revenge a son of another, gives him food and education and make him decoit to take the revenge.
A thief snatches money purse of the pocket of a co-passanger. On demand the co-passager is unable to give money for the ticket to the conductor. Then thief in curtsey gives Rupee five note to the conductor for the co-passanger.
Are these praiseable services with good intention? If not then why highly qualified dignatiry says “Cambridge made me”

Salute those who invented Manmohan, Sonia and like other clones!
PM Manmohan Singh’s remarks praising British Raj in Oxford University was a wake up call for nationalists and patriotics. Repeatation of it is today to say “Cambridge made me”. Really he is a mixuture of loyalty to 10 Janpath and slavery for British rule. He is a great freedom fighter along with Sonia Gandhi to blame Hindu organizations.

“When I became the Finance Minister of India in 1991, our Government launched the Indo-British Partnership Initiative.” PM said in the Cambridge. And when he became PM in 2004, his government launched the Ino-Pak partnership to counter terrorism by joint mechanism and wants to sale nuke security and secrecy of India in the hands of America.

“Ghar Phoonk tamasha dekh”
I recall an incident. My friend told me a real story of his uncle. His uncle was too much loyal towards his friends. He took costly things including cash from his home to give his friends. He caught and beaten by elders. Then he called his friends in a certain time in the night out of his home. He threw the cash and other materials from the upper story roof to outside. His friends collected them. Our govt is like that.

Farmers’ suicide
UK is a Christian country but a Catholic queen can’t be heir of the British throne according to the prevailing lawa there but we Indians are the great in the world. Families of the farmers who are doing suicide have loaded Cathoic Christian Italian directed government on their heads. There should be a white paper of Govt how many suicides of farmers were in NDA rule and how many are being now. Sonia say his son says to rule the country is the birth right of Gandhi dynasty. Photo of Rahul Gandhi has been fixed now in the Congress Office along with others who ruins the country. Secular part of fouth pillar media is overlapped by the photos of such leaders. Still they say themselves ‘Buhijivi (intelligencia)’.

Jaggery attracting ants-terrorists
Sonia Gandhi is busy in grooming her son. Manmohan is jumping every where. Monkey cuts a little corner of fruit and throw it. Repeatation of this is the habit of a monkey. Our PM never fulfill any promise or any policy. Luckily he got a sword of PM post. Bad luckily he is wounding the security of our country and safety of our people. His sound and walk is sweet jaggery attracting ants-terrorists.

Change for PM chair
Dr. Singh already said that intead of a politician he is an academic. Then why he should not resign from PM post. Pt Nehru said that he is accidentally Hindu but his name begins with Pt. He never decalred publicly that he was not a Hindu. Even his daughter married Muslim or Parsi but Nehru made her Indira Gandhi to declare her as a Hindu. Nehru was a Kashmiri Pandit but now Kashmiri pandits are in the streets of Delhi as a refugee. How can be possible for me to write here sins and mischiefs of Nehru Gandhi dynasty in this article?

Bureautic PM
“There is External Affairs Minister's vacancy. There is Labour Minister's vacancy. I have to (fill them) and I will do so shortly." - - - Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told journalists on board his special flight while returning from Johannesburg to New Delhi.

Economic Guru why soft for Afzal Guru & other gurus
Drl Singh is soft for Gurus Afzal, Gillani, Afsan and so on. In his tenure Sikh Gurus are insulted in the NCERT books. Leaders such as Jagdish tytler who were accused in the cruel murder of Sikhs are in his cabinet. Natwar Singh has already awarded him his noble words.

On October 26, 2003, the Delhi High Court acquitted two of those convicted - Delhi University professor A R Gellani and Afasan Guru. The High Court upheld the convictions of the other two, Mohhamad Afzal and Shaukat Hussein, and sentenced them to death (ANI). In Supreme Court Shaukat got impriosonment perhaps for 5 years and Afzal awarded the same death penalty.

Somnath Chatterjee Vs Dhanjay Chatterjee
"These brave people had successfully thwarted the attack on the temple of Indian democracy by showing exemplary courage this day three years ago," stated the speaker Somanth Chatterjee on Dec 13, 2004. His CPI (M) wants mercy for Afjal though it did not take such initiative for Dhanajay Chatterjee of W.B. Perhps CPI (M) is impartial and for it Hindu and Muslim equal. “jaat par naa paat par vote lagega …..”

Terrorist Afzal family Vs martyrs family
Security forces had killed all of them in a 45-minute gun battle. One militant died when the bomb wrapped around his body blasted. Seculars have no tears or mercy for the family of those martyrs. NDA allotted the petrole pump to those families. But still most of them moving for getting lands for the petrol pumps. Engineers and officers were red handed caught in taking bribery from these families because of the youth leader Bitta.

By Premendra Agrawal


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