
Monday, October 16, 2006

Mass Conversion: Dynasty cult Suicide

Dynasy Cult suicides are in the tune of Heaven's Gate, Order of the Solar Temple, Peoples Temple - Jones Town, Ten Commandments of God, Scientology, Suicide bombing & World Church of the Creator.

Sometimes all members commit suicide at the same time and place. In other cases, certain denominations apparently supported mass suicide, but did not necessarily encourage all members to do it.

Dynasty Cult suicide is that phenomenon by which Congress and other fake seculars, in this context often referred to as “Secular Forces” which actually should be called "Dynasty Cult", have led to their members and their blind followers political and religious suicide.

Peoples Temple (Jim Jones)
In November 1978, 914 American followers of Jim Jones died in a mass murder/suicide in Jonestown, Guyana.
Some of them said that they kill themselves while casting it as a political act: "We didn't commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world."

Congress and other fake seculars think that they can’t live with communal, caste based, intolrent outsiders’ Hindus. Hindus wants to convert others forcefully means want to hang others in public places. Hedgewar Bhavan of RSS at Nagpur is for this reason. Non-Hindus Sonia, Arjun have no evils like these. So fake seculars will live with christianity and Islam other wise make suicide. Fake Seculars convertors made one more experiment in Nagpur.

Local Guyanese, including a police official, related horror stories about harsh beatings and a "torture hole," a well. Jones had terrified the children by making them believe that there was a monster living at the bottom of the well, which was in fact Jones's henchman who pulled and tugged the children's legs as they descended into the well.
The mass suicides that were to make Jonestown notorious were rehearsed during so called "white nights." In an affidavit, Peoples Temple defector Deborah Layton wrote that during one of these white nights, people were told that they would die, and were forced to drink unsweetened Flavor Aid that they were told contained poison. The few who were hesitant to drnk were engaged in a debate and quickly complied. Only after everyone drank the concoction were they informed that there was no poison, and that it was all just a test of loyalty and faith in Jones. This is where the phrase, "drinking the kool-aid" come from.
What type of Gandhi dynasty loyalty test is taken in 10 Janpath? “Yah andar ki baat hai”

Jonestown itself became a "ghost town" after 1978 and was mostly destroyed by a fire in the mid-1980s, after which the ruins were left to decay. In 1987, The Jonestown Carnage: A CIA Crime (1978) by S.F. Alinin, B.G. Antonov and A.N. Itskov was published in the USSR. The book says Jones' group was not religious but rather socialist, opposing imperialism and the US government. The Soviet embassy head in Guyana, Feodor Timofeyev, visited Jonestown earlier in 1978, praising it for being a socialist haven, wagging its collective finger in the face of the US government.

Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
On March 17, 2000, between 780 and 1000 members of the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God died in a probable mass suicide in Uganda.

The group had splintered from (Sonia Maino’s) Roman Catholicism to emphasize apocalypticism and alleged Marian apparitions. They also deemed the wider world to be corrupt as Fernadis and other NDA leaders’ scams Bofors, Oil for Food, Wheat Import, War Room Leak etc , seeing themselves including Congress and its President Sonia Gandhi as a Noah's Ark of purity renounceful.

Curiously, the group had a feast that involved large quantities of Coca-Cola and beef before dying.

Solar Temple
From 1994 to 1997, the Order of the Solar Temple's members became so paranoid they began a series of mass suicides. some members had personally donated over $1 million to the cult's leader, Joseph Di Mambro.

India has largest numbers millionaries and foreign sponsored so many uncounted invisible millionaris. They want to donate fake secular parties to suicide.

Heaven's Gate
On March 26, 1997, 39 followers believed that they were merely "exiting their human vehicles" so that their souls could go on a journey aboard a spaceship they believed to be following comet Hale-Bopp.

For getting heaven’s get fake seculars in the past rallied in the Ramlila ground or Delhi and yesterday on Oct 14 at Nagpur.

World Church of the Creator
Ben Klassen formed the white supremacist group currently called the Creativity Movement. He wrote a book called The White Man's Bible which called suicide "an honorable and dignified way to die for any ... of a number of reasons, such as having come to the decision that life is no longer worthwhile." After the death of his wife he practiced what he preached and committed suicide.

Are Congressmen sheeps to follow sucide? At the time of Sonia’s first renouce of PM post so many fake congressmen wnted to make fake suicide? So there was not a single FIR against them.

A considerably weaker suspicion indicates Scientology caused a number of suicides actively, or through negligence. For example, according to Flo Conway, a researcher at the University of Oregon, Scientologists are taught that if they abandon the "church" they will soon kill themselves or have a serious illness or accident.

Now Christian Sonia and athesist marxists CPM leaders are going temples for getting vote. If they abandon this-drama then they will be now where.

Some argue that martyrdom, as found in religions such as Christianity or Islam, is tantamount to suicide. This argument states that by accepting or even inviting their own death the martyr is committing something like assisted suicide.

Most mainstream religions traditionally forbid members to take their own lives.

Martyrdom generally involves losing one's life, usually passively, at the hands of non-believers because of one's religious beliefs or practices.
Jehad has strongly encouraged many Muslims to accept a theology in which becoming a suicide bomber is not considered suicide. Instead it is described by the extremists as a "martyrdom operation" of a ‘Holy war’.

Madams tear for Afzal
As a Booker Prize winner, Arundhati Roy has finished one day tour for the contempt of Supreme Court. Contempt action was also initiated against Medha Patkar and advocate Prashant Bhushan in 2000. Arundhati and Patkar have showed their tearful eyes in the news channels.

Muslim body asks Ulemas to back Guru`s death sentence
Bhopal, Oct 13: A Muslim organisation ‘Nationalist Muslim movement’ today said Ulemas have been issuing fatwas on various issues from time to time and now they should issue a fatwa backing the death sentence for Guru for his role in the 2001 Parliament attack, despite the mercy plea for him.

Political Suicide in Ramlila Ground
On the blessing of Catholic Christian Sonia by the initiative of Udit Raj and D’Souza there was a demonstration of religious mass suicide, At Nagpur.

Udit Raj, and Maulana Madani of Jamiat-Ulama-e-Hind, have come together to form the Save India Front (SIF) On May 2, the SIF held a rally at the Ramlila Maidan at Delhi which was presided by Sonia Gandhi. They promised to make it a ''mammoth'' demonstration against the Sangh Parivar. After banned SIMI, now the activities of JuH and Tablighi jamaat are also under the scanning. The demand of proportional representation of Muslims in legislatures made by the JuH in a rally in Delhi’s Ram Lila Grounds acquired salience because it was attended by the Congress party president, Sonia Gandhi. This type of demand is encouraged by Sonia Gandhi to push Congress towards political suicide. American sponsored Christian Non-Dalit D’Souza mixed up in this ‘band party’.

Rally of Oct 14, 2006 at Nagpur was in the above said line to encourage poor Hindus for doing mass political suicide in the name of conversion.

"You are no more a Hindu. Say you will not worship any Hindu god or goddess. Say I will never go to a temple," Conversion rally was for over 500 in the partnership of Dalit Udit raj and Christian D’Souza of All India Christian Counci. Along with the people converted to Buddhism over 500 others embraced Christianity by taking dips in a makeshift pool as part of the baptism process.

Secular Sucide to oppose Conversion Bill
Are Hindus of Congress going to be convert in Christinity in the organized way as Bhajanlal done in Haryana by ‘whole sale Dal Badal’? Why they as Pope oppose ‘law against forcefully conversion’ bill?

Activists burnt a copy of Gujarat's anti-conversion law to say, “Sonia Gandhi opposes Anti Conversion Bills”

Dalit Freedom Network [DFN] is an umbrella of most rabidly Hindu-hating ‘Dalit’ activists like Udit Raj and Kancha Ilaiah. If you call their toll-free number 1-866-921-1333, a Caucasian American will answer the call from Colorado. Ask for their contact information in India, and she will direct you to the All India Christian Council [AICC]!

Original Indian Maya Vs Duplicate Indian Sonia

As reported from the same NAGPUR and on the same day: BSP leader Mayawati on Saturday doused cold water on the mass conversion rally organised by All-India Christian Council and All-India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations on World Freedom of Religion Day by marching off and holding a parallel meeting which attracted huge crowd. Contrary to expectations of thousands of Dalits embracing either Buddhism on Christianity, only around 600 people changed their religion. She told a crowd of 40,000, unprecedented in non-election season, that she would not convert till she achieved the goal of becoming the first Dalit prime minister of India.

Is Dalit Hindu Mayavati is not better than Italinan Catholic Christian lady Sonia Gandhi? Only BJP can fulfill the dream of Mayavati as it did in the past to make her as CM of UP. Is Hindu or Buddhist PM better or Christian? Is PM should be Indian origin or duplicate Indian? BSP slogan should be Sonia bhagao, Maya lao. BJP slogan should be: Deshi lao Videshi Bhagao. Bole so nihal: ”Original chahiye, duplicate nakko”

By Premendra Agrawal


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