
Sunday, October 22, 2006

No Ajmer Sharif bless for Pak Cricket victory

Are we slaves? Are we sheeps? Do we want to see another emergency? If that happens, Jaipraksh will come. Will sites be blocked & bloggers be hanged instead of Afzal? Don’t think again to censor media

Congress thinks that 10 Janpath’s loyalist Naveen Chawala will conduct the general election of 2009 as an Chief Election Commissioner, so it is safe. It is on wrong foot. At the time of emergency Chawala was with Indira Gandhi and what he did Shah Commission mentioned all those in its report.

Do we respect the law of land or the constitution of India? If yes then why Sonia Gandhi and Congress can give bad name to Hindus by false propaganda and Hindus have no right to give answer to these propagandists.

I received few messages for stopping to cricticize Sonia Gandhi and Congress. In the current year before April 2006 my blog posting were

At that time titles of my posting were highlighted in the front page of the blog box of TOI. Christian and anti-national lobby was in jealous mood. They gave ‘supari’ to the mole in the TOI or to the hacker to defame me. They stole my passward and in my name in my blog posted that I had been converted to Christ. And that mentioned below my many postings that I was making apology to write those articles. After that I named the blog
And since that change not a single title of my article placed in front page of TOI. I am not greedy for this. Because I know every where there are lobbies. Not a single party or newpaper untouchable for this. This is not my job to think for this.
That was the ‘Freedom of expression’, which was given to those culprits. I am an ordinary but awaken citizen, if the 10 Janpath loyalists could behave like that with a citizen then what they can’t do with George Fernadis and others.

There is news published on Sept 19, 2006 titled ‘Sonia steps in to stop web 'slander' on Feroze Gandhi’ at:
My one posting of May 17, 2006 titled “Gandhigiri and Red Light Road named after Gandhi’ is as blog. Sub headings are: “Gandhigiri” & Red-light Road named after Gandhi; Politician ordered by Court to read Gandhi; Why not ‘Sorry Gandhi’ - Satyagraha movement’s 100 years later; Has Mahatma Gandhi better place in India than S. Africa; and last sub heading is: Stealing ‘Gandhi’ surname. My whole article is with facts not a single word is without facts. Text of subheading “Stealing ‘Gandhi’ surname” start with ‘Is anywhere contradiction of the following?’ After that I sighted few websites related to Mahatma Gandhi and other Gandhis dynasties.

Still people want to know about ‘Nehru Gandhi dynasty’ because it ruled more than 50 years and still is ruling the country. It never co-operate to other 7-8 years ruling. This dynasty is not property of any individual. It belongs to India. People want to go through the movie of Anupam Kher “Maine Gandhi ko nahen maraa’. Godse killed Gandhi only one time but ‘“har roz har pal…baar baar apne haathon se gala ghot kar mara hai. par mujhe koi dukh nahi (everytime i killed gandhi).’ Every citizen has right to search and discuss about this crime. I tried to find out that truth in my article. If any, one has objection than he has liberty in India to contradict by giving the facts.

Nehru and Gandhi are public figures. So we Indians have right to discuss, not necessarily as the goggle of Sonia Gandhi or Congress. Discussions should be with facts and impartial, not nececssarily in the line of Natwar Singh who says that he is the blind follower of Nehru Gandhi dynasty. People can write that this dynasty belong to Sonia and Menka Gandhi both. How can go on Congress line, “One is Italian so she is deshi bahu and another is videshi so she is deshi bahu”? How can we differnciate between Rahul and Varun Gandhi. Yes we can diffenciate. One is walking on the wheel chair of Gandhi dynasty and another is running in his own way with his own self confidence.

Dynasty or individual should be known by their acts instead of name. At the moment every fake secular leader is running against the especialities of their names. Lalu is not lallu. Arjun’ bows are not on target. Digvijay is nowhere in victory. Renowned journalist N Ram is totally against for Ram temple on the birth place of Ram. The Hindu and Hindustan Daily papers are anti-Hindu. Ramvilas goes against the Ram of Ayodhya. Sitaram Yechury and Somnath da are atheists so ‘No Sitaram bhajman and No Somnath temple worshipping. Question arises why they are not changing their name as per their acts and principles. I myself changed my name by giving affidavit. So, many people think that they want to deceive the Hindus who follow Hinduism and hindutva as defined by Supreme Courtk, described by former President Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan and the tradition of sanatan India.

Pt Nehru was Kashmiri Padit. No one wants to see him in this angle. Karn Sinh belongs to Maharaja of Kashmir. But most Kashmiri Pandits have been made by Congress government as refugees. They are moving on the streets of Delhi and those who are not caste of Nehru are living in VVimp bungalows. What they did for refugee Kashmiri pandits?

The Congress spokesperson praises Sonia Gandhi and Congress. But his father has different opinion. Idealogy of Somnath Chatterjee is Marxist but his father was a reputed leader for a certain time of Hindu Maha Sabha. Late Sucheta Kriplani and her husband late Acharya Kriplani might be different in many issues. It does not mean that they are or they were enemies of each other. Sonia Gandhi should know Indian culture of tolerance and democracy.

Who say all Muslims are anti-Hindu or support terrorism? Fake seculars want to make this division for vote bank. Otherwise Muslims are more secular than the congress. Many Muslims wanted fatwa against the fatwa for not singing vademataram. Secular media wants to evoke Muslim community but maelgaon showed that Muslims are not fool. Actor Feroze Khan taught this in the land of Pakistan.

Even in yesterday court decision came on Imarana her father in law convited for 10 year prison. But secular media including electronic channel are trying to know some thing against the decision from the clerics and maulvis. Leaders want only votes and media wants only selling events, made story or real.

In the previous week the Bangladesh cricket team on Saturday paid obeisance at the shrine of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti here and prayed for a good performance in next year's World Cup. There is news in todays ‘Navbharat’ Daily. Pakistani batsman Fizal Iqbal also reached there and wanted the blessing for the victory of Pakistani team from the holy men of Dargah but they refused to do so. Instead they said that they wanted the only victory of Bharat. They are not Congressmen of Patna who worshipped for the victory of Italian football team to keep photo of Sonia Gandhi before them.

I am an independent news analyst. I never was a servant of any. So there is no need now to say ‘yes madam’ or ‘Yes Sir’. I have no ambitious to be a leader so why I will compromise against the interest of India; as BJP Vice-President Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi maintained that the Constitution does not allow reservations to continue for an indefinite period but admitted that no political party has the courage to say that it should not stay for an indefinite period. "There is a provision in the Constitution that it (reservations) should not go on for an indefinite period... a time limit was fixed.

I am not greedy for the publication of my articles in so called high standard news papers. When she was imaging India a country of snakes and elephants, at that time I entered in journalism and published Students Hindi weekly ‘Badhte chalen’ from Delhi as a nationalist with the help of opposite to my ideology comrade renowned journalist former editor of ‘Blitz’ Hindi and at that time the editor of ‘himalaytimes’ fortnightly. Still I regard him though since last two decades I did not meet him. I knew why Indo-China war happened and what comrades said at that time about China. But we were sympathetic to each other and co-operative also.

Now the situation has been changed. After a very long period silence I have started to write. These types of threat don’t block me. They can for a short period block my blogs as they did to block some blogs specially American and Hindu organizations to say that this is being done for not repeating the 7/11 train blasts. They can make fool to say like that to the fake secular media. Time will come very soon if they will repeat such blackish formula then people will teach them. At that time they should not say that they would be the Victim of revenge. This writing is in public domain.
By Premendra Agrawal


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