
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bush Mush in trouble: Jethmalani for terror

Democrats rout Republicans. Jehadi Mush is in Jehadis hit list. MMA to Mush & Leftists to MM & US give headaque. Jethmalani threw arrow of Toll Sikh in air as a Munshi witness said Manu fired in air.

U.S.Mid Poll
26-year old Jay Goyal, Democrat elected from Ohio to defeat Representative Sherrod Brown, a friend of India. In the 87th district in Kansas, Democrat Raj Goyle, 31 has become vitorious. Minnesota State Senator Satveer Chaudhary, a Democrat who represents Fridley, has retained his seat. Though fellow Republicans are facing rout in several states in the US, Congressman Bobby Jindal won the race to Congress from the 1st District in Louisiana. Iowa State Representative Swati Dandekar, 53, won for the third time to the Iowa State Assembly from the 36 District in Marion. Maryland became the first state to send two south Asians to the state legislature when it elected State House Majority Leader Kumar Barve from the 17th District and Saqib Ali from the 39th District. Both are Democrats. Ali is a Pakistani-American.

Tall Sikh: Jethmalani
Jethamalni and Shanti Bhushan are former law ministers. Incidentally, Ram Jethmalani and Shanti Bhushan, both had pleaded Geelani's case in the parliament attack case and got acquittal for him. Ram Jethmalani was pleaded on behalf the Sikh accused of Indira Gandhi murder case.
Both former law ministers could not be able to get punishment for a single person involved in the brutal murders of Sikhs.

Affidavit of Nanavati Commission
Affidavit of Shanti Bhushan s/o
The deponent hereby solemnly affirms and declares as under: -
15. That when I watched the T.V. broadcast of the place where Mrs. Gandhi’s body was lying in state to enable members of the public pay their respect to the departed leader, I also heard slogan on the T.V. “KHOON KA BADLA KHOON SE LENGE” [we shall avenge murder by murder]. When these slogans were being shouted, I noted that Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was present at that place and was bound to have heard these slogans.
16. That I also remember that Shri Rajiv Gandhi had also said in his public speech a few days after the violence that when a big three falls, the earth does shake. It seemed to me that Shri Rajiv Gandhi was describing the massacre of the Sikhs as the shaking of the earth.
19. That the impression that I formed from all the events narrated above was that there were perhaps some instructions from the top not to stop these things for two or three days so that the Sikh community would learn a lesson, and that this must have been the reason for the Home Minister and Law Minister not being able to do anything and feeling helpless.

Jaheera Shaikh Vs Hostile witnesses of Jesica’s Murder case
Why not hostile witnesses of Jessica lal murder case be treated as Jaheera Shekh of Best Bakery case? Where is Teesta Setalwad who got ‘Sadbhavna’ award from Sonia Gandhi? Where is so called human activists, Human Right Commission, secular leaders?

Jessica Lal murder case: All 9 accused acquitted
May 3, 2001: Prosecution suffers setback when key eyewitness Shayan Munshi, turns hostile and fails to identify Manu Sharma as the man who had fired the shot.
May 05, 2001: Witness electrician Shiv Das turns hostile.
May 16, 2001: A third key prosecution witness, Karan Rajput, also turns hostile.
October 12, 2001: Bina Ramani physically identifies Manu Sharma in court as the person whom she had tried to stop
April 12, 2005: Delhi High Court grants regular bail to prime accused Manu Sharma.
February 21, 2006: Court acquits all accused of all charges.

It’s a terrible feeling that you couldn’t do anything to the people who murdered your sister.

As Jethmalani is doing now investing police itself save Manu to make the same false theory in the beginning:

“Additional sessions judge S L Bhayana rejected the prosecution case, already hobbled by hostile witnesses, citing forensic reports that said the two cartridges allegedly recovered from the spot were from two different weapons. In short, the prosecutions case that Manu Sharma — and he alone — fired the bullets that hit Jessica on her temple, thus killing her, fell on its face. The police version and the forensic evidence didn’t tally. It appears that the cartridges used in the murder were altered. Although the gun was never recovered, these cartridges were for some reason sent for Forensic evaluation, where it turned out that they had been fired from different weapons.”

Mush in trouble
A suicide bomber killed 35 Pakistani soldiers at an army training ground on Wednesday in an attack the military in Dargai tribal area northwest of the capital Islamabad, said was linked to a bloody army assault on a militant camp last week. It came nine days after security forces attacked a madrasa, or madarsa, in a nearby tribal area, killing 80 people. Dargai is a stronghold of the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Movement for the Implementation of Mohammad's Sharia Law) militant group. The group, which backs Afghanistan's Taliban, was banned by the government in 2002

The MMA government in NWFP can conveniently use the incident to salvage its dwindling political fortune in the province. Since the Bajaur incident has caused resentment all over Pakistan, other political parties have also condemned it. MMA often supported the Musharraf government at critical moments to sustain existing political arrangements.

The MMA is on bargain mood. The crucial point is that MMA support may not be available to the government at critical moments unless Musharraf steps back from his counter terrorism policy. Mainstream parties too are already on bad terms with the government.
The over all result of the development is that Musharraf is more isolated today than ever before.

MMA in Pakistan & Comminist parties in India
In fact, the Islamic extremist-political parties in Pakistan have always exercised an influence far in excess of the votes they have polled. In a sense, the Islamic extremist parties in Pakistan were like the left parties in India: neither enjoyed much public support but both exercised far greater influence in the political discourse in each country than their electoral performance suggested.

Also, like the left parties in India, the Islamic extremist parties have an antediluvian political and economic philosophy. They both draw inspiration and ideology from texts written in a different time and era and both try to impose a system which has either never existed or existed in an entirely different setting and in a different epoch. Another remarkable similarity between the Indian left and the Pakistani Islamic extremist right is that they are a sort of buffer between the extremist and lunatic fringes on the left (Naxalites) in India and right (jehadis) in Pakistan. And this, in spite the fact that the leftists in India and the religious parties in Pakistan have their sympathy, even close linkages, with the lunatic fringe groups.

U.P. Poll Vs U.S. Poll
’Democrats rout Republicans’ means Mr Bush, with two years of his term remaining, is a lame-duck president with a discredited policy on Iraq and, for the first time, faced with a Congress that will make his life extremely difficult.

Everyone in US considered this mid term poll as a referendum on the Iraq war and on the Bush Administration in general. Senator Hillary Clinton wife of former President Bill Clinton was today re-elected from New York to the US Senate for her second term opening the way for a potential presidential run in 2008. The former American first lady's campaign seemed nothing more than "a dress rehearsal" for her Presidential bid, they said. U.P. Poll results was also the dress rehearsal for the coming assembly elections.

Bush for U.S. & Sonia for India no magic
Laurent Fabius, former French prime minister, said: “Many Americans are realising that Mr Bush lied to them over Iraq.” Ségolène Royal, the Socialists’ presidential frontrunner, said: “America is not just about George Bush”. Loss of so called magic of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi in Raibareily and Amethi in that U.P.Poll means “India is not just about Sonia Gandhi”.

Aiyar Vs Clinton
India is not a poverty stricken nation. My visit will help to correct this wrong impression of my fellow Americans that India is poor." Bill Clinton. Opposite to this our Minister Aiyar was a beggar before the Nowrway Prince and Princess to say publicly “Bhikchham dehi”.

United States pursues its own interests who so ever
It should always remember that the United States pursues its own interests whoever is running Congress or the White House. Bill Clinton may have been an ideological ally of Blair, and a better friend of global multilateralism and the UN than the neocons, but across a swathe of policies, Kyoto, the international criminal court, and the unsanctioned bombing of Iraq, he too sometimes took unilateral actions not so different from the Bushies. When it suited Ronald Reagan to invade Grenada in the 80s, a ridiculous exercise then and now, he failed to tell his friend, Margaret Thatcher.

Why Bush should not have to worry?
Apparently, George Bush's sixth year in power will not be different to that of many of his predecessors - a year of political defeat. In 1938, two years after another Franklin Roosevelt's election victory, the Republicans, his opponents, won 75 seats in the House of Representatives, and thereby effectively blocked the progress of the New Deal. Dwight Eisenhower, a generally popular president, also took a knock in 1958. And there were presidents who had the same experience even earlier - Bill Clinton two years after he was first elected, and Ronald Reagan too.

Fate of Indo-US Nuke Deal and Outsourcing
Former president Bill Clinton brought up the outsourcing issue during his election campaign. Clinton said Republicans support tax breaks that facilitate and sometimes encourage corporations to move jobs overseas. He also faulted Republican- and business-backed tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003, saying they benefit the wealthy.

Pelosi is also a strong supporter of the US-India nuclear deal and India's anti-terrorism efforts, having strongly condemning the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks. She has vowed to closely cooperate with India to combat international terrorism. But, like all Democrats, Pelosi who is set to become the first woman Speaker of the House in American history, has acknowledged in interviews with that she is concerned over outsourcing of American jobs to India and that this is an issue that has to be revisited.

Former President and husband of future President of U.S. Bill Clinton
India will again get a taste of the fabled Bill Clinton charisma when the former US president comes here on a three-day lecture tour towards the end of next month. Clinton will address the India Leadership Summit in the capital Nov 29. He will also go to Bangalore and Mumbai to address the world's top leaders in business, politics and society.

By Premendra Agrawal


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