
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Who want to present Saddam head to whom?

Saddam will be hanged but for whom? Why is PM Sonia Mulayam without Muslim, Sikh body guards? Army and farmer do suicides but not politicians! All jehadi and naxals be freed to make bodyguards of seculars! Leaders are with tomato faces and people in potato faces?

Are ruling leaders half mad? Are they drug addicts? Is poaching with the lives of people hunting game of politicians? Bush is the enemy of Iran but he wants to help to Iran by presenting the head of Sunni Saddam to Shiites who govern now Iraq with the help of America. Why does judgement come just before election in US? Pakistan ruled by Sunni majority is the father and heaven of terrorism but it is a great ally of America and now also of India in “War on Terror”. Three CMs of J & K become the medium of killing of innocent people especially Hindus of J & K. UPA government is being said the elected government by the majority. But in fact it goes against the wishes of majority to appease minority. Soul of India is Hinduism which is being ruined by the fake secular government. Imam Bukhari and Bhimsen of Penthars party and CPM were opposing the death punishment ordered to Saddam. They are more loyal to Iraq than India.

Yesterday Saudi Arabia executed a Paki but Afzal is safe in India
Santosh be hanged. Manu will walk free, said Jethmalani. Afzal should not be hanged: "It has strengthened my body, my will and my love for the freedom struggle. In jail, I used to pray, read books and would exercise to keep myself fit." said Farooq Ahmad Dar, a separatist leader of Kashmir. So Afza should be only in prison as VVIP. "Law enforcing agencies failed, even after 17 years, to frame charges against a person who had killed Kashmiri pandits brutally in cold blood," Panun Kashmir said in a statement.

Is Congress always stood for presenting heads of India’s security?
India and Pakistan opened talks in February 2004 on eight nagging issues including Siachen, where the two fought a bloody battle in 1987. India's million-plus military yesterday cautioned the government against extending concessions to Pakistan on a strategic glacier in disputed Kashmir. "I am sure that security concerns will be kept in mind when any such decisions are arrived at by the government," said army chief General JJ Singh.

Bush Mush sponsored terrorism
If George Bush sponsored terrorism killed 47000 in Iraq then Mush and their fore fathers sponsored terrorism has also been killed 70,000 more than 47,000 in J & K. Bush and Mush are compliments of each other and in terror killing Pakistan is big brother of America.

Employment guarantee to the surrender terrorists
The surrendered terrorists have been given the employment guarantee by the Government. Victims of terrorism have no employment. It is O.K. Is it necessary to employ them in the CRPF and the army or other security wings? Two Pakistan trained surrender terrorists were deputed in the security of PMO house. They are still in CRPF posted at North East Provinces. We have heard about the entrance of ISI sponsored LeT terrorists in the army and even in the air force. Former Defense Minister has already said that ISI men have got the respected space in the every sensitive field of our nation.

Punish the ruling leaders
Fake secular minority government has adopted nonsense policies due to those many soldiers of our army are under depression. So there should be law to punish the ruling leaders for the suicides of soldiers. Farmers are unable to pay loan and unable to give even dry bread to stomachs of their children.

At least 100 Indian soldiers are committing suicide every year and are mainly those fighting insurgents in Kashmir and the northeastern states, according to India's army chief JJ Singh. 'We are planning a pro-active action to analyse and address the problems of shootouts inside some camps of the army. Individual courts of enquiry would pinpoint the specific reasons for such incidents,' said army Chief General J.J. Singh

Infiltration still on, says Army Chief Human rights blamed to soldiers instead of leaders those are responsible or the terrorism, insurgency and murders
Why are Congress CM, former CMs Saeed and Frooq Abdulla and their secular followers not making suicides?

Psychologists and Yoga for Army
Our troops are fighting Islamic militants in Kashmir. Psychiatrists, psychologists and even yoga instructors and film actor and actresses have been sent to the region to help to ease the concerns of troops. Sonia may be a good psychologist because she makes congressmen so wealthy and healthy that they are far away from the suicide to make atmosphere of suicides for the soldiers and farmers. So there should be a regular visit of Sonia Gandhi to BSF and army camps!!

Farmers’ suicide
The suicide toll of farmers has touched 1006 since June last year. Cows are without fodder, farmers without funds. There is a cow but no fodder or maintenance. And what should the poor farmer do with the milk yield without any marketing back-up? So the cow becomes a liability for the Vidarbha farmer who is already under a debt burden. "How can a mere 0.67 per cent of students graduating out of agriculture and veterinary universities change the lot of 65 per cent people engaged in farming in the country?" asked M.C. Varshnya. The share of agriculture in the Union Budget had dwindled from 30 per cent to 12 per cent. Banks are not eager to give loans to rural sector. Water is a liquid gold for the farmers but not proper supply of the water to the fields. Water Canals are being diverted in the roads and now government direction is on gas pipe line. Vilas Rao Deshmukh wanted the help of Sri Sri Ravishankar for mental treatment of the farmers. Sonia of renounce said “Main hoon naa a great saint’!!

Iraqi Court ordered the hanging of former head of the Court!
Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death by hanging today after being convicted of crimes against humanity by a court in Baghdad. As the verdict was delivered a visibly shaken Hussein shouted "God is great" and "Life for the glorious nation, and death to its enemies" His half brother Barzan Ibrahim and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the head of Iraq's former Revolutionary Court, were also sentenced to death by hanging for their part in the killings. The charges relate to the killing of 148 Shias in the village of Dujail in 1982. Saddam's trial heard that he ordered the slaughter in revenge for an assassination attempt.

Last wish of Saddam
Saddam has previously demanded that he be shot "as a military man" should the death penalty be handed down, but the law declares that death should be by hanging.

Sectarian divisions
The discrepancy highlighted sectarian divisions that have turned violent since U.S. forces overthrew Saddam in 2003.

Saddam's fellow Sunnis in his home town, Tikrit, paraded through the streets chanting: "We will avenge you, Saddam." In Sadr City, the Shiite stronghold of north-east Baghdad, youths took to the streets dancing and singing, despite the curfew. They shouted "Long live the people. Long live the nation. Down with the traitors. Down with the invaders." "Death to the enemy of the Iraqi people"
Here in India who are traitors and the invader? Thirs photos should be in the court of public if disallowed to afix in police stations.

Voice of America: Iraq Shi'ites Celebrate Saddam Death Sentence
Iraq's Shi'ite-led government said Saddam Hussein had got what he deserved when an Iraqi court sentenced him to hang, but a senior Sunni Arab member of parliament dismissed Sunday's verdict as political.

"Justice is stronger than its enemies and the law will win," Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite Islamist, said. "... but it may bring some comfort to the families of the martyrs."

Why are Shiites in India unable to praise Supreme Court’s verdict on Afzal’s hanging? May hanging of Afzal doesn’t bring some comfort to the families of the sacrificed security men’s family?

Daily Telegraph reported: Maliki urged his Iraqui countrymen to accept the impending verdict against Saddam Hussein without violence.

Did in India our super pm through her Congress Party’s CM and Congress allies PDP, CPM and NCP not send message for not accepting the Supreme Court verdict to seek mercy for Afzal?

Farooq Abdulla former CM of J & K dared to create terror to the lives of the Supreme Court judges. Politic-drinkers murmur…this is real Gandhigiri.
Fourteen Shiite among them three of Hyderabad were killed in the way of Karbala in Iraq then there were tears in Hyderabad. Their tears are also for Afzal who have been punished by the Supreme Court on the attack on parliament. Are the security forces who sacrificed their lives for the sake of parliamentarians not martyrs? Why Shiite along with Sunnis differentiates hanging of Saddam and Afzal guru? If they are criticizing recent death squad killings including the murdered cleric's son Moqtada al-Sadr, a key supporter of Maliki, and then why are Shiites especially of India’s appreciating stay of Afzal’s hanging?

By Premendra Agrawal


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