
Monday, November 06, 2006

Will Bush divide Iraq to destabilize Arab?

Secular Bush Captured Iraq. Can Bush exist to divide Iraq? Indian fake Seculars follow Iraq to disunite India. Opposite to Congress & CPM, Bukhari frankly says: India is secular because Hindus are in majority

Divide and rule:
It was the policy of British rulers in India, and still effective when it comes to the Arab-Muslim world, which is common with internecine strife that only needs a bit of provocation to come to the surface in violent form.
As to whether this strategy will work, the question is: do we want it to? What "work" means, in this context, is the metastasis of Iraq's civil war? They told us Iraq would be a "model" for the region – what they didn't say is that it would be a "model" of how to destroy an entire civilization.
After British rule in India Congress also adopted the divide and rule policy.

Indian Congress follows American Republicans
In the above context we can say that the same is happening in India. Only actors are different. Here in India actor is Congress instead of Republican Party of America. Congress fooled people especially minority to say India under Congress rule is and would be a "model"– what they didn't say is that it would be a "model" of how to destroy an entire Indian old glorious civilization.

Is Congress half brothers of Christianity?
From Nehru to present Gandhi never accepted their Hindutva identity. Nehru said he was born accidentally as Hindu. Sonia Gandhi says he is Italian Catholic Christian and Hindu to wear saree and to learn Hindi. Saddam’s half brother is also awarded death sentence. Hindu Congress leaders who follow blindly Sonia Gandhi may be called half brothers of Italian Christianity. Antuley is minister to bring Hindus in the minority. Congress is trying to separating Sikh and Jain from Hindutva (not Hindu religion or faith) as it did to misguide Buddhists in the past. Imam Sayed Ahmed Bukhari at the moment won the race of Indianess to say that India is secular because Hindus are in majority. The same version was of former foreign minister of Pakistan when he visited India. He is also well-known economist as Manmohan Singh.

Saddam verdict divided Sunni Shia & Congress on Afzal…
INDIA’S Muslim leaders such as Sunni Imam Sayed Ahmed Bukhari were bitterly divided over the death sentence handed to Saddam Hussein, with a top Sunni cleric criticising the ‘puppet tribunal’ and some Shiites saying he deserved to die. But Congress and its allies’ leaders divide India on Afzal verdict that is punished by SC for attacking on the parliament.

Sheila Dixit makes fool by Issue of Sealing
Fake secular don’t want to follow Supreme Court verdict on Afzal but it will follow Supreme Court verdict on the sealing issue of Delhi traders because mostly of them belongs to BJP. Delhi University has given Doctorate to Sheila Dixit. Is it for making fool to the traders?

Churchill Vs Bush
Winston Churchill, as Britain's Colonial Secretary, created Iraq from the wreckage of the Ottoman Empire in 1921, installing a Sunni Arab King to rule over the Shi'ite majority and a rebellious Kurdish minority. In 2003 Bush not only threw the regime of Saddam the tyrant but also destroyed the institutions--notably the army and the Baath Party--that held Iraq together. The sectarian slaughter that followed the Feb. 22 bombing of the Shi'ite Golden Mosque in Samarra accelerated Iraq's disintegration.

Partition of Iraq: Kurdish, Sunni and Shi'ite states
President George Bush says the U.S.'s goal is a unified and democratic Iraq, but we have no way to get there. As Americans search for answers, the invasion of Iraq smashed the Ba'athist state and split it into three distinct and warring pieces – the Shi'ite south, the infamous Sunni, and Kurdistan

For many Americans, the biggest appeal of partition is that it makes possible a relatively rapid U.S. exit from much of Iraq. US is in much troble to enter in the chkravyuh without knowing how it will come back.

Self Rule for Powerless Central Govt
Iraq's new constitution, approved by 80% of Iraq's voters, is a road map to partition. The constitution allows Iraq's three main groups to establish powerful regions, each with its own government, substantial control over the oil resources in its territory and even its own regional army. Regional law supersedes federal law on almost all matters. The central government is so powerless that, under the constitution, it cannot even impose a tax.
Appeasement policy of the UPA government with the support of Leftists encouraged former CMs of J & K Saeed and Farooq Abdulla to raise the voice of Self rule to throw the people of J & K in the hell. Founder of Nehru Gandhi dynasty had already done mistake by 370.

Confuse American leaders for the future of Iraq
President Bush continually asserts that the Iraqi people have voted for unity, while Condoleezza Rice once told me how impressed she was by the commitment of the Iraqi Kurds to building a new Iraq. James A. Baker III, co-chairman of a congressionally mandated commission tasked with formulating new policy options, has ruled out the idea of dividing Iraq.
Senator Joseph Biden favors partition.

Jehadis and Arab world in Nuke race
United States’s strategy eventually forced towards the atomizing the Arab-Muslim world. Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology. The move, which follows the failure by the West to curb Iran’s controversial nuclear program, could see a rapid spread of nuclear reactors in one of the world’s most unstable regions, stretching from the Gulf to the Levant and into North Africa. India has already warned world for the possibility of nuke tech in the hands of jehadi organizations.

A divided Iraq will be destabilizing to Iraq's neighbors. Iraq's Sunni Arab neighbors all fear the destabilizing consequences of partition. But they fear an Iran-dominated Iraq even more.

Intervention policy of Bush
The goal of the Bush administration is to keep up the momentum by making Iran’s nuclear issue for intervention created by the Iraq war and allow the conflict there to naturally spill over Iraq's borders into Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and beyond. There are many, including within this administration, who does not share this goal. Bush made arrangements for declaring the death verdict on Saddam to defeat the above said goal of his opponents just before the coming election in America.

America trained Taliban, Shiite and Kurdish militiamen
United States developed in the direction of Clinton Taliban on Afghanistan issue. The same tact is adopted in Iraq to train Shiite and Kurdish militiamen in Iraq to crush the Sunni Alqaeda militant based in Iraq.
U.S. plans to withdraw significant numbers of American troops in 2006 will depend on turning U.S.-trained Kurdish and Shiite militiamen into a national army.

The interviews with Kurdish troops, however, suggested that as the U.S. military transfers more bases and areas of control to Iraqi units, it may be handing the nation to militias bent more on advancing ethnic and religious interests than on defeating the insurgency and preserving national unity.

Bloody Militancy in Baghdad
Baghdad, the heart of Iraq, is now partitioned between the Shi'ite east and the Sunni west. The Mahdi Army, the most radical of the Shi'ite militias, controls almost all the Shi'ite neighborhoods, and al-Qaeda has a large role in Sunni areas. Once a melting pot, Baghdad has become the front line of Iraq's Sunni-Shi'ite war, which is claiming at least 100 lives every day.

One overriding interest of U S in Iraq, however, is still achievable: that Iraq's Sunni areas not become a base from which al-Qaeda and its allies might attack the West.

Consequences of the withdraw of American forces
U.S. plans to withdraw significant numbers of American troops in 2006 will depend on turning U.S.-trained Kurdish and Shiite militiamen into a national army.
The interviews with Kurdish troops, however, suggested that as the U.S. military transfers more bases and areas of control to Iraqi units, it may be handing the nation to militias bent more on advancing ethnic and religious sectarian interests than on defeating the insurgency and preserving national unity.

What can be done?
Meanwhile, U.S. officials speak of Iraq's army and police as if they were neutral guarantors of public safety. Iraqis see them for what they are: Shi'ites or Sunnis who are active combatants in Iraq's civil war. Shi'ite police units have kidnapped, tortured and executed thousands of Sunnis since the Samarra bombing. Sunni policemen are often insurgents or sympathizers.

Who can give guarantee against the threat of al-Qaeda
The U.S. will still need an insurance policy against the threat of al-Qaeda. Trying to put back together Iraq, a state that has brought nonstop misery to most of its people for its entire 80-year history and is not desired by a substantial part of its citizens, will only bring about more pain and blood for Americans and Iraqis.

The army, while marginally better than the police, is divided along sectarian lines and is largely ineffective. Whole battalions do not show up for combat duties they don't like. It is not possible to build a national army or police force when there is no nation to begin with.

Lesson to learn from Iraq
Religious head counting, more minorities in the security forces are only to divide the country. Nehru Congress against the wishes of Mahatma Gandhi to fulfill the wishes of rule the country already accepted partition of the country in 1947. The same policy is the present Congress to stab the back of unity of the India. Foreigners remain here only to rule and at the end to divide the country as Bush is doing and British rulers had done in 1947

By Premendra Agrawal

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