
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hizbul in CRPF for PM’s safety!

Exposure: Paki jehadi are in CRPF. Names are Meharajuddin, Mansoor & Gulzar lon. They have been deputed at 7 Race Course outside PMO gates. They guarded PM. Recall Black car Comedy on PM House door!

That is the point from that PM could be in the target of these dangerous bloody jehadis. They have been outside PMO in 7 Race Course. These Pakistan trained terrorists after surrendering got posting, two in 1998 and one in 1995 in our CRPF under the secular UPA’s healing touch program. Names are Meharajuddin, Mansoor Ahmed and Gulzar Ahmed lon. Carbine of CRPF havaldar Rajkumar was stolen by these. FIR No.306/2004 of Rajkumar with carbine number and other details is still in police register.

Instead of punishing terrorists irresponsible officers of CRPF/Delhi police dismissed the complainant Rajkumar but jehadis are still in CRPF though they accepted that they are Hizbul jehadis trained in Pakistan. No enquiry, no arrest further. Punishment is only that their posting after knowing about them is now in North East CRPF. Known govt. sources said that this is not big mistake. Right! But what is big mistake then?

Indiatv senior journalist Rajat Shama wanted opinion of D.Raja of CPI. He answered that there should not discussion in the parliament. Further enquiry can be made in this matter. What a great our leaders are? He said like this because before this Vijay Kumar Malhotra expressed that this lapse of security will be discussed in coming working day of parliament. Latest news is that Maoists friends of leftists kidnapped two tourists of Chandigarh. Who supports Maoists (Naxalites) in BJP ruled states?

This is learnt from the two assassinations of our two late PMs and the Pakistan sponsored terrorism which we are facing since two decades. This was exposed by indiatvnews channel in the night of Aug 15. This not-excusable lapse in security will be questioned in the parliament day after to marrow. We celebrate Independence Day. Are we safe under present mindless aimless Govt. which is directed by Super PM? Our ‘swadesh’ our ‘swadeshi’ our ‘Swadhinta’ are under threat. Take back the sword of governance from incompetent pseudo-secularists. Their job was only to divide unity of our country to play vote bank politics.

Anger opens man - mind: Oh, Almighty (Ishwar) give anger to every Indian but not coward ness and hate without differentiate religion and caste, secular and non secular.
Oh anger is a substitute of coca cola for the world class energy. Tolerance..tolerance…don’t talk for this in present atmosphere: Might is Right. Nobody hear cowards. Use your anger very, very well in right patriotic direction of nationalism. It is an excellent, excellent tool more powerful than the Kadar khan’s nuke and the uniform of Musharraf with a pistol tucked in the pocket. Confused fake nonsense coward government and secularists should not be kumbhkaran. Otherwise don’t hesitate to throw this nonsense government.

Moles were in the PMOs of Indira Gandhi to Narsimha Rao and still in PMO of Manmohan Singh. I have fully discussed these in my previous articles. Two Rajasthani Girls with a youth have been crossed the most secured barricades of PM’s house when the meeting with senior ministers was going on. These girls were air hostesses in the Jet Air Ways. Recently one officer of the same Jet air ways have been arrested by London police in connection with foiled liquid bomb plot.

In my previous article I have written:
Defense Minister said in the parliament that arrested three spies in Kashmir are of Army but before this in the same parliament Shivraj Patil had denied.

Priya Ranjan Das Munshi declared in the parliament that order for enquiring the leakage of Pathak Report have been given but there after he said decesion has been dropped.

Teesta guided Sonia in London when Sonia was spreading falsehood against Hindus in her lecture in the Mulstim Conference related to the brother of Osama Bin laden. This is the reason Union Home Minister reacted shrarply on Amercican Embassy’s warning. He said that there was no possible attack of Al Queda in India. Opposite to this National Security Advisor MK Narayanan admits al-Qaeda network in India.

Who are foes and Friends?
Speaker Somnath says naxalites are not criminal. Hindu organizations are icommunal for the Speaker, though his father had been a respectable leader of Hindu Maha Sabha. "We consider those who have taken up arms due to economic reasons as brothers. We are trying to bring them into the mainstream," Shivraj Patil said during a discussion in Rajya Sabha on internal security. The Minister's intervention came when Prabhunath Singh (JD-U) said Patil had referred to terrorists as brothers."

Secular & Non Secular Division
Abhishek Sangvi supreme court lawyer (lier?) and Congress spokesperson called Gujarat police non-secular and the police of UPA ruled provinces are secular. Sachhar Commission of secular ‘Parkhnali’ have come out to count Muslim heads in army, judiciary and in every field of the nation to divide Hindu and Muslim.

Hate is neither an energy nor bravery, hate is a closed door and self-defeating and very, very self-destructive. Path of Hinduism have no hate for any human being. We love even animals rat to lion. We should go ahead to wake up these useless slept leaders by drum beating or lighting fireworks to invite Diwali. Otherwise show them a sight for which they are liable.

Our simple people are led into a cozy belief that everything’s fine when it isn’t. Present Leadership is what will destroy us in every direction. Human nature has a tendency to look for leadership, to look for guidance. Leaders think Rules are for fools. They know the rules and then know how to ignore them. See how Super PM making fool to sacrifice in novel ways. We created Bhasmaur - leaders. Office of Profit Bill has been sent again to the President for signature. Natwar misused his authority because he gave introductory letters to his relatives but Sonia Gandhi used safely her authority by giving introductory letter to Natwar addressed to Saddam. What a sugar coated falsehood? It’s very difficult to go forward unless you know what the structures are and how to change those structures.

We are in the grip of globalization of our Govt., our premiership to leave our independency, our culture every thing because of those we were ‘Jagatguru’. And now our Govt. of Italian leadership is going to sign Indo-US Nuke Deal. After that we shall sit for getting pemission outside the waiting room of US. There will be no Pokhran if needed.
This is Novel globalization! This is Adaptation of fake and false images.

That’s the foolishness we face. We have to get out of that?

Why these leaders are misleading people? Why we are treating them leaders?

Anger, reforms, revolution create but hate and coward ness destruct?

By Premendra Agrawal


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