
Friday, August 04, 2006

Pakistan may be Lebanon

Joke in Iran is that President of Iran is more popular in Egypt than he is in Tehran. Like that our secular parties, Sonia & Laloo are more popular in Pakistan than India. Shia & Sunni are in the race

We should notice two important statements which opened the new discussion in the beginning of August. On first day of August President Pervez Musharraf has warned of a "Lebanon-like situation" in Pakistan if, Pakistani army’s position will be weakened. He also said that Jihadis should not go Lebanon. Yesterday in second day of August British PM Tony Blair first time clearly openly links Kashmir crisis to Islamic extremism. Both statements are significant for India.

So called secular parties in India compete each other in evoking minority against BJP to raise the issue of Gujarat. Like this Muslim countries influenced by Shia and Sunni both compete in mobilizing Muslims in the issue of Israel. For an example Saddam Hussain of Sunni dominated Iraq was the Hero of Muslim world to raise the Israel issue boldly and violently to support Hamas of Gaza. . Now Shiites influenced have come forward to support militant organization Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim guerrilla group of 40% Lebanon Shiites. Iranian President Ahmadinejad' first volley of attack against Israel made him very popular, with pictures of him being sold in Damascus (Syria) and Amman (Jordon) – and the joke in Iran is that he's more popular in Cairo (Egypt) than he is in Tehran.

Israel always felt threat of Iraq and Iran for Chemical and Nuke attack. So Israel from the beginning collected classified information on U.S. government plans regarding Iraq and Iran through mole in Pentagon. Larry Franklin, 59, senior analyst in the office of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was guilty for this.

America and Israel both went against Saddam for the above said threat. So U.S. removed the Sunni-dominated regime of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and allowed Shiites to gain political control through "one man, one vote" democracy, it shifted sectarian power in the region toward Shiites. Now thus Iran got God gifted benefit from its present enemy America.

Now the same nuclear threat is felt by Israel and America from Iran.
Iran succeeded in removing the Sunni bulwarks around it. This began, really, with the Afghan war which was fought by US with the help of Pakistan and Taliban to marginalized Russian influence. But its outcome benefited to Iran. For reasons that had nothing to do with Iran, the U.S. took the Taliban out. Now, the Taliban-Pakistan-Saudi axis was the principal Sunni wall on Iran's east. This was a very successful containment strategy that essentially eliminated Iran's influence in Afghanistan through the Taliban, reduced Iranian influence in Pakistan and was pushing further north into Central Asia as well.

These are the facts which forced to Musharraf to make only token protest against Israel in Lebanon crisis. Musharraf being a President of Sunnis Pakistan see Americans more friendly than Iranian Shiites. He wants support in coming 2007 election to warn Pakisanis "Lebanon-like situation" in Pakistan if army’s influence in governing the Pakistan will be normalize. A defiant Punjab Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi said President Musharraf would be elected "many times in uniform" because "uniformed Musharraf is the symbol of strengthening democracy in the country,"

Recent violence between Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim guerrilla group, and Israel; sectarian conflict in Iraq and escalating tensions around Iran's nuclear ambitions have drawn urgent attention to the resurgence and politicization of Shiite Islam and its relationship to Sunni Islam.

In the above context we should understand the terrorism which is being faced by India. Pakistan is dominated by Sunni governed Nuke power Pakistan. We face Pakistan sponsored terrorism. We never felt threat from Iran Shiites. We always face terrorism of Pakistan-Talian-Al Queda nexus. Before 9/11 attack on WTC America even never wanted to hear the word of terrorism. Before Afghan war America never support us in our fight against Pakistan sponsored terrorism.

Now in the influence of America we are going against Iran to support American policy towards Iran. Main provison of the Indo- US Civilian Nuke deal is to oppose Iran in the matter of nuclear. Now it is open fact that Shiites shook hands with Sunnis to support terrorism in India. We have seen the sign of it just in the arrest of a doctor and his friend chabiwala in Mumbai in connection with 7/11 Mubai serial blasts. Both entered Pakistan via Iran to get militancy training there. The interrogation of a 32-year-old engineering dropout, Faisal Sheikh, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)'s western India commander, arrested for his alleged role in the 11/7 blasts told in interrogation that he had received 25,000 Rials (Saudi Arabian currency) barely a few days before the 11/7 blasts from Pakistan and 12,000 Rials - through the same channel - just after the blasts. The total sum - 37,000 Rials - is worth Rs. 4.4 lakh.

It is unfortunate that in India we are divided even in foreign policy and war against terrorism. Maulana Mahmood Madani’s founded Save India Front held a rally at the Ramlila Maidan in Delhi in the presence of Sonia Gandhi ''for the sake of the country and sufferings of the Muslims of Gujarat''. Both promised to make it a ''mammoth'' demonstration against the Sangh Parivar and its ''politics of communalism''. Sonia Gandhi said at London in the function organized by a Muslim organization related to the brother of Osama Bin Laden that NDA Govt. was governed by Hindu fundamentalists. Political parties are also divided on policies related to nuclear and support or oppose Iran. MM was finance minister in Narsimha Rao’s cabinet but he could not want to investigate mole issue in Rao’s PMO. Instead of blocking terrorist websites Govt. blocked blogs of Hindu organizations. .
We should welcome British PM Tony Blair's decision to link the Kashmir dispute and Chechen fighting with the conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan and West Asia — which he described as part of an over-arching "arc of (Muslim) extremism" across the world. We should oppose with our full strength minority appeasement and ‘Divide and Rule’ policy of the UPA and Left. They are communalizing people and now army, judiciary, media police and educational field as well as private sector on the basis of religion and caste. What are Sachchar Committee, Arjun Singh and Antuley doing in back and front door? “Pakistan was made in the name of Islam but look how the Muslims are killing each other. No Shia and Sunni differences are in India as Pakistan does," Feroze khan said in Pakistan. Are secularists of India supported him?

British PM Tony Blair added: "The fanatics, attached to a completely wrong and reactionary view of Islam, had been engaging in terrorism for years before September 11. In Chechnya, in India and Pakistan, in Algeria, in many other Muslim countries, atrocities were occurring." He declared that "these acts of terrorism were not isolated incidents. They were part of a growing movement." In his speech, Blair said that the West had been mistaken in previously failing to link Kashmir and Chechnya-inspired terrorist attacks to a growing baleful Islamism.

By Premendra Agrawal

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