
Friday, July 28, 2006

Mole: Indira to Rao All the Way

Mole was also in Indira Gandhi’s PMO. Black car’s breach at PM House, War room leak, LeT in Army & Air force even then Sonia, Shivraj, Pranav, Lalu, SSP, CPM are able to save India. Why PM know mole?

There are facts in the public domain that there was mole in PMO of mostly PMs including Indira, Rajiv & Narsimha Rao. This is clear that the powerful civil servant presently living abroad and excluding V S Arunachalam and P.C.Alaxander is a mole.

There is every possibility of the leakage of information that might come in handy for the vested interests to fish in the troubled waters of the Ganges and Yamuna. But one should set their house in order before telling others how to behave.

Dr. Singh perhaps has known the mole

Manmohan Singh is in mistaken if he denies that there was no mole in Narsimha Rao’s PMO. He was finance minister in the cabinet of Rao. He wanted name of mole from Jaswant Singh in the beginning. Now PM is silent perhaps on the advice of former law minister Jethmalani. Otherwise PM has known such mole and now he himself want to hide this because of political or other reason. Jaswant kept mole’s name a secret despite having taken an oath not to do so. Trio wants to take in the legal and political grip of each other. But the people want to know.

Mole in Indira Gandhi’s PMO

Indira Gandhi held a meeting with Ramanna and Venkataraman as well as her new science adviser V.S. Arunachalam, and her top advisers Principal Secretary P.C. Alexander and Cabinet Secretary K. Rao Sahib, to decide on whether the test would be conducted.
The Kargil Review Committee Report [Kargil 2000] states that "Former President Venkataraman and the then Scientific Adviser, Dr. V.S. Arunachalam, both said that Indira Gandhi agreed to a nuclear weapons test in 1983 but called if off under US pressure." Chengappa offers a interesting (and somewhat dubious) account.
Question arises here who leaked the nuke test secrets to US at the time of Indira Gandhi?

Three publications have unraveled the mystery surrounding the Indian nuclear weapons program. Taken together they help to build a national consensus on the Indian nuclear policy both in respect of nuclear arsenal and the international arms control arrangements acceptable to the country. These are: George Perkovich's India's nuclear bomb (California University Press, 1999) Raj Chengappa's Weapons of Peace (Harper Collins, 2000) and From Surprise to Reckoning, the Kargil Review panel's report (Sage Publications, 2000). These three publications make it clear that beyond conducting successfully the twice-postponed nuclear tests, the BJP contributed little to Indian nuclear weapon development or policy, the policy was mostly formulated by Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Narasimha Rao with contributions from V P Singh, Chandrashekar, Deve Gowda and Inder Gujral and later finally executed successfully by Atal Behari Vajpayee.

In fact, there had been no difference between the Congress and the BJP in respect of nuclear strategy before present PM Manmohan Singh. Dr. Singh is now going to reverse the nuclear policy of his all preceding PMs. Why he is adamant to sign Indo-US nuke deal to overlook the protest of all parties except Congress? Will CPM stand on its stand in future? CPI who supported whole heatedly Indira’s Emergency now has come in the support of Dr.Singh.

More may be in the list of suspects

Manmohan Singh and Jaswant Singh should come out immediately with the name of actual culprit to avoid confusion in the media and public. They should be forced to do this. Even after that exclusion of two as mentioned in the beginning, following are quite a few who could be on the list of possible suspects according to Jaswant Singh's claims: Amarnath Verma, former principal secretary to PM and one who was described as one of the most powerful man in his times; Ram Khandekar, addlitional private secretary to the PM; Jitender Prasad, political advisor to the PM; Matang Singh, a minister of state in the PMO; Aslam Sher Khan, a minister of state in the PMO; Surendra Singh, former Cabinet secretary; RK Prasad, press information advisor to the PM; R.K.Dhawan and Bhuvanesh Chaturvedi, a minister of state in the PMO who also denied as Arunachalam. There may be other subordinate also.

Keki Daruwala uphold existence of Mole in Rao’s PMO

A former chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee Keki Daruwalla has confirmed to the Hindustan Times that he believed that a top-secret Intelligence briefing was leaked to the United States by a senior official in 1994 during the PV Narasimha Rao regime. Keki Daruwala is a famous writer, poet with collection of poems, ‘The Map-Maker’ ‘The berth of Maya’ and son of English Professor Daruwala who had taught Khushawant Singh English in Government College, Lahore.

Narasimha Rao was worry to know about the missile threat to India from Pakistan and its allies. Rao instructed to the Chairman of Joint Intelligence Committee. Daruwalla. Accordingly he prepared a full presentation with slides which was attended by the prime minister, the principal secretary to the prime minister, the cabinet secretary, the home secretary, the defense secretary, the three service chiefs, APJ Abdul Kalam who was then scientific adviser, the secretary, R&AW, and the director of the Intelligence Bureau. The presentation focused on India's ability to repel possible missile strikes and our vulnerability to such attacks.

A week after the briefing, Daruwalla came to know that Kenneth Brill, then US diplomat in India, familiar with the details of the complex presentation. Brill said he had asked for an appointment, to assure Daruwalla that his perception of India's vulnerability was needlessly pessimistic. He then went on to offer what was almost a point-by-point rebuttal of the presentation. Kenneth Brill is now US ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and serves as ambassador to the UN in Vienna.

Daruwalla was horrified by this apparent leak and immediately wrote a note to the cabinet secretary recording the meeting and expressing his concern. He says that until he retired in January 1995, he received no response to his note and nothing to indicate that any action had been taken. Dauwala in light of Jaswant Singh's revelations, is that “Yes, the Americans certainly had access to top-secret information at the very highest levels of Government.”

Highest Honest dignity in PMO

Indira Gandhi after 1980 requisitioned the services of a low-key bureaucrat, P.C Alexander, from Brussels to serve as her Principal Secretary. In a span of less than two years, he had become Indira Gandhi’s confidant on political and administrative matters. He had little experience in handling ticklish political issues. Alexander was left without support after Indira Gandhi’s assassination on October 31, 1984.

A few weeks after Rajiv Gandhi was became Prime Minister; he made a dramatic disclosure in Parliament that the entire personal staff of Alexander was involved in selling state secrets from the PMO to foreign agents. The youthful Rajiv Gandhi cleared the name of P.C Alexander in Parliament and appointed him as India’s High Commissioner to London. On his return from London after a 33-month stint, Alexander was given a gubernatorial assignment in the Raj Bhawan in Chennai and there after he was the Governor of Maharashtra. Alaxander was possible candidate for President Post on behalf of BJP.

After Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination in May 1991, P.V Narasimha Rao emerged out of nowhere as it were to lead the Congress and the party. It was during Rao’s prime ministership from 1991-96 that liberalization of the economy became a reality under the finance minister ship of Manmohan Singh. Buta Singh and Sibu Soren were most corrupt politician at that time.

Political leaders of Mafia gangs: Vora in his report

Narendra Nath Vohra, the former home and defense secretary, was all set to take over as Gujral's principal secretary on July 1. Vohra headed a committee in 1993 submitted his report to the then prime minister P V Narasimha Rao: 'Some political leaders become leaders of Mafia gangs or armed Senas and over the years get themselves elected to local bodies, state assemblies and the national Parliament. Resultantly such elements have acquired considerable clout seriously jeopardizing the smooth functioning of the administration and the safety of life and property of the common man.'

There was uproar after the report was made public, but no action followed. Many believe when Vohra settles down in the PMO as the most powerful bureaucrat in the country, he will make far-reaching suggestions to Gujral in bringing about much-needed legislation to bar politicians with a criminal background from contesting elections. But nothing could be done. As a result now there are so many tainted ministers in the cabinet of so called Mr.Clean Dr. Singh.

By Premendra Agrawal

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