
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Meteor shower & Fire balls in Gujarat Communal?

Drum beating in rained down showers area. Bill Clinton described meteorite of Mars.
Will secularists communalize these showers & saffron color balls? Water everywhere water in Gujarat! Lighting balls colored shower in Gujarat!!

Children in school in circled
Water since five rainy days
Coming and going meteors
Lost in cloud felled meteors

A floodlight of meteor and fire balls rained down hitting the Maliya Miyana block of Gujarat at around 9.00 p.m. on July 31, 2006. These showers and fire balls are seen in Rajkot and Kuchchha area of Gujarat. Falled objects found are like like betelnuts of have a rough surface and also shine..

Congress and other secularists have habit to see every happening in Gujarat as communal. They may call this God Nature game of sky with saffron color balls is communal. They labeled communal to police, people and even judiciary of Gujarat.

Manmohan Singh was Finance Minister in Narsimha Rao Govt. defamed by Buta Singh and Sibu Soren. Instead of appointing judiciary committee to investigate the mole in Rao’s PMO, he wants the same through Jaswant only. Is CBI or other proper authority not able to do this job? Media or opposition is also not perusing this matter properly. Why Govt is not seeing danger of Mole. Is MM’s PMO ole free?

Meteor is a bright streak of light in the sky (a "shooting star" or a "falling star") produced by the entry of a small meteoroid into the Earth's atmosphere. If you have a dark clear sky you will probably see a few per hour on an average night; during one of the annual meteor showers you may see as many as 100/hour. Very bright meteors are known as fireballs.

Since most of the meteorites that hurtle towards the earth at a speed of more than 6,000 kms per hour they get burnt in the space itself as their temperature is more than 3500 degree Celsius and hence only the bigger ones manage to reach the earth.

Bill Clinton describes meteorite of Mars

Here is what President of the United States Bill Clinton had to say about the discovery of evidence for life in a meteorite from Mars:
"It is well worth contemplating how we reached this moment of discovery. More than 4 billion years ago this piece of rock was formed as a part of the original crust of Mars. After billions of years it broke from the surface and began a 16 million year journey through space that would end here on Earth. It arrived in a meteor shower 13,000 years ago. And in 1984 an American scientist on an annual U.S. government mission to search for meteors on Antarctica picked it up and took it to be studied. Appropriately, it was the first rock to be picked up that year -- rock number 84001.
Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental.
We will continue to listen closely to what it has to say as we continue the search for answers and for knowledge that is as old as humanity itself but essential to our people's future."

Running walking moving
Various clones in the sky
Trail of meteors light dancing
Into earth arms plunge slowly

Moon crowned by rainbow
Clouded wings growing
Meteor love-shower bow
Spark light arrows throwing

Love falls in falling meteor
my heart in shining sparks
Venus to open her heart,pacify the dawn of her eyes...

Venus fighting the cloudsThe Moon fighting the fog
Pieces of land full of water
‘Tarr’ ‘Tarr’ sounding frog

Look meteors falling down
Family is in village hut
Break roof to sit corner
Diamond like betel nut

Spark fishes hungry in night
Searching food in the sky
Catching fire balls in night
Meteor is smile of the sky

Blind in love burning starssee & see abducted queen
Gloss voice joyous sparks
Dancing flying birds’ scene

Past Incidents

Deputy Director General Dr R S Goyal, GSI, Western Region, who rushed to the incident area from his Jaipur headquarters, said that in October 2004, a minor meteorite shower weighing nearly one kilogram had been reported from near the Kaprada village in Valsad, the samples of which were sent to the Kolkata repository for a detailed study which is yet to submit its findings. Yet another meteorite shower was reported from Bherai in Junagadh way back in 1893, and the detailed analysis of its sample had revealed the meteorite contained a mix of iron and rock and had no traces of radioactivity. On January 28, 1976 a meteor had fallen in Dhajala in Surendranagar district.

In November 1996, a five kilometre long asteroid passed around 5 million kilometres from Earth. If it had hit, it could have wiped out the human race.
A more recent impact occurred in 1908 in a remote uninhabited region of western Siberia known as Tunguska. The impactor was about 60 meters in diameter and probably consisting of many loosely bound pieces. In contrast to the Barringer Crater event, the Tunguska object completely disintegrated before hitting the ground and so no crater was formed. Nevertheless, all the trees were flattened in an area 50 kilometers across. The sound of the explosion was heard half-way around the world in London.

A largest intact meteorite found on Earth was nearly 3 metres long and weighed around 60 tones. It was found in Namibia in 1920.

Yesterday in Gujarat flood light is seen at 9 p.m. on July 31, One Scientist have predicted in his websites about the meteorites in the July 1906:
Although the July radiant do not individually produce strong rates, activity from the Aquarius and Capricornus regions in July and early August, as well as minor activity from other radiant, cause hourly rates to basically rise between the middle and end of July for observers in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Therefore, clear, moonless nights can be quite enjoyable for anyone observing during late July.

Czech Republic station of the European Fireball Network on January 21, 1999, Monitored by three stations of this network, the luminous trail is measured to begin at an altitude of 81.9 kilometers and covered 71.1 kilometers in 6.7 seconds. It is thought likely that a small (a few hundred grams) meteorite survived this fiery fall to Earth and landed near the Czech-Poland border.

Drum beating to collect debris

The meteoric objects are being collected by the local authorities of happening areas of Gujarat by drum beating notification. It is being sounded that to keep the falling objects in the home will be inevitable the various diseases. So these must be stored in the police, municipal or other proper Govt. authority. The Geological Survey of India (GSI) authorities have, cautioned local people against touching the meteorites if found, for they may contain radioactive material. These may even cause cancer. The samples will be sent to GSI’s central repository in Kolkata for detailed study. For the time being collected debris is being sent to Ahmedabad-based Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) of the Department of Space to examine their size, shape, chemical composition, mineral content, texture, fractured pattern, thickness, the flying and the metamorphic pattern.

Meanwhile those who witnessed the rare meteorite showers on Monday night are yet to get over the shock and awe. Meteorite showers accompanied by a blast was experienced in around 45 villages in Jamnagar and Jodia talukas, The meteorite shower evoked mixed reactions of surprise and panic from villagers at Vandhiya village. Villager said a fireball was rushing towards her house and everyone rushed out in panic. In a moment, a blast was heard, followed by a low density sound and two mild tremors, she added. "When we returned inside, we noticed that one of the rooftiles was broken into pieces and a few pieces of the meteorite were found scattered around.

Stars raining in her soul
July end Cold bite her cheek
Prey bloods in Lion’s jawsIs Office of profit greatness?

Fire balls and meteor shower
Don’t talk for deep sky cloudyParliament have explained thattheir lies more beautiful highly
Meteors shower on Kachha
Don’t talk us comets planetMM Sonia Govt. explained High prices much benefited

Don’t talk us stars fire balls MM Congress has explainedwatching sky not productive.Jaswant must catch mole rat

Let UPA admire all of Indianspushed by terrorist bombing
MM Mush are shaking hands
Heavenly dead bodies falling

Voted to expect too much highthen to which you will complain
Disappointment hanging high
Falling of stars on earth certain

By Premendra Agrawal

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