
Monday, July 31, 2006

Spies in Al-Queda, Iran, US & World over

You can’t count hair & stars then how you can count spies? How you can differentiate traitors and patriots, secular & communal? Govt.can't punish so needless to know. Even Jihadi Daud gang able to deal nuke.

I read the news and comments related to the search of Mole in PMO. I recall a story of the search of a philosopher. He has habit to write the place of every thing which he kept at the time of sleeping. He noted down also that he slept on the bed. In the morning he started to search the noted things but in the last he could not find himself on the bed. The same is happened in the search of Mole in PMO.

“Yah public hai, jantee hai sab kuchh”

What is crime if Jaswant and Keki Daruwala saying that there was a mole in PMO of Narsimha Rao? Crime is being done by PM and Congress not to punish the moles. MM and Congress know Moles. They belong to them. So they are fear free.

Home Minister takes parade of Chhattisgarh CM Raman for ‘Salva Judum’ and Naxalites cruelty. 7/11 Mumbai bloasts gave chance Govt. to ban the blogs of Americas and Hindu organizations. Certificates are being distributed to SIMI and Madani. Who are encouraging naxalites? Who are evoking minority to play vote bank politics?

Catching Mole-Fish

Every one is busy to catch mole fish. What you say about following. Are these not more dangerous trends to give a bad name to India in the foreign land?

PM MM Singh said to Bush that BJP opposed our nuclear policy. Sonia Gandhi said at London in the function organized by a Muslim organization related to the brother of Osama Bin Laden that NDA Govt. was governed by Hindu fundamentalists. Natwar Singh as a Foreign Minister said in China that Pokhran was the work of BJP not Congress. Hindi Paki bhai bhai and Hindi Ameriki bhai bhai but here we Indians are not bhai bhai. Terrorists, their supporters and naxalites are brothers and children but Hindu nationalists are enemies. Naxalites are killing innocent tribal, terrorism is murdering Hindus and Muslim both but human activists are in coma. I don’t know why secularists are wiping for Babri structure instead of the five temples with in five months in Malaysia and Krishna temple in Pakistan are bulldozerred.

CIA mole inside al-Qaeda

Al-Qaeda terrorists came within 45 days of attacking the New York subway system with a lethal gas similar to that used in Nazi death camps. They were stopped not by any intelligence breakthrough, but by an order from Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman Zawahiri. And the U.S. learned of the plot from a CIA mole inside al-Qaeda. These are some of the more startling revelations by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ron Suskind, his forthcoming new book The One Percent Doctrine.
U.S. intelligence got its first inkling of the plot from the contents of a laptop computer belonging to a Bahraini jihadist captured in Saudi Arabia early in 2003. It contained plans for a gas-dispersal system dubbed “the mubtakkar” (Arabic for inventive). Fearing that al-Qaeda’s engineers had achieved the holy grail of terror R&D — a device to effectively distribute hydrogen-cyanide gas, which is deadly when inhaled — the CIA immediately set about building a prototype based on the captured design, which comprised two separate chambers for sodium cyanide and a stable source of hydrogen, such as hydrochloric acid. A seal between the two could be broken by a remote trigger, producing the gas for dispersal.

Lesser known moles those don’t get headlines?

We have given list of some dangerous terrorist to the Pakistan and red corner, but what about all the lesser known villains who don’t get headlines?
In the J & K administration Deputy Chief Minister Mangat Ram Sharma of all political functionaries has shed tears about the lack of adequate security cover. Vigilance Commissioner Radha Vinod Raju has discovered a mole right under his nose: his private secretary parting with the confidential information for a price. it is to the credit of Mr Raju that he has been able to smell the rat in his surroundings before it is too late. An officer closely working with him would send the alerts to the concerned bureaucrats about the progress of investigation in vigilance cases against them. There was an employee in Doda district who would act a conduit for the militants they exist at varying levels in the administrative dispensation. Latest report we find that three soldiers and two policemen were spying for LeT.

After the first serial blasts in Mumbai, CIA sent a special report to the executive office about South Asian Mafia. The most damaging part of the report was that Dawood gang had the ability obtained from Pakistan to deal in nuclear material and possibly provide a nuke device to terrorist orgs.

Iranian Mole in Iranian President’s Office

Hossein Marashai, head of Iran’s cultural heritage council, was caught using a sophisticated US-manufactured listening-long-distance-transmitting device at top-level Iranian leadership meetings. DEBKAfile’s sources call this the deepest foreign intelligence penetration in all 26 years of Iran's Islamic regime.

Israeli Mole in the Pentagon

Larry Franklin, 59, also pleaded guilty to sharing classified information with an Israeli diplomat. A senior analyst in the office of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Franklin was said to have disclosed U.S. assessments concerning Iran and Iraq from 2002 through 2004.
U.S. District Judge T. S. Ellis said Franklin would remain free until he finished cooperating with the prosecution. Ellis, terming the case "odd," said Franklin acted out of concern for national security.
"You thought that the only way to bring this problem to the NSC was with this secure less method," Ellis told Franklin. "Once the information gets into unauthorized hands, who knows where it goes? Who knows where it travels?"

Franklin's sentence on January 2006 of 12 years and seven months could be significantly reduced after the trial of Rosen and Weissman, who pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to communicate national defense information, the sources said. They said Franklin has also provided the FBI with data he shared with an Israeli diplomat Naor Gilon, who in 2005 returned to Israel and two former AIPAC staffers, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman.

Moles are everywhere

Former president R Venkataraman in his book and VS Arunachalam before Kargil Committee had indicated that there was possibility of molls in the PMO of Indira. Rajiv Gandhi himself had disclosed in the parliament that there were junior-moles in his PMO.

Now this is clear that we find moles everywhere. Even America, Iran or Al-Queda is not excluded for this. How our country of Jaichands can be safe for this. Mr.Clean is with tainted ministers in the guidance of Italian origin. You can’t count hair and stars then how you can count Moles? How you can differentiate traitors and patriots, secular and communal? Here terrorists, Maoists, Infiltrator, separatists, their supporters and their leaders are secular and others are communal. Even comrades are full of “Office of Profit”.

By Premendra Agrawal

Latest Articles:
Mole: Indira to Rao all the way
PMO War room leak & Bofors
SIMI & Secular Politics

In my blogs
Blogs Blocked: Soniagraphy of Emergency
Jihadi jokes in parliament
Will one day terrorist become a PM?
Nuke in Kargil : Shivaji & Shastri
7/11 Blasts & Jehad Clones
Black Friday & Bloody Blasts
PM on wrong foot in G-8
Terror of Tablighi jamaat
V.S Arunachalam?


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