
Monday, August 07, 2006

Has India a Govt?

Instead of cricket, ranking of corrupt leaders please! Instead of most wanted common criminals in police station, stick photos of most corrupt ministers and leaders in every polling booth!! Instead of dogs, beware of allies in govt. and outside supporters.

Natwar becomes the ‘Lal’ of all excluding 10 Janpath loyalists. Now it is clear that political leaders and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason.

In democracy people are ‘Maee bap’. So they have to decide what will be punishment for corrupt leaders who owes their greatness to their country's ruin?”—“Bol tere saath kya saluk kiya jaye”

We have selected such politicians who sell their own country’ honor to the highest bidder. There should be brain-mapping tests os such leaders and of those who sell their votes to a highest bidder and for a pint of ‘tharra’. It is more important than “Thanda par thanda”.

The story of renounces and sacrifices are the examples of self praising “apne muh miya mithu”. Now we see the same in the leakage and probe of Pathak report. Not only Pathak Committee most inquiry committees are famous in our country for one reason: Nothing substantial ever comes of them. These are appointed to fool people to consume time to wipe out the memory of the people. Beware of the pursuit of the PM, Super PM, former minister and others: it leads to an indiscriminate contempt for the Govt. and the people of India. .

And when you have Guizotism (famous slogan of the nineteenth-century French politician François Guizot: Enrichissez-vous.!) as the forensic ideology and Laissez-faire at the governing agenda, the epitaph of this government can only be a string of corruption trophies.

Following epitaph is fit in the present situation;
"I could not dig; I dared not rob;Therefore I lied to please the mob.Now all my lies are proved untrueAnd I must face the men I slew:What tale shall serve me here amongMine angry and defrauded young?"

Approach should be a bottom to top approach. By the way this is what democracy is all about. But here all Congresspersons say they do what High Command 10 janpath will say. People are being sacrificed because leaders’ egos are telling them not to follow popular opinion.

I recall an event: Income tax officer asked an assessee businessman that he showed nominal income and how he maintained his family in that? Businessman answered to the investigating ITO that “Uperwala deta hai”. Angered ITO said what nonsense, you meaned God? Businessman explained that his ‘uperwala’ was his father who lived in the upperstorey of the building. Like that UPA Govt.’s film director is Superwoman Sonia Gandhi.

India has followed the multi-party system from the beginning but the balance always tilted towards the Congress. It was natural. The people were still under the influence of freedom struggle and have not forgotten the role of that Congress which was opposite to the present Congress. The people adore Nehru Gandhi dynasty. Is it a coincidence that the Congress Party formed by a foreign origin and now presided by Italian origin has entered the Indian lexicon? British followed ‘Divide and Rule’ policy which is still the symbol of so called secularism.

On the last day of his life Gandhi wrote a will wanting the Congress party to be dissolved. Alive, he would have destroyed it. Dead, he resurrected it. Now people should rethink to bury the Congress to fulfill the last wish of Gandhi. The division of India in August 1947 set off a chain of baneful events that blighted the post independence and darkens our prospects for the 21st. It began with Pt.Nehru’s premiership, and continues with the invisible hand of Sonia Gandhi on UPA. . It was 15th August 1947. India had got independence and Gandhiji chose Jawaharlal Nehru to lead the nation. Indira could be able to rule only to keep surname of majority Hindu. Gandhi gave his surname to Indira and his husband Phiroze. Every one knows their relation to each other. Pt Nehru groomed Indira to rule India after him. I want to illustrate this: Nehru sent Japan little aged elephant named ‘Indira’ as a friendship gift. This tradition of grooming is still continuing.
All democracies turn into dictatorships—but most not by coup. The people give their democracy to a dictator, whether it’s Julius Caesar or Napoleon or Adolf Hitler or Indira Gandhi. Now we are going to face Sonia’s dictatorship. “Gandhi dynasty” is eligible quota "reserved caste called Gandhi to use poor innocent people as granted. The people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption.

Congress behaved to earn power as ‘madari’ show monkey dance for his livelihood. She took over the India through Gandhi dynasty, to own everything and to control everyone. Sonia’s entrance into 10 Janpath spelt disaster and she will be runaway when she will be sure the Congress is in intensive care, bleeding to death.

I believe Gandhi dynasty again enhance its tail a long-term plan to rule India as we see grooming of impotent Rahul Gandhi with the help of tainted corrupt opportunistic allies to create an Orwellian dictatorship to attract all sorts of characters ("So called secular Order") in which wealth in Swiss bank and political power in India will be concentrated and life of our people will be further degraded. This continuum would enable one to draw out the linkages between corruption as a political phenomenon and the institutional health of Indian democracy.

The role of historians such as headed by Arjun’s NCERT and the mass media owned by richest sellers ethics to adopt envelop journalism is to obscure this plan and to beguile the people into thinking they are free and their leaders represent their interests.

It is no secret (except in the mass media) that the so called secularists want to alive a government of "Gandhi dynasty" which they control. This requires that national sovereignty and democracy be undermined. It is fact that Gandhi dynasty has an affinity with Communism. Both are enemies of competition and freedom as we see their policies, dividing every field on religious and caste basis and widening bloody mouth of Naxalites, terrorists and separatists.

In fact we are facing Communism with Gandhi dynasty instead of Govt. of people by the people for the people?

We are fed up with the ongoing. But it is our moral obligation to continue the battle no matter what the odds: “Jagte raho aur jagate raho”

By Premendra Agrawal

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