
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sick-ular Arjun Mandal-i

Oh! Sick-ular ‘India-divide’
Tell me how many times
Burning Rome: you divide
Who can be here all times?

Oh! Sick-ular firebrigade
Why ahead add fuel to fire
Burning life train was widen
NCERT hate-Sick-ular lire

After Feroze Khan and Javed Akhtar now I welcome the statement of Shahrukh Khan:” I’m not sure about the lecture bit, but I’m all for telling what Islam really means. If someone wants to know what Islam is, they just have to look at me. I’m Islam. I’m an educated, tax-paying citizen with a calm disposition. I am not a terrorist. If anyone wants to know about Muslims, they should look at such people and they’ll know” Still SRK is in the hit list of jehadis. What ‘Tajmahal’ has done wrong to them? Why NCERT of secular Arjun Singh Mandal II opens jehad factory through communalize hating text books. They want to teach killing skills in the schools through text books. They want to turn schools in madarsas. This is not the way to find lakhs Urdu teachers. Why they are competing to Musharraf who said in Pakistani madarsas jehad will be taught. He also said that jehad is necessary to fight India. Pakistan and its sponsored terroristas are the brothers or friends of India’s seculars. Then what will be the use of jehadi teaching in India.

B.R.Chopra’s "Mahabharat" outstripping all the other serials on the popularity chart with a viewership of 96 per cent - the highest ever for any television show across the globe flied high. A little-known story associated with the making of "Mahabharat" is that he was advised by friends not to let the script of the Hindu epic be handled by a Muslim. Chopra was furious and insisted that the script and dialogues would be written by Rahi Masoom Raza. The serial went on to make television history. Chopra did not include Rahi Masoom Raza in his "Mahabharat" team to prove his secular credentials.

Rahi Masoom Raza wrote in his one article:” Hindu word is not connected any religion. Indian Muslim is being called Hindu by the people of Arab and Iran. Means ‘Hindu’ is the name of Hindustani Kaum. When in my thesis I wrote the same then renowned personality of Urdu deleted the same line.” On Ayodhya case Supreme Court described the same theme on ‘Hindu’ word. Judgment can be seen. You have lamp but if you will place it in a corner than no use. “Peacock danced in forest, who saw it?” So these should be publicized.

So called Sick-ular Mandal-I in NCERT Romila Thapar, Dr. krishna Kumar and Prof Yespal are jehadi dirt in the name of Hindus. In NCERT text books Arya culture was being termed as 'foreign' and epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata as 'fiction' NCERT wants to act for terrorism, Mao-Naxalism and separatists. Personalities belongs to it are not only India but also abroad spreading poison against Hinduism.Indonesia

But, our secular and communal leaders can’t follow this. My Doctor friend said that uncomfortable weather is the season of doctors. “Divide and Rule” is the Oxygen for leaders. Just I heard that our parliamentarians increase their own salary and passed OoP bill for them. We say ourselves intellectuals but elect such leaders. One madam of Delhi University on discussion at NDTV boasted herself and NCERT as most superior wise educational personalities. NDTV and ‘Doordarshan’ are known for picking up these selected personalities in the discussion program.

They are not only misguiding in India but also spreading poison abroad also.
For several decades, Hindu Americans and Indian Americans have been dismayed at the slanted, erroneous and prejudiced descriptions of their heritage in these textbooks. This time however, they organized themselves and approached the State Board of Education in California to rectify these errors, before the textbooks were formally adopted and the text was frozen. These groups of Hindu Americans meticulously followed the procedures of the State Board in offering their comments, suggestions and edits to the texts that were submitted to the Board for reviews.
However, just when these corrections were about to be accepted, a group of traditional India-bashers (e.g. Michael Witzel), non-scholars (e.g., astrophysicist Rajesh Kocchar[1]), Indian Marxists (e.g., D N Jha, Romila Thapar), non-specialists in ancient India (e.g. Sudha Shenoy, Homi Bhabha), scholars alleged to have demonstrated Eurocentric bias in the past (e.g., M Tosi[2] of Italy) and obscure linguists wrote an arrogant and pompous letter (on Harvard University letterhead, signed by Michael Witzel with endorsing signatures from 46 other ‘scholars’) to the State Board, addressing themselves as “all equally famous world class specialists” on ancient Indian history. The letter alleged that all these Hindu groups proposing edits in the textbooks under review were dangerous Hindu nationalists who were somehow connected with the slaughter of 1000 people in Gujarat, and whose friends in India routinely discriminate against millions of Indian minority members and Dalits!
This is the "new" history that students of Class 11 will learn under the CBSE and ICSE courses from this academic session. The revised history book, Medieval India History, published by NCERT, demolishes old beliefs and tramples over heroes of history. History, till now, had taught that Jaichand was a coward and a traitor who first betrayed Prithviraj Chauhan, and then was drowned while trying to flee the forces of Ghauri (History of Rajasthan, page 156).
"Prithviraj Chauhan was a coward who ran away to save his life during the second battle of Tarain with Mohammad Ghauri." "Jaichand (generally believed to be a traitor) was, in fact a 'hero' who gave up his life while fighting the forces of Ghauri."

Indian PM Dr.Manmohan Singh, Natwar Singh and Rahul Gandhi recently visited to Afghanistan. During that visit they have visited to Babar’s Grave. Needless to say Babar is an Invader, not a Indian King. There is another grave in Afghanistan, grave of legendary Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan , a hero in India ,lying in a dilapidated condition in the outskirts of Ghazni . They didn't visit the grave and pay homage to the Hindu King.

A French Catholic has three aspects to his identity: his nationality comes from France, his religion comes from Italy and his culture comes from Greece. For an Indian religionist in India, the nationality comes from India, the religion also comes from India and the culture also comes from India. It is this understanding of the convergent nature of Indian Nationalism, Indian Religion and Indian Culture that a Bauddhika Kshatriya would seek to promote

The United States recently pointed out that the tradition of Vedic chanting is on its way to extinction in this country within the coming 30 years. Our youngsters are taught the Bible before they even hear of the Gita and the Upanishads. Indigenous art, sculpture, music, literature and dance are all on their way to extermination within the next 25 years.

By Premendra Agrawal


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