
Friday, June 23, 2006

Man has a Tail!

To read news on June 20, 2006: WB Tea Estate worker has a 13” tail; My PA became a Tail man in my dream & form a habit to see a tail hidden inside every saree skirt & trousers…..

As usual in the night of June 20, 2006 also I was going to sleep. I opened the window so get some fresh air. Then I wondered to find news on the screen electronic channel that Hanuman is manifest in atheists ruled WB.

Chandre Oram is a worker in tea estate in Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri. He stands at 5.6 feet, hops, skips and jumps, loves climbing trees and eating bananas for breakfast and has a 13 inch long tail an inch thick.

"I was born on 'Ram Navami' (birthday of Lord Ram, of whom Hanuman was a devotee). People get cured of severe ailments when they touch my tail. I believe I can do a lot of good to those who come to me with devotion," says the youth, before whom thousands of people queue up each day to seek blessings.
The tail really messes with Oram's love life. "Almost 20 women have turned down marriage proposals. They see me and agree to a match. But as soon as I turn around, they see my tail and leave. But I have decided I will marry the woman who accepts me and my tail. Or else, I'll remain a bachelor like Hanuman," he says.
Oram's family is proud of his tail and has turned down offers from doctors for its removal by surgery.

I recall other two real incidents of human tails as following:
Human tail on record belonged to a twelve-year-old boy living in what was then French Indochina, which measured nine inches (229 mm).

Other incident is of June 12, 1998: A 3 kg male neonate delivered perhaps at KEM hospital, Mumbai was the product of full term gestation to 30 years old primigravida mother with no history of drug exposure during pregnancy or diabetes mellitus. The soft tissue mass in the sacrococcygeal region was tail like, soft, well circumscribed measuring 2.5 cm by 0.5 cm. Radiography and ultrasonography of spine did not show any abnormality. This ruled out the possibility of spinal dysraphisam and parasite fetus (pseudotail)

I am too much puzzled to think about the tails. So I tried to sleep. Tails are generally behind the bodies. So in my sloop also I could not be free from the tails. They zoomed in my dreams.

Well, man lost his tail millions of years ago. I observe the dog downstairs that is extremely busy chasing its own tail; it looks like it is having great fun. That gets me thinking about tails, stories of tails and their utility. Imagine how much fun it will be if my PA (Private assistant) grows a tail in her back. He is really weak. He is given to wag his tail before me. Whenever I roared in rage like a lion, he mewed like a cat in retaliation and then kept quiet. "You are a fool. You are fit only to be a peon, not a clerk. Why, you are even not good enough for it." And at such times, his tail grew in length and wagged more vigorously.

I preferred dogs to human beings. And my PA is my faithful dog, who can wag his tail any time.

But suddenly he is seen with his moving tail by the Mayor of the city. On order of mayor he is admitted in the city hospital for removing the tail. The mayor is too much strict. One time he saw a person doing urine in the side corner of the road instead of the Lavatory. On his order he was taken in to the police custody.

This man of a tail is of the 21st century and it is going to be the first operation of its kind in surgical history.

“We shall amputate your tail," the doctor said.
"I am afraid of operations. If I don't recover from the operation, who will look after my wife and children? I am the lone bread-winner in the family," he begged.
The doctor tried to make him understand, "Don't be afraid. You are not going to die. We shall amputate only your tail."
"No doctor, no. I am afraid. Why are you holding me so firmly? I am not a lunatic." His eyes moistened with tears. "Please let me go."
We can't leave you till your tail is amputated. It isn't a good thing for a civilized person."
"But suppose it grows again after amputation?"
The doctor said angrily, "We shall amputate it again."
"No doctor, I shall not have it amputated. It's the means of my livelihood. Please let me go. If I lose my tail then I also lose job, my family would starve. Please forgive me, doctor. I shall never show my tail. I will keep it always invisible. I conceal it inside my underclothes. Please forgive me." He begged and fell at the feet of the surgeon. The doctors, taking pity on him, let him go.
Now the PA thinks in happy mood that his colleagues are also dogs. He does not know if, like him, they, too, have grown tails. Sometimes, he looks at their behinds and thinks that they have concealed their tails inside their underclothes.
He has taken to the habit of looking at the behinds of people. He also looks for a tail in his wife's body. He is joyous to see a long snaky black haired tail on her back. He is his boss's dog and she was is bitch.

It becomes a habit with him to see a tail hidden inside every saree, skirt and trousers. For this few ladies punish him by their chapels. He is trying to leave this habit. He also feels that a human is on his way back to primitive times.”

After that I become free in my sleep from the tail but few habits as like my PA begin to move in my dream.

Kanhaiyal lal Khadiwala was a Congress leader of M.P. He was also a member of second parliament of India. He had a habit to keep his hand to the person who was nearer to him. Some times he kept his hand on the ladies who stood by his side.

My friend Shyam has a habit of eye-blinking. It may be due to nerves defect. The girls who do not know his this defect may be angered to think that his intention is bad.
Actor comedian Kishore Kumar sucked his thumb in a picture in which he was in the role of a boy.

We should not adopt other bad habits such as Head jerking; Nail biting; lip licking; Eye squinting and Eye rolling

I am enjoying dreams in my sleep. Suddenly I awake and see the morning raises of sun.

By Premendra Agrawal


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