Tyranny of Minority
No minority; No Vote Bank, all Indians; majority never wanted & wants to be ruled by democratic dictators of Gandhi dynasty as Hitler or Mugabe. Did India get freedom to act for the flight from freedom?
Pseudo-seculars concern about the "Tyranny of the Majority." Here the question is to what extent majority opinions should prevail as against minority rights. But can there also be a tyranny of minorities? The arguments are old and for the most part familiar ones, but they still speak in important ways to the Indian people, providing the basic elements of civic discourse to a nation which is still working to make democracy work.
The history of the present pro-minority era is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny of minorities over the majority in this country. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
Pseudo-secularism "has become the driving force of Congress and Left, ruthlessly policed by UPA Govt.-financed local and national bureaucrats enforcing a doctrine of state-mandated virtue to promote racial, ethnic and cultural difference and stamp out majority values". Indian nationhood is being disemboweled by "Bangladeshi infiltrators, Pakistan sponsored terrorism, Marixsm and Naxalism of lefts, Western culturlalism and the onslaught mounted by secular nihilists against the country's values of Hinduism mother of secularism."
No minority, all are Indians
It’s the minority (Congress) that ruled India for more than 50 years and also rules now, because they can inspire fear of Nationalist Parties such as BJP among the religious minority Muslim community. Look at dictator states. Do you think the majority of people under Saddam, Hitler, Kim Il Sung or Mugabe wanted to be under him? Like that majority never wanted and wants to be ruled by democratic dictators of Gandhi dynasty. One of the main reasons we have a Constitution is to protect the rights of minorities from the tyranny of the majority. But there are many who would use it as a weapon of oppression. Will we allow this to happen? In fact in India there is no minority, all are Indians.
Pt Nehru to present Italian Gandhi & Hitler
Adolf Hitler gained the largest minority vote in the democratic Weimar republic in 1933. Some might consider this an example of "tyranny of a minority" since Hitler never gained a majority vote. On the other hand, democratic systems endemically, and perhaps necessarily, end up putting power into the hands of a person or faction that commands the largest minority, so the rise of Hitler can not a priori be considered irrelevant to the merits of democracy. How you can separate Pt Nehru to present Italian Gandhi from Hitler?
People like you and I, who believe in equality for all, appeasement to none. Our voice, this of Hinduism, is lost. The one that is heard instead is that of intolerance, prejudice and a call for values to return to the dark ages of barbarism Mugals and Imperialist British Empire. And in case you still think the idea that minority rules are a tad farfetched, don’t forget… the majority of people in India were opposed to the partition of India and there after ceasefire in J&K, Indira’s emergency, sending Indian troops to Sri Lanka to kill Tamils and now left + UPA slogans: “Terrorists are our brothers”, “Marxists/Naxalites are not criminals”, “Hindu Organizations are fundamentalists”……etc.
"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains," Rousseau
Did India get freedom to act for the “flight from freedom” Do we Indians really want freedom with all the responsibility that goes with it?
Two of the greatest drives of human beings are to be free and to be secure. Is it possible to have total freedom and total security? Or does one of these limits the other? And if so, which takes priority?
Even more perplexing is the tension between equality and freedom. Is secularism name of equality and freedom?
Does "human nature" force humans to create governments in order not to kill each other? Once a government has been established, what factors lead to tyranny? What is the role of freedom of expression, opinion and discussion as an essential element of liberty, and what are the safeguards against tyranny?
Advantages over Hindus
So, when the present train of abuses and usurpations evinces a design to reduce the Indian People under an absolute despotism, depriving the nation itself of self-government, it is the right and duty of the people to throw off such chains and to provide new safeguards for the nation's future security. The Indian People has been patient and long-suffering; but it is now a necessity to bring about change and justice.
Minority groups, especially the Muslims and the Christians, are given special privileges and advantages over Hindus.
Congress and Left in India appease the minority groups, which are their vote banks.
The educational institutions established by non-Hindus can apply for the "Religious Minority Status". This means that 50% of the seats in these institutions are reserved for students belonging to a particular religion. For example, in DBIT Mumbai, 50% of the seats are reserved for Roman Catholic students.
The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) also enjoyed a minority status (50% of the seats reserved for Muslims), until the High Court declared that the status was anti-constitutional. But the Teachers' and Students' Union of AMU, as well as many political leaders protested this decision of the Court.
Many Muslims groups have also asked for quotas in prestigious institutions managed by Government. A committee set up by the HRD minister Arjun Singh in 2005 recommended quotas for Muslims in institutions such as IITs, IIMs and IIFT [1].
Recently, the Congress Government with Christian CM of Andhra Pradesh introduced a 5% job quota for Muslims, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court of India. Also, the Government of India allows different laws for different religions, which it says is a consideration to accommodate for the religious differences (see Shah Bano case). For example, the Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife and divorce their wives using the triple talaq method. Many Indians (including moderate Muslims and Christians) are pressing for implementation of a uniform civil code as originally proposed in the Constitution of India.
There is a special concession given to Muslims for pilgrimages (Hajj). Sri Sri Ravishankar pointed out in a recent interview, in the state of Karnataka alone; the Government takes Rs 40 crores from the temples, while only 50 lakhs are returned to them. On the other hand, mosques generate about 40 lakhs but receive 8 crores from the Government.
Vote Bank of Congress and Left
In the event, it is hardly surprising that the Congress and its allies especially left sound increasingly like the Muslim League of pre-Partition days. In keral they promised electorates to make free Madani from the prison. Terrorists, Separatists, Infiltrators, Casteism, religious discrimination, Christian missionaries, Madarsas, Maoists and Naxalites are their vote bank.
Is MF Hussain nude paintings of Bharat Mata and Saraswati sign of free expression? If yes then why Super PM and goddess of other religions escaped? Religious Headcount is a threat to Indian Army’s secular mindset.
Sonia Gandhi more popular in Pakistan
Sonia Gandhi’s speeches are shown more on Pakistani television than on Indian television. Natwar Singh proudly said that Sonia may attract more crowd than Priyanka attracted in the Cricket Pitch of Pakistan. Indira Gandhi laid the foundation of an Islamic cultural centre in Delhi in 1984. Now on June 14, 2006, more than two decades Sonia Gandhi speaks towards the Muslims in public employment and public life. Why 3 days morn in Secular India? Why Bharat Ratna and to Mother Teressa and Padmashree to Glady Staines? Why religion based minorityism and casteism based reservation after 60 years of Independence? Why Narendra Modi’s Visa was canceled by USA and Feroze Khan is not Khan now for Pakistan? Why Gujarat declared for the special target of the Left supported UPA Govt. in the just finished meeting of so called National Advisory Council NAC of UPA & Lefts?
By Premendra Agrawal
Wow man, wonderful article. I agree with you and I am sure many Indians and "Majority, Cruel, Hindoos" agree with you. Wish we could do something about all these. Especially the Hindu temple plunders.
We continue allowing such a progress, Hinduism which survived 10s of thousands of years will not survive another 500 years. Already many tribes in India are completely rooted out due to conversions and atrocities of Islam and Christian conversions.
By the way, I am neither pro-Hindu not fundamentalist. I am just a Indian and a Hindu who is pained at seeing both being raped and strangled to suffering and eventual death.
Anonymous Patriotic Indian, at 7:52 AM
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