
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Milking Idol not Arjun Mandal-i Hysteria

This is not political hysteria as worshiping by Congress Nehru Gandhi dynasty. Natwar Singh said in indiatv that he is the blind follower of Nehru to Sonia Gandhi. This is not hysteria of Jehad NCERT Publicatrion, Imported Media Hysteria and Arjuni ‘Mandal-i’ Reservation to jump in death well.

Events in Hinduism as milking idol & Charnamrit are unique scientifically. Every event in Hinduism is unique only in world with scientific reason. Lotus Flowers are presented to ‘Laxmi’. Lotus flowers are under the water level, which has risen gently and smoothly. Surface tension prevents the water from submerging the flower.

Examples of Mass Hysteria areTitle “Milk for deities, not for locals”- Hindustan Times; Prince becomes hero other crores children zeoro, Sansani, Fake events, Fake Survey of Yadvendra Yadav of NCERT for Sonia and overdose of Rakhi and Mallika’s opened sexy art with praising of old lady Giri.
The newspapers were full of photographs of a pensive looking Rahul and Priyanka and scenes of self-fulfilling hysteria of Congress when Sonia could not be PM. The Times of India published evoking Christian imagery of self-sacrifice. This is not the hysteria of saying: "When a big tree falls, the earth trembles!" Years later a Sikh in Chandigarh, Sher Singh Sher tauntingly asked: "Were there only Sikhs sitting under that tree?"
The event of idols "drinking" milk could be explained scientifically by the theory of capillary action or the movement of liquids within spaces of porous surfaces due to surface tension, adhesion and cohesion. The reason behind people thronging temples with pots and pans filled with milk should not be termed a ‘mass religious hysteria’ caused by gullibility and scientific ignorance. CM Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee scoffs at gods drinking milk rumour. Has Communist atheist non belever of God authority to comment like this?

Only we accept there is no one religion that is superior or inferior and that all forms of God are acceptable to the Supreme. This is our unique thinking opposite to Christianity and Islam. We never convert to others opposite to other believers who say their God is the only God for reaching heaven. Conress to please Soni Gandhi to obey Pope’s order can oppose laws against forcefully converson. Bobby Jindal, American Republican senator converted himself as Christian in his student life by the force of his friend. He said like him millions converted did not see Bible, fraud of Benny Henn henn and awards to Glady Staines, MF Hussain etc.

Every event in Hinduism has with scientific reason. None civilization of the world has this unique specialty. Even European countries are copying our specialization but in India uncivilized backward people of Western culture dishonor this. Hinduism and modern science are two sides of a coin and fill up the blank for each other to provide logically the answers to practically all the questions of metaphysics that have troubled man since time immemorial.

Hinduism is since ‘Anadikal’ never invade others territory. Hinduism instead of materialism conquers the world spiritually. We should know ‘Shakti’ of ‘Yoga’ and ‘Mediation’ which is now recognized world over. Yoga & Mediation have no religion but Shri Shri Ravishankar and Ramdeo are in the hit list of terrorists. Our faith is not based on terrorism and human rights abuses. Hindu Yog Science of Breadth based on law of physics.

Lucky Prince who slipped into a 50-foot (15-metre) hole few days ago was kept alive by pumping in oxygen and sending down milk and food on order of CM, PM and Super PM. Prince warned us time will come when we have to purchase fresh air to breadth and snuff the flour because we have started now to import the wheat bread after importing leader to lead us.

Lord Ganesh will be crowned by gold of 10 crores at Siddhi Vinayak Mandir of Mumai and ‘Throne’ of the cost of 100 crore will be for Sai Baba to follow the tradition of Somnath Temple and Golden temple. ’Throne’ and ‘Crown will not be eaten by the God. These are of the people presented by the people and for the people in real sense. Have we democracy in real sense?

Our Science of Ayurved & science of life is now a days more popular in European Countries than India. Veda and Ayurveda describe life energy as Prana. It states that all energy follows a movement of inhalation and exhalation like breadth. All material energy is a development of pure energy and its power is life. Since ancient time India leads in astrology, astronomy, and mathematics. The ancient Indian Vastushastra of building a home or temple or building of any kind to ensure the greatest success of all endeavors that will occur in that building.

Idols remind God’s presence by drinking milk. Hindu Deity drinks milk once again after Sept 21, 1995. Even pious is God’s charnamrit. A special form of prasad is the Charanamrit, which is the water or milk used to wash the feet of the idol, or of a holy saint. The Charanamrit has tremendous powers. It can change the outlook of a devotee entirely. It has the power to cure diseases. There are cases where it brought back life to the dead. Charanamrit is a tonic or medicine for misery, pain and anxiety. Intense faith is the all-important necessity for taking it. Without faith it brings very little benefit. The benefits of Prasada and Charanamrita are beyond description. They have the power to change entirely the outlook of a man’s life. For faithless persons, it brings very little effect.

Proof That God is Present in Hindu Deities
If the milk miracle was attributed to capillary action, then why is it that the deities never drank a single drop of milk before 21 September 1995 and there after only now? On 1995 the Milk Miracle was reported Worldwide, from: Edmonton, Canada, San Francisco, USA, Los Angeles, USA, Trinidad, Guyana, Toronto, Canada, New York, USA, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Dubai, UAE, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Mauritius, Kenya, and many other countries.

We Are Living in Miracle as per every religion of the world. The nature has so many wonders such as billions of stars, the shining of the sun and moon, trees, plants, animal and human living, mines, rivers, mountains, and so many other uncounted. If we cannot explain or duplicate these, even with all the scientific theories as to how and why these phenomena occur, shouldn't we call them miracle?

So, the Gods of the Hindu pantheon could do a miracle for us by drinking milk, if the Almighty decided to demonstrate that all styles of sincere worship, based on belief, should be respected and be declared acceptable to Him--including the idol worship of Hindus. It is the fourth conclusion that no one should condemn any of the ways of worshipping Him. There is no superior or inferior procedure in beliefs.

But we are not able to conclude anything about this question of a priest, "People had brought at least 10 litres (17½ pints) of milk. “Look at the floor. It is fairly dry. Where has the milk gone? It should be visible on the floor. Can you see that?” even when every eye is watching the disappearance of milk from the spoons.

So we believers on God say: "Lord Ganesha is drinking milk. Yes! He is blessing everyone."

By Premendra Agrawal

Note: Worship of deities is called ‘Puja’. It is conducted to an idol made of gold, silver, bronze or even clay. Those who can not even afford these worship the Gods in paintings/pictures. Since God is omnipresent, then He should be present in stones, animals’ i.e everywhere. Isn't it beautiful that a person sees divinity in every aspect of creation whether it is animate or inanimate? Even on Nagpanchami the poster of Naag is then splashed with cow's milk because milk is the food of snake.

Worshippers would commit a blunder mistake by seeing an essential distinction between the idol and the Supreme Lord, for they are one and the same. When offering flowers, one says, 'I am offering to you my senses, attributes, character but none of them are really mine. Everything is yours.' Thus, even a simple puja has a great spiritual meaning which escapes a casual observer.

An essential part of puja for the Hindu devotee is making a spiritual connection with the divine. Most often that contact is facilitated through an object: an element of nature, a sculpture, a vessel, a painting, or a print.
During an elaborate puja, it is washed with sacred water, then with milk, yogurt, honey, sandalwood paste, and ashes before being dressed in ceremonial robes. It is lavishly adorned with garlands of flowers and may also be decorated with jewelry.

Previous Posts:
Jehad-Naxal Tackling “Tharra”
Sick-ular & President’s Marriage from Prison


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