
Monday, April 10, 2006

Going wild to eat nature

Salman is now in Jail. I remeber ‘Junun’ film, words ‘Tiger’ used one time by Sharmila Tagore for her husband Navab Pataudi & One argument: Pignent Salman’s not born Child does wrongs, not S.Khan.

He was convicted of shooting a Chinkara, also known as the Indian gazelle or black buck, while on a hunting trip in 1998, triggering angry protests by locals especially Vishnoi Samaj of Jodhpur who revere the animal.

Are their renounces not greater than the show-piece renounces of Sonia Gandhi?

Worldwide Fund for Nature's (WWF) Abraham Conservation Award or other award should be given to the Vishnoi Samj of Jodhpur, their pleader and investigating officers. Their selfless efforts should not be gone unnoticed.

Biggest waking calls

The raging scandal over the missing tigers of Sariska had also shocked the country. Where have the tigers gone?

Both are the biggest wake up calls in the country's conservation history.

“Many of the Earth's habitats, animals, plants, insects, and even micro-organisms that we know as rare may not be known at all by future generations. We have the capability, and the responsibility. We must act before it is too late." Dalai Lama

Endangered animals: Going… Going… Gone?

What are the fates of African White Rhino, Wild Asses, leopards, Gazelles, Chinese Giant Pandas, Asian Tigers, Indonesian Komodo Dragon, Malaysian Tapirsand Leatherback Turtles,, Gaur or forest buffalo of India’s Bastar, Australin bird of paradise, Japanese Ibis, national bird of the U.S. Bald Eagle, California Condor, Polar Bears, Peregrine Falcons, Alpine Ibex and Musk Oxen of Europe, Takahes & Koalas of Oceania, South American” Scarlet Macaws are famous for its ability in mimicking and imitating sounds made by the human voice as well as perform tricks, Quetzal, Vicuna, Giant Anteater and Bespectacled Bears.

Animals are endangering due to forest land used by human activities, human development such as farming and cattling, Illegal hunting and poaching for meet sport and body parts skins horns furs feathers and wool.

Illegal Trade in Wildlife and Wildlife Products
According to Interpol, the international police agency, the illegal wildlife trade is second only to narcotics smuggling, generating 5 billion dollars per year
Researchers are working on synthetic and traditional alternatives for the tiger and rhino body parts used in Oriental medicines and efforts are being made to educate consumers about conservation.

The United States has, for the first time, imposed trade sanctions against another country for allowing trade in endangered species. In April 1994, the Pelly Amendment (which subjects any nation diminishing the effectiveness of an international environmental treaty to trade sanctions) was invoked against Taiwan, a major hub of illegal trafficking.

If we protect them today, the people will come to see the wild animals may help us increase our income. Even though nothing much has happened today, we hope these forests will help our children in the future.

The government should also taken steps to involve local people in the conservation efforts. Conservation laws should provide that a fixed percentage of the revenue generated can be used for the development of the local people living in and around the protected areas.

The anti-poaching units should be set up. Government should pay them for their equipment like binoculars, radio sets, camping gear such as jackets, tents, sleeping bags, raincoats, shoes and cooking sets.

Different countries have different culture.

Incidents of America: In 1991, after volcanic hearings, Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) officials opened 55,000 acres surrounding the Quabbin Reservoir in Western Massachusetts, Boston's major water source, to a nine-day deer hunt. The first day, 300 eager hunters killed 123 deer; 900 hunters killed a total of 576 by the ninth day.

Some countries enjoy Bull fighting, Fox hunting, running Camels with childeen and other cruelties.

“It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past which] resulted from ignorance. Today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations,” Dalai Lama

“Dharma & Nature protect those who protect dharma & nature.”

Pseudo-secularists are giving Hinduism a communal color.
The Hindu Trinity, forms of Gods and Goddesses, the Avatars of Lord Vishnu, the Devatas, Planet and Animal Deities are all presented with their image representation.
Pashupati ( Pahu=animals=pati = lord).

Ganesha represents the majesty of the animal kingdom with his head and his vehicle, the mouse, shows subjugation of pestilent rats, Siva along with his vahan, bull Nandi, Sarswati with her vahan swan, monkey god Hanuman, "fish-eyed goddess" Minakshi. We find Matsyavatara (Vishnu as a fish), Kurmavatara (Vushnu as a tortoise), Varahavatar (Vishnu as a boar), Narasimhavatara (the lion-man) and Gaja-Laxmi.

Snakes widely worshipped by Shaivas everywhere and particularly in south India
Durga rides a lion to defeat the armies of the antigods.

The lists hanging on the fence are mainly educational and are used to inform visitors of some of the sacred areas in India (although worshippers may read through the lists to help them in their devotions to the jyotirlingas or other areas of the temple.) One list names the 12 auspicious jyotirlingas, Another list gives the reader the names of the 7 Holy mountains, 7 Holy Rivers,

"I am the Father- of this Universe. I am the Mother of this universe, and the Creator- of all. I am the Highest to be known, the Purifier, the holy OM, and the three Vedas." God Krishna (BG 9.17)
So Hindus worship the Supreme Reality in the form of Mother, Father, Friend, Master, Guru, Savior and the nature.

Premendra Agrawal


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