
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Renunciation can’t be for sale as SIM Card

Chandan Mitra of Pioneer rightly wrote,” Sonia Gandhi appears to believe that "sacrifice" is like a prepaid SIM card. By this logic, she thinks her "talk time" can be extended, simply by recharging an old card. That is precisely what she has tried to do by appearing to re-enact her May 2004 renunciation act.”

I recall drama that unfolded in Lok Sabha on September 24, 1951, Congress MP H G Mudgal resigned from what was then only a provisional Lok Sabha in a bid to pre-empt an expulsion motion moved against him by no less a person than Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. At that time Pt. Nehru felt that Mudgal’s resignation is an insult of the House. He said, “"Shri Mudgal deserved expulsion from the House and further that the terms of the resignation letter he gave to the deputy Speaker at the conclusion of his statement constitute a contempt of this House which only aggravate his offence” If Mudgal insulted the Parliament by his resignation, then how sonia’s resignation can be treated as honor of the parliament and an act of renounce?

“Nowadays anyone in possession of a ‘resignation letter’ is thought to be ‘tyag murti’ and great ‘Sonia bhakt’ on the move, filling his or her act with great displays of renounce and Sacrifice. The result—is Renounce and Sacrifice of immense self-consciousness with no selves in them at all, curiously arrested and ‘chhutbhaiyye’ leaders that know a thousand western culture but do not know a single human being of our Indian culture and our old tradition.” Our cultural wealth has become a desert due to Sonia’s artificial renouncing propaganda.

Politics now is auctioning the symbol of Indian culture ‘renounce’, symbol of our patriotism ‘sacrifice’. Are these can be for sale? Don’t misguide and stop to misuse of open hearted simple Indian voters. Secularism of Hinduism can’t be for sale, as being sold by UPA to play Muslim card, Renounce of our Rishies can’t be for sale, as being sold by so called seculariwsts, Sacrice of our patriots can’t be for sale, as being sold by Human Resource Minister Arjun Sinh, Democracy of India can’t be for sale, as being sold through artificial sympathy wave, God and Goddess of India can’t be for sale, as being sold by Mukbool Hussain in his paintings. Drama of Sonia can be for sale, It is India, Indian Culture, Indian Old democracy and secularism of Hinuiism those are not for sale.

Renunciation of principle, renunciation of one’s past, renunciation of one’s integrity—this continues to be a booming business and arm of cheap politics. Opportunism and cowardice take their place in the process alongside disorientation and historical-political ignorance. A certain section of intellectualism, journalism and politics has gone on sale everywhere.

Our ‘Janta’ is dominated by a web of bureaucratic control and media manipulation on a massive scale. The possibility of social convulsion, much less “the ultimate senescence, breakdown and death of the system as such,”

Election Commission has received complaints about MPs including Sonia, Somnath besides many Jharkhand Assembly members. This process of making complaints is going on. If Election Commission will take decision on double profiteer MPs, then definitely it will be a gate way for midterm poll. ‘Sympathy wave’ and ‘Muslim Card’ will be the arm of UPA against NDA

The fate of Jharkhand MLAs is hanging in balance before the Election Commission after Governor SS Razi referred their cases following charges and counter charges that each of them held an office of profit, "thus inviting disqualification". The United Progressive Alliance of the Congress party says it will campaign for the removal of MLAs of the governing coalition in Jharkhand. NDA has alleged that Jharkhand Governor Syed Sibtey Razi is trying to fulfil his wish which he had failed to accomplish in March last year when the NDA came to power, dislodging the UPA government in nine days. EC has to now decide on the fate of MPs and Jharkhand MLAs.

“Sonia’s exit may gate way for midterm poll”
Election Commission has received complaints about Sonia, Somnath and 14 other parliamentarians besides 4 Jharkhand Assembly members. This process of making complaints is going on. If Election Commission will take decision on double profiteer MPs, then definitely it will be a gate way for midterm poll. ‘Sympathy wave’ and ‘Muslim Card’ will be the arm of UPA against NDA

The Dance of Electoral Domination (Supemecy)
Psychological techniques, used deliberately, allow many tricks to go unnoticed and unchallenged. For example, "mystification" is a plausible misrepresentation of reality in which forms of exploitation are presented as forms of benevolence. Like magic and the use of distraction, we may read the comment of ‘financial Express’: “The danger is, the entire drama will cloud the issue thrown up by Wednesday’s deplorable proroguing of Parliament: whether legislators can hold offices of profit and if so, the checks and balances needed. It will also push into the background the question of whether the President Abdul Kalam consulted the government on the reference to the Election Commission in the original Jaya Bachchan office-for-profit charge and on its subsequent advice. His powers are only supposed to be used on ministerial advice. So did he or did not seek such advice? Mrs Gandhi’s resignation answers none of these far more fundamental questions”

At the time when media and so called secularist intellectuals projecting Sonia’s resignation drama once again as renounce, sacrifice and ‘tyag’ I saw a current news titled ‘Tortoise dies aged 250’ It was one of four brought from the Seychelles as a gift to General Robert Clive, one of the founders of British rule in India. I recall, Sonia Gandhi writes, in her memoirs of life with Rajiv, published in 1992, "In those days I had a vague idea that India existed somewhere in the world with its snakes, elephants and jungles."

Uncertainty, doubt and demoralization have a right-wing Congress, a “left” CPM face and other UPA allies face. “Sonia’s exit may leave NAC toothless”: Uncomfortable allies shook hands to present BJP as Ghost before Muslim, and to shares power-bed with Congress. Now they all will be busy to fight each other in the coming assembly election. Indira Gandhi received funds from American to get rid of communism in India? Prominent Marxist leader Jyoti Basu dropped the bombshell when Sonis KGB relation was caught by media.

The Silence of the Scams
So many people live with the knowledge that they have been tricked before, were just tricked again--and then submit to life under the power of those who tricked them? We face a conspiracy of silence on Sonia Scams and on pseudo-secularism in the media. This Censorship, brainwashing and intimidation create an environment of passivity and fear in subtle yet powerful ways that keep the system going with the complicity of those who have been robbed.

These techniques combine to form something like a collective hypnotic induction, which creates an illusion of a consensus that cannot be challenged. Few have the insight, training or tools to see through the manipulation. Even fewer have the courage to take on the challenge. For many, responses to domination may include learned helplessness, psychic numbing, fear, cowardice, conformity, denial, cognitive laziness, disbelief, avoidance, and submission to authority. These items are inter-related and the lists are not exhaustive.

Of course if the facts were accurately reported in the mainstream media, the collective psychological climate would be conducive to a healthier public response. People accept fraud for reasons which may be conscious or unconscious.


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