
Sunday, September 18, 2005



To day’s talk is and coming days’ talk will be Indira’s India and KGB. But I want to remind and the facts show how close we were and we are to disaster under the Congress regime. “You cannot be made great by what you destroy but, by what you build”.

Former Bihar Chief Minister Jagannath Mishra as PTI reported on September 18, 2005, admitted that his brother, who was Railway minister in Indira Gandhi cabinet was of "left leaning" and so was Indira Gandhi and that "Lalit Narain Mishra had brought the Congress close to the CPI".

I recall my comment, which have been published in various newspapers of June 19, 2005 including::
Former KGB spy Antonio Maino alias Sonia Maino-Gandhi recently went to Russia.
Sonia, still Italian citizen, was a KGB spy planted by KGB in UK and trapped Rajiv Gandhi. Antonio Maino's father was a Russian prisoner's of war. Her father worked as Nazi volunteers. Finally Rajiv had to pay the price for that spy Sonia to save her boyfriend Quatrochi and billions dollars of bribes. George Fernades rightly said that that woman should not be allowed to loot our nation and finally fly away like Japanese Fujimuri, who looted Peru.

3 Cs Corrupt Congress CPI & Envelope journalism: The Mitrokhin Archive, Volume II says It seemed like the entire country was on sale, "People in high places, including ministers, were willing to provide sensitive information to the highest bidder" Like that before the revolution the Bolsheviks obtained their funds by organizing… dacoities, by seducing heiresses… Though Indira was unaware, but ruble-suitcases were in her residence. Nehru has the same bohemian attitude towards audit objections: they belong to the same fussy bourgeois era of Gokhale and Gandhi. Was his Krishna Menon was not corrupt?

Newspapers reader can recall, Nehru himself said and accepted that he agreed in principle with the Communists. Once upon a time Pt Nehru said that accidentally he born in Hindu family. Under Stalin, according to Nehru, the people of Russia got “dignity of labour.” Some gems should be found out from Nehru’s speech in the Parliament on March 6 1953 to mark the “sad” occasion of Stalin’s death. Though Marx insulted Proudhon; Engels insulted Bukanin; Lenin insulted Kautsky; Trotsky insulted Stalin. Stalin scourged the Opposition even in the graves of their opponents.

The book titled Genesis & Growth of Nehruism Vol 1 : Commitment to Communism written by the late Sita Ram Goel, reveals that Nehru’s Man Friday, V.K. Krishna Menon (who also served as India’s Defence Minister) whom everybody blamed for the Chinese debacle was in reality, a mere pawn in the larger-than-life games that Nehru played with India and the Indian people. A step further, the focus of this book lies in exposing Nehru as a true-blood Communist.
Goel has traced Nehru’s fascination with Communism from the time Nehru first visited the USSR, in 1927. From being a pilgrim to the Soviet Paradise, Goel traces the steady, unswerving ideological commitment to Communism as professed by Nehru in every act of his: as a Communist pamphleteer.

Soviet attempts to cultivate Indira Gandhi during the 1950s were motivated far more by the desire to influence her father than by any awareness of her own political potential. Moscow still underestimated her when she became Prime Minister. In her early parliamentary appearances she seemed tongue-tied and unable to think on her feet. The insulting nickname coined by a socialist MP, DUMB DOLL, began to stick.

* KGB records show how spies penetrated the heart of India
The Indians lifted restrictions on the number of Soviet diplomats and trade officials in the country, thus allowing the KGB numerous cover positions. After Congress-led UPA came to power Russia appointed a former KGB spy/director as Ambassador to India. Delhi became a prized posting, “indicated by the subsequent promotion of some of the leading officers in the New Delhi residency”. One 1970s KGB man in Delhi went on to “become head of the post-Soviet foreign intelligence service, the SVR, with direct access to President Yeltsin”. Later, he “became a confidant of President Putin”. Vyacheslav Trubnikov returned to India as ambassador in 2004, an act “attributed by Russian press commentators to the mutual desire of Russia and India to upgrade their strategic partnership”.

According to the respected Swiss Magazine, Schweitxzer Illustrate [November 1991 issue], Rajiv Gandhi had about $ 2 billion in numbered Swiss bank accounts, which Sonia inherited upon his assassination.

Dr. Yevgenia Albats, Ph.D [Harvard], is a noted Russian scholar and journalist. She was a member of the KGB Commission set up by President Yeltsin in August 1991. She was privy to the Soviet intelligence files that documented these deals and KGB facilitation of the same. In her book The State Within a State The KGB in Soviet Union, she even gives the file numbers of such intelligence files, which can now be accessed by any Indian government through a formal request to the Kremlin.

Sonia Gandhi, chairperson of India's ruling coalition, now visited the twin Russian cities of Vladimir and Suzdal. Her father Stefano Maino -- who was an Italian soldier fighting against Soviet troops during World War II -- was jailed in the region of the above said twin cities as a prisoner of war for several years.

But her Russian hosts could not show her the prison where Maino was held, as the structure no longer exists. Maino, who later became a building contractor, never harbored any grouse or anger against his Russian captors. Rather, Sonia's father Stefano Maino fell in love with Russian culture and literature, government-run RIA Novosti reported pointing that all his daughters including Sonia (Antonio Maino) have Russian names and Sonia can also speak a little Russian.

By: Premendra Agrawal


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