
Sunday, May 08, 2005

But bean is in the hands & on lips of Soniaji

Pseudo secularist, Pseudo PM & Ministers’ bodies and minds are singing (with joy). They have lost control over their heart and mind. Who is playing this bean? (which is causing all this). Manmohan can play flute but bean (snake charmer's bean) is in the hands of Soniaji..

During the days of the Ottoman Empire the Grand Vizier played the role of a pseudo prime minister in the Sultan's court and was the leader of the Divan, the Imperial Council. After Pseudo-PM Pseudo-Secularists, there should not be a pseudo-parliament as desiered by UPA and Left. L K Advani said on May 7, 'PM's inability is forcing us to continue boycott' "Deadlock over Parliament was almost resolved and the Prime Minister even favoured a common statement at a meeting with me and Vajpayeeji, but the same evening, after an internal meeting of the Congress, he reversed his stand and his party men accused the opposition of behaving in a childish manner," Advani added.

Pseudo Lok Sabha was on May 7, adjourned twice for lack of quorum-required minimum 54 MPs with the Opposition continuing the boycott of the House for over a week now.

When BJP is out, Left is in, as the Opposition. In Singapore ruling party and in Pakistan dictator Musharraf don’t want real opposition. So they create dummy opposition as in India communist parties are the dummy opposition. A single party and a single dynasty except premiership of N. Rao dominated in parliament. It has accumulated for itself not to allow opposition to perform its constitutional duty. It is time the media & people realize the problems faced by the opposition and wake up to this fact, otherwise there shall be no real opposition left; but in their place only opposition out side supporter of Govt. such as Communist parties so-called 'shadow Cabinet'.
There were parliaments in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy. Sonia is the daughter of a fascist follower of Mussolini and Pope. Three days mourn was to follow Popeism and devaluation of PM post and the opposition is Mussolinism. On the period of boycott black laws as to ban RSS & Kripan were passed and Law minister with others attacked opposition, judiciary and Election Commission also. They became the record & secular media giving one-sided coverage of the parliament.

Dr. Singh is a pseudo prime minister; he wont go out on a limb and do anything to follow Sonia. His cabinet ministers, party’s allies and the CMs are talking to Sonia only.
He should not be a trout for Sonia to rule the country with a golden whip to forget the cruel murders of Sikhs in 84’ riot. Keeping extremes of left-ish enthusiasm in check is the responsibility of reformist Dr. Singh.

Scotland’s Pseudo-Parliament is to be given as its pseudo prime minister the trusty Blair-supportive figure of Donald-'um-Dewar.
Sam Hamod said in Al-Jazeerah, August 14, 2004, “The American puppet, the Vichy/Nazi style pseudo prime minister of Iraq, Iyad Allawi, is a traitor to Islam, to the Shi’a, to Iraq and to the Arab and Muslim worlds.”
Mr Mehmet Ali Talat, is pseudo prime minister of Turkey's regime in occupied Cyprus.
Then Ukrainians, Croatia, Belarus and most Gulf countries such as Bahrain would have to live with a pseudo-parliament under pseudo-democracy
In Nicaragua government operates according to pseudo-parliamentary rules.
China and Cuba has pseudo-parliament.

The Pseudo-Parliament in India may be morally bankrupt, an administrative fiasco, a political disaster that may attract the worst possible kind of politicians. The whole thing is a dangerous fantasy, bound eventually to end in chaos and corruption.

Neither Leninists nor Liberals believe in real free speech, the biggest difference between them is that the Marxist-Leninist are honest about suppressing opposition while the Liberals pretend to implement free speech while actually destroying it via corporate control of the media. the 60 members of the Legislative Council (Legco), Hong Kong’ pseudo-parliament, have little real power. Soviets had degenerated from a quasi-parliament into a pseudo-parliament

Although real power is in the party, most leninist states have some sort of parliament or pseudo-Parliament and various government officials which are elected by the general public. However, the Communist party is the only party allowed winning and party members are subject to party discipline so real power lies with the party congress, central committee & politburo.

In Ukarine election of 2004 was without contesting the opposition parties. The Election Commission of Singapore excludes all opposition candidates. The President of Armenia on December 28, 1994, banned nation's leading opposition party. Over 40 members of the Armenian parliament have suspended their activity in the parliament in the protest. Togolese voted on 25 October 2002, but the main opposition parties could not take part in the poll. Ruling party of Georgia called opposition as the enemy of the nation in the parliament. Zambia is facing the same problem. Do you want these incidents be repeated in India? Wiped out this nonsense heading ‘People's verdict: NDA must attend Par’. Have secular English media remind ruling party to follow ethics of parliamentary democracy? Speaker comrade Somnath refused to say a single word to ruling party.
Premendra Agrawal


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