
Sunday, May 01, 2005

Weige argues: Suicide by Secularism

Weige argues that Europe's "demographic suicide" is a Suicide by Secularism and will cause its welfare states to buckle and is creating a "vacuum into which Islamic immigrants are flowing." Since 1970 the 20 million legal Islamic immigrants equal the combined populations of Ireland, Denmark and Belgium. In his latest book, "The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God," Catholic theologian and social critic George Weigel, biographer of John Paul II, decried the West's sins of secularism. He argues a return to Christian roots will cure U.S. and European ills.

At least 576 Christians from 122 families in seven Orissa villages on May 1, 05 "re-embraced" Hinduism. Sonia wants 'Rome-raj' & Mahatma Gandhi wanted 'Ram-raj'. Mahatma Gandhi was against conversion and welcomed "re-embraced" of repentant in Hinduism. Then why Sonia prefers conversion of Hindus through Glady Staines, Smt. Benny Hinn, Alwa & others? At the time of 'Dandi March' Sonia said Congress would follow Mahatma Gandhi’s principles.

This is VHP-sponsored ceremony at Bijepur village in the district of Bargarh, a state VHP leader said. The persons had filed affidavits before a local magistrate expressing their desire of homecoming prior to the religious function, local head of VHP Satyanarayan Panda told - 19 Apr 2005, published that Hindu and Muslim extremists were creating many problems. This shows that Muslims are anger on the activities of Christian Missionaries. Vishal Arora, Hungary’s BosNewsLife New Delhi Bureau Chief sent news report, “Hindu militants said Monday, April 25, they "re-converted" 102 Tribal Christians from 45”, Italy gives news title: “Anti-conversion campaign by Hindu fundamentalists“ They never publish ‘Christian fundamentalist or Christian Militants’. When they publish news related to 3 days mourn in India on death of Pope then they publish ‘Hindu India’. Here in India Ram Vilas Paswan said on electronic channel that ‘Hindustan’ word is communal. ‘The Hindu’ or ‘The Hindustan Times’ did not write a single word against this. Opposite to this ‘Hindustan Times’ is the most anti-Hindu newspaper of the world.

“If a person through fear, compulsion, starvation, or for material gain or consideration goes over to another faith, it is a misnomer to call it conversion Most cases of conversion … have been to my mind false coin … I would therefore unhesitatingly re-admit to the Hindu fold all such repentant without much ado … If a man comes back to the original branch he deserves to be welcomed … in so far as he may deem to have erred, he has sufficiently purged himself of it when he repents his error and retraces his steps.” Mahatma Gandhi (Collected Works: Vol. 66, pp. 163-164)

“If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing … In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink …Mahatma Gandhi (November 5, 1935)

Sonia symbolizes Christian power in India
Such was the Maino family's devotion to their Church and their religion that it insisted not only on her continuing to be a Christian but also on her husband -- to embrace the faith.-- both Rajiv and Sonia listed themselves as Christians.

“Mera juta hai japani, yah patllon Englistani, sar pe lal topi rusi, fir bhi dil hai Hindustani” Sonia wears Sari but her ‘Dil’ is Italian.
Never mind that Sonia smears her forehead with a "Tilak" and also wears a Sari. She is no more Hindu than the other Christian Missionaries in India who are posing as "Swamis." Christians are busy changing their tactics and are assuming the posture of "Secularism," as an indigenous Indian faith (Christianity) and not an alien faith.

Think: Why ‘Bharatratn’ to Mother Teresa, ‘Padmashree’ to Glady Staines, Govt.- welcome to fraud Benny Hinn and Jail to Kanchi Mutt Seer? Why three days mourn on the death of Pope II? Who forced Jayalalitha to draw back anti-conversion bill? Why protests by Christian against Anti-Conversion bill of Rajasthan and Gujarat?

Hindus are still tolerant though under current is flowing to know the continuous decrease of Hindus and increase of Christians & Muslims. Why Osama Bin Laden threatens Christian missionaries for not conversion of Muslims otherwise their throat would be cut?
"People who have no love for this country are behind the conspiracy to demoralize the forces. I will not allow this country to be looted. I have only one country. Others may have other countries", George Fernades said in an apparent reference to the Congress president's foreign origin.

Watan Walo Watan Na Bech Dena
Ke Dharti Yeh Gagan Na Bech Dena
Shaheedon Ne Jaan Di Hain Watan Ke Vaaste
Shaheedon Ke Kafan Na Bech Dena
Doston Saathiyon Hum Chale
De Chale Apna Dil Apni Jaan
Taake Jeeta Rahe Apna Hindustan

Christian Congress governments of North-East India are openly telling the Non-Christians that "this is a Christian State and that Non-Christians have no business or domicile here. Either they get converted or they will be eliminated or kicked out."

Christians are using immoral means to convert Hindus into Christianity. Sari wearing nuns enter poor villages with food, clothing and money. The rest is history. People should fight whichever way possible against to counter it.

Bangladeshi infiltration for conversion in to Christianity
But more than this, the findings have also revealed that illegal Muslim migrants from Bangladesh too have been increasingly reporting as Christians "guided by survival strategy and adverse economic conditions." Obviously, the Christian leaders are using militancy to intimidate the illegal migrants, particularly in the Christian -dominated hilly regions, to convert them to Christianity. They too, like the Hindus, are being lured with all kinds of economic benefits to get converted.

Check Demographic slide
However, against the national growth rate of 22.6 per cent, Nagaland reported as high as 69.2 per cent growth, followed intriguingly enough, by Gujarat with 56.3 per cent growth of Christian population, by Orissa 34.8 per cent, Meghalaya 42.1 per cent, Chhattisgarh 32.5 per cent, West Bengal 34.3 per cent, Punjab 30 per cent and Mizoram 30.7 per cent. However, Kerala, which accounted for the largest share of Christians in the country, reg!
istered only 7.8 per cent growth while Andhra Pradesh reported minus growth (-2.8), the findings said. So Christian Rajshekhar became CM there to increase the figuge. Tripura for example, during 1991-2001, the Hindu population grew by 15 per cent while the Christian population grew by 121 per cent.

Trilochan Singh of Minority Commission said that there was a tremendous increase of Christian population in Northeast states. In fact, conversion is taking place on a mass-scale in large parts of the Northeast where poor, backward tribal fall easy prey to the lure of money and other inducements to embrace Christianity. But if they don't, the job is taken over by the militant groups, most of which are operating in the region only to convert people to Christianity under the guise of insurgent outfits. There are a couple of such outfits operate!

While nobody should have any objection to such a development in a secular country, what every secularist must object to is the fact that, while the Muslim population is rising alarmingly due to illegal influx from Bangladesh, the Christian population is rising due to conversion, both forced and induced, of mostly the gullible Hindus who do not have any means to defend themselves. It is high time all the States including Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura passed anti-conversion laws with stringent penal provisions to at least partially check this demographic slide without any further delay.

Premendra Agrawal


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