
Friday, April 22, 2005

Don’t protest conversion & Pope mourning in Secular India

Pope Benedict XVI is against Marxism, Secularism &
Freedom of religion

Highest Hindu Head the Shankaracharya of Puri Nischalananda Sarawati urged the Pope to call upon Roman Catholic priests in India to stop conversions. He also said: "There is an urgent need for the US to ease its pressure on Muslim nations." This is Hinduism.

The High Court has fined two men Rs 10,000 for legally challenging the mainly Hindu country's official three days of mourning for the death of Pope John Paul II. China did not represent Pope II’s funeral ceremony. Another funeral mourner will be Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, who was to have married his long-time love Camilla Parker Bowles on the same day. In France, leading French left-wingers sparked a row after criticising Chirac's government for lowering flags on official buildings in tribute to the pope, which they said breached secular principles.

Pope is intolerant. Hindus are tolerant. Sonia is Catholic Christian but wants to look like Hindu to deceive the people? Opposite to Sonia, George Fernadis introduced himself before his county as a true Indian instead of Christian. Does he feel necessity to change his Christian religion?

Earlier the US State Department said the US looked forward to working with Pope Benedict XVI to build upon what it called an already excellent relationship with the Vatican. US reserves huge dollars for conversion program in India.

NRI Preeta Bansal, a Harvard-trained lawyer, is chairperson of US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). USCIRF advised to revoke Modi’s Visa. New Pope is fiercely steadfast on the principles of Church and its superiority over other religions. Is intolerant religious freedom?

Sonia should announce that Christianity is one of the ways that can lead to salvation and not that Christianity is the only way to salvation. Why she hesitates to announce publicly about her religion?

RSS Sarsaghchalak Sudarshanji is called a hardliner because he is questioning the missionary process! A very statement asking the Pope to affirm religious tolerance is itself styled intolerant! In other words Hindus should tolerate the effort to convert them but it is intolerant for Hindus to question the motives or ideas of those who denigrate their religion. That such statements are accepted in the modern media shows how deep-seated the anti-Hindu and pro-missionary bias is.

Pope Benedict XVI was a liberal theological adviser at the Second Vatican Council but became a conservative after the 1968 student movement prompted him to defend the faith against secularism and Marxism. Now here secularists have to prove that new Pope is wrong. Marxists should ask why Pope Benedict XVI is against their ideology?
Like Shia and Sunni, there are Catholics and Protestants. In 2000, Ratzinger branded other Christian churches as deficient -- shocking Anglicans, Lutherans and other Protestants in ecumenical dialogue with Rome for years.

There is an International conspiracy against Hindus, Hindu organizations and Hindu heads.
Why Jaya drew back the Anti-conversion law? Why Kanchi Mutt Seer got jail on the mid night of Diwali? Why she is silent on the arrest of Knanchi Mutt Seer? Why Congress purchased duplicate Seer of Puri at the time of Gujarat Assembly Election to deceive the people of Gujarat? Trilochan Sinh of Minority Commission, has said, “ There is tremendous increase in the Christian population of North East states.” Why Sonia became friend of the wife of fraud Benny Hinn? Why to please Sonia, secularists CMs of karnatak and Andhra climbed on the stage of Benny Hinn at Bangalore? Why President of India presented ‘Padmashree’ to Glady Staines for her work to convert tribes in to Christ? Why Sonia advised her to come back Orissa for starting again conversion? Why these are happening only after coming UPA Govt. in power? There must be an impartial enquiry of all above by a Commission.

Pope Benedict XVI sees no good in the modern world. Pope Benedict XVI sees the church as assailed on all sides by hostile foes that wish to destroy it. Now Catholics are asked to pray for Church & for Pope.

Late Pope John Paul sparked a controversy among Hindus when, on a visit to India in 1999, he defended the Church's right to seek converts there. New Pope was considered to be Pope John Paul II's "right hand man". Sonia should declare publicly that she does not support the process of conversion of Hindus into Christ.

Gujarat Government's stand against religious conversions in the State was the main reason for revoking Modi’s visa. "They (Americans) think that by providing monetary benefits, they can conduct (religious) conversions in the State. But that person (Modi) did not allow it to happen and so was denied a visa", Narendra Modi said on April 18, 2005.
China did not represent Pope II’s funeral ceremony. China opposed interference of Pope in China’s internal matters. Another funeral mourner will be Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, who was to have married his long-time love Camilla Parker Bowles on the same day.

The new pope considered dangers to the Marxism
This is danger signal to the friendship between Sonia & Communists.
He sees the church as assailed on all sides by hostile foes that wish to destroy it.

Prominent German liberal theologian Hans Kung said that when Ratzinger decided to go to Rome, he "sold his soul for power." However, Ratzinger, new pope said he never "switched sides."

Georg, the elder brother of Germany's Joseph Ratzinger who said earlier this month that he did not believe Joseph had a chance at being elected Pope because of his age and his German nationality, said he was "shocked" by the election. New Pope's shaky health history - including a stroke in the 1980s - was thought to be a mark against him.
Ratinger was the son of a police officer who was staunchly anti-Nazi.When Ratinger turned 14 in 1941, he was required by law to join the Hitler Youth. In 1943, at the age of 16 he was, along with the rest of his class, drafted into the Flak or anti-aircraft corps, responsible for the guarding of a BMW plant outside Munich. He was then sent for basic infantry training and was posted to Hungary, where he worked setting up anti-tank defences until he deserted in April 1944. In 1945 he was briefly held in an Allied POW camp. By June he was released, and he and his brother (Georg) entered a Catholic seminary. On June 29, 1951, Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich ordained them.

Premendra Agrawal


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