
Monday, May 29, 2006

Secular Terrorism

Secularism is a mask for Terrorist Govt. We discuss: The Da Vinci Code Punjab Vs Gujarat Fanna, Terrorism of Religion Film Paint art Quota Scam freedom against Hindus constitution & nationalism

We have to overcome on terrorism of pseudo-secularism which keeps rearing its ugly head. Leftists are not only atheists. They also include Madanis Maos Naxalites Christian Missionaries and Gandhis cult Hindus.

Theocratic Govt. of UPA & Leftist

"In Hindu ethos there is no concept of a theocratic state"

Congreess led leftist supported UPA Govt. is a form of government in which a Non-Hinduism plays the dominant role.

We are secular to announce 3 days mourn on the death of previous Pope. We are secular to reward Bharat Ratn to Mother Teressa, Padma shree to Glady Staines whose only job is to convert poor illiterate tribal of Orissa. Benney Henn came to India to assure that he will come again and again to heal with the help of previous adharm CM, present Christian CM, Oscar Fernadis, Margret Alwa and Jony Lever who have been sent prison on the charge of insulting National flag. Benny Henn's wife, introduced by Alva, is the friend of Sonia. Israel born Benny Hen could not heal Late Pope when he was hospitalized in serious condition. European countries hate Benny Henn but our Govt. of Christian leadership loves him.

Terrorism of Religious freedom

Not a single Hindu king passed order to convert Non-Hindus in hindusim. This is holyness, humanity and religious freedom.

Rajasthan governor representative of President indirectly appointed by Congress returned the ‘Law against forceful conversion bill’ to say that it is against the freedom of religion. It means he endorsed the fatwa of Pope. Opposite to this central govt. opposed the statement of Pope. Does it mean one wing of the UPA government doesn't know what the other is doing? No, No they all know all. This is conspiracy by duplicity.

Gandhis of to day have no right to be called them as ‘Gandhi’. This is a dangerous immoral encroachment. Who to deny the following:
“If a person through fear, compulsion, starvation, or for material gain or consideration goes over to another faith, it is a misnomer to call it conversion Most cases of conversion … have been to my mind false coin … I would therefore unhesitatingly re-admit to the Hindu fold all such repentant without much ado … If a man comes back to the original branch he deserves to be welcomed … in so far as he may deem to have erred, he has sufficiently purged himself of it when he repents his error and retraces his steps.” Mahatma Gandhi (Collected Works: Vol. 66, pp. 163-164)
“If I had the power and could legislate, I should stop all proselytizing … In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink …Mahatma Gandhi (November 5, 1935)

Terrorism through Freedom of Expression

It can be called Intellectual Terrorism. Freedom of Expression is only to crush Hindus. Indian high commissioner Kamalesh Sharma inaugurated an exhibition of Husain's paintings, which included nude portrayals of Hindu goddesses, in London early this week. The exhibition was later cancelled after protests from Hindu organizations. But in India MF Husain is being garlanded by so called secularists. They encouraged him to paint a nude painting of Bharat Mata. Did Amir say against Hussian’s nude exhibition?

Punjab Govt. banned The Da Vinci Code. Secular minister Das Munshi, electronic media and leaders have no comment on that. But they are attacking Gujarat on the basis of false propaganda. Congress, BJP and all people of Gujarat have same voice against Fanna and Amir. But after getting big advertisement indirectly media is sounding and showing Amir and Amir. Every one who is in journalism knows this tactics of fooling. Actually this is intellectual terrorism.

Terrorism of scandals

Mr.Stott friend of Quattorocchi, both involved in Bofors. Stott was in important post in AWD ltd and architect of Oil for Food scam for this company. India is importing wheat through this company. Read full report in the Organiser Weekly's latest edition of May 28, 2006:

Quota Terrorism

Govt. has taken one sided dictatorial decision on caste basis quota. Lathi charge on protesters, various warnings to protesting doctors is to terrorize youths. Doctors fight Selfless against selfish vote bank policy. Students of schools who are real target of quota should come in the support of Medicos. Parents of these students also come forward. Are children of Chautala Jogi Mulayam lalloo Sharad Nitish Mayavati liable for quota? Why Danda of vote bank on the mouth of Parlimentarians? Putramoh turns in Gaddi moh. Don’t force to sucide or to revolt. In more than 50 years of Congress rule we are backward. Then when will we be forward? Is reservation issue cricked match to make century?

Terrorism against Nationalism

Support of CPM to armed Maoist and Naxalites directly or indirectly is warning to Indians to be ready to follow red line- Russia then China then Tibbat then Nepal and then Indian provinces. In the past Medha Patkar forced World Bank to cancel the loan allotted to Indian Govt. for the construction of Narmda dam. Is this patriotism?

“I am a proud Indian. India is a secular country. Muslims there are making lot of progress. Our President is a Muslim, Prime Minister a Sikh,’’ Feroze told the anchor when sought for a TV byte. Feroze Khan’s entry into Pak banned. Is Amir said any word on this issue? What did Mahesh Bhatt, Rajiv Shukla and Ambika Soni say on this issue? Listen! Bofors guns: Former Foreign Minister Natwar Singh showed sorrow ness in China for Pokhran. Sonia Gandhi labeled NDA Govt. as Hindu fundamentalist at London in the function organized by an Anti-India Muslim Organization.

Constitutional Terrorism

Sonia Gandhi's renounces and Somnath chatterji's attack on the constitutional authorities such as election commission and now on Kashyap who is well known constitutional experts, is a kind of constitutional terrorism. Before this he attacked Supreme Court on the issue of Jharkhand. Appointment of Navin Chawla, loyalist of 10 Janpath as an Election Commissioner is also a non-violent terrorism. Is protest of Medha Patkar, Arundhati Roy and Amir against the verdict of supreme Court constitutional? If yes then why Congress minister of Maharstra went to one month prison? Arundhati roy had also toured the prison for this.

Terrorism of Minoritism

This is only to make Hindus in minority. Why Ram Krishna Mission turned itself as Non-Hindu? Why Govt. is keen to declare ‘Jain’ as minority? DMK assures Quota for Christians and Musims in TN. In Andhra Christian CM already tried for this. Mulayam is also ready for this. Religious counting of army heads, dividing police force and public in secular and non-secular is the attempt to encourage minoritism. Why the Union Minister without portfolio Antule is in the search of provinces where Hindus are in the minority?

Why is Killing in Doda and Rajauri? In 1675, Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificed himself to protect Hindus, after Kashmiri pandits came to him for help when Aurangzeb condemned them to death for failing to convert to Islam.

Why there is a competition to be backward instead of forward? Is this sign of democracy, secularism and progress? – Find details in Organiser Weekly latest issue May 28 of 2006:

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord Krishna to fight Mahabharat again.
Oh Lord Krishna
Re-born Re-born again
to fight Mahabharat again
We can't wait
Can't wait no long
Hear my pray
Oh Lord krishna

See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Yes, many of us will then gladly say: Sin, falsehood, evil forces divide and rule adopters will be defeated

Rain comes to earth
Everything comes to life
Cruel Rulers be down
When people awake

After long nights sleepflowers of colors awake
Greet democratic love
I you all people awake

By Premendra Agrawal


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