
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

‘Shilanyas’ & fall of Berlin wall

Sonia’s Congress has still time to learn from Rajiv Gandhi. He allowed the Hindus to prepare for the construction of a new temple with the ceremonial laying of a foundation stone (shilanyas) on November 9, 1989. This day is also remembered for the fall of Berlin wall. Rajiv Gandhi tried with his best to make this historic day an ideal day for the unity of Hindu and Muslim.

Rajiv Gandhi wrote a letter to brand new Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar, to suggest that the historical and archaeological evidence on whether the Masjid had indeed replaced a Mandir, be considered as a decisive element in the Ayodhya solution. In practical terms: if experts agree that a Mandir had been destroyed to make way for the Masjid, then the government should treat the disputed site as a Hindu site. Opposite to the efforts of Rajiv Gandhi, Congress took the stand that the courts should decide (which meant that the issue had to be treated as purely an ownership dispute).

Efforts of Kanchi Sankarachaya and others could not be succeeded due to the Congress and other so called secular parties.

“Die Mauer muss weg (The wall must go)”

A popular slogan in the pro-democracy movement of Germany “Die Mauer muss weg (The wall must go)” had been among the graffiti on the western side of the wall. Now someone wrote on the Eastern side: “Die Mauer IST Weg.”

The long-time leader of East Germany, Erich Honecker, resigned on October 18, 1989 and was replaced by Egon Krenz a few days later. Honecker had predicted in January of 1989 that the wall would stand for a "hundred more years." He would be 100 years off. In India Pseudo-secularists want that wall between Hundu and muslim should be stand, so they can rule India.

Tens of thousands of East Berliners heard Schabowski's statement and flooded the checkpoints in the Wall demanding entry into West Berlin. The surprised and overwhelmed border guards made many hectic telephone calls with their superiors, but it became clear that there was no way to hold back the huge crowd of East German citizens short of dispatching the army with lethal force, as the vastly outnumbered border guards had only been equipped for regular duty. The guards and the East Berlin government were not willing to use lethal force, so in face of the escalating crowd safety issues the guards finally yielded, opening the checkpoints and allowing people through with little or no identity checks. The ecstatic East Berliners were soon greeted by West Berliners on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. November 9 is thus considered the date the Wall fell.
Pseudo-secularists reminds every year December 6, to make distance between Hindus and Muslims.

“Divide and Rule”

We are talking too much for the unity of Indian and Pakistani Citizens. But we do against the unity of Hindu and Muslim in India. UPA especially Congress follow the policy of British ’Divide and Rule’. UPA government on April 19, 2006 to divide Hindu and Muslim for making Muslim vote bank, filed its final written submission before the Liberhan Commission accusing the BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena of having ‘collaborated and connived’ to demolish the disputed structure at Ayodhya in a well-planned manner.

We are opening the border for Pakistani citizens. They can enter Ksashmir without Visas. But……Mr Justice Bhagwandas, the first Hindu Acting Chief Justice of Pakistan, and seven of his family members who reached Wagah on March 29, 2006 on their the way to Lucknow. But the immigration authorities did not relent and they had to return. The incident had caused concern in Pakistan, apart from causing anger in legal circles of India. In yet another shocking incident, the body of Surinder Singh Chawla, a former president of the District Akali Jatha who had died at Gurdwara Dera Sahib, Lahore, in 2004, was not allowed to enter his own country by road on the plea that he had gone to Pakistan by train and the body could be brought back through the same mode of transport.

Sonia Vs Rajiv Gandhi

I wondered to know about Italian born Catholic Sonia Gandhi and her art to fool people to say ‘my huband’ ‘my mother in law’ and so on. Opposite to this Dr. Koenraad Elst’s writings on Ayodhya issue attracts me.. He was born in Leuven, Belgium, on 7 August 1959, into a Flemish, Catholic family. During a stay at the Benares Hindu University, he discovered India’s communal problem and wrote his first book about the budding Ayodhya conflict. He wrote,” One such secularist, a modern man ready to deal with the matter pragmatically, was Rajiv Gandhi. He allowed the Hindus to prepare for the construction of a new temple with the ceremonial laying of a foundation stone (shilanyas) on November 9, 1989. He pressured the Chandra Shekhar government, which was dependent on Congress support, into organizing the scholars’ debate about the historical evidence, in the full knowledge that the temple party would win such a debate hands down. The thrust of his Ayodhya policy was to buy off Muslim acquiescence with some of the usual currency of the Congress culture: maybe nominating a few more Mians as ministers, banning a few Islam-unfriendly books (hence the Satanic Verses affair), raising the Hajj subsidy, providing cheap loans to the Shahi Imam’s constituency, donating government land for some Islamic purpose, things like that. Meanwhile, Hindus would get their temple. Muslims would have scolded their leaders for selling out, Hindus would have lambasted theirs for cheapening a noble cause with such horse-trading, but in the end, everybody would have accepted it. Whatever may be said about and against Rajiv Gandhi, he had the calibers and the cool secular distance from religious passions to see such a policy through.”

Don’t lock Hindu Muslim Unity

There was talk of a "wall in the heads" in two Germany. But during the November of 1989, almost everyone was overwhelmed by happiness - a national and emotional exception. Why could not we turn the Shilnyas of Nov. 9, 1989 in the historical unity of Hindus and Muslims? Rajiv ordered to unlocked ‘Ram lala’ for the unity of India but there are some elements who want to lock the unity efforts.

Premendra Agrawal


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