
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Tears in Hyderabad & Two Nation Theory

Whole country became mourn to read: Three Indian pilgrims from Andhra among 14 Shiites shot ‘execution-style’ on way to Karbala in Iraq. I have sympathy towards the families whose beloved have been killed in the karbala way. I pray God to give strength to bear the saddest tragedy.

Birth of Bangladesh, Buried the two nation theory. Could tie of Islam stop Sunni Baloch to fight with Sunni led Pak army? Why fight between Sunni & Shiite of Iraq? Tears of Hyderabad teach us.

* Was Feroze Khan was wrong to say in the land of Pakistan: “Pakistan was made in the name of Islam but look how the Muslims are killing each other. No Shiite and Sunni differences are in India as Pakistan does,"?

* Tears of Hyderabad teach us: Sing national song ‘Vandematram’, follow the law of land instead of Shariah and mix you in the mainstream of the nation. Don’t pollute the new generation.

* There is news on Sept 1, 06 that Liberty shoes have a hurting design of kuran on the lower side of shoes? Tension arose in Muslim community. Police acted immediately. Then why the Muslim doesn’t protest against MF Hussain’s nude paintings? Why he doesn’t make nude paintings of his beloved instead of Bharatmata?

* The fact is foreign powers whom so ever Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arab or else don't want your well being, they don't want you to prosper, live peacefully. The ultimate objective of these foreign powers is to take you on the path of self destruction, destruction of your motherland & to finally usurp the power, to subjugate you into slavery in turn looting the resources of your country.
* Who demanded and why Andhra Government tried to give unconstitutionally 5% reservation to Muslims on the basis of religion?

* Is call for the creation of Hyderabad as a Muslim city-state not stepping towards two nation theory? Why the same call for the creation of a separate Muslim State in U.P.?

We have to find the answers of above all questions from the tears of Hyderabad.

A resurgence of ethnic nationalism is a reminder of the fragility of this close US ally and nuclear power. Pakistan became a separate Muslim state after the British quit the Indian subcontinent in 1947. But the bonds of religion have not eliminated ethnic tensions in the country, which has seen violent separatist movements among its Pashtuns, Balochs, and Sindhis - as well as a successful bid by Bengalis to carve out an independent Bangladesh.

In the North West Frontier Province where Talebanization is rampant, Pashtun nationalism is presently taking the form of political Islam. The hanging of former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1979, who was a Sindhi, by an earlier military ruler has made Sindhis resentful of the army. By killing Bugti, the president has now earned the permanent enmity of the Baloch.

Martyr Akbar Khan Bugti had said, "I have been a Baloch for several centuries. I have been a Muslim for 1400 years. I have been a Pakistani for just over fifty."

Swami Vivekananda at the time of his address in 1893 at Minneapolis sighted a story of blinds and elepahant:
“I will tell you a story of five blind men. There was a procession in a village in India, and all the people turned out to see the procession and specially the gaily caparisoned elephant... As the five blind men could not see, they determined to touch the elephant that they might acquaint themselves with its form... After the procession had passed they began to talk about the elephant.
“It was just like a wall”, said one.
“No it was not”, said another, “It was like a piece of rope”.
“You are mistaken”, said a third, “I felt him and it was just like a serpent.”
The discussion grew excited and the fourth declared the elephant was like a pillow.
The argument soon broke into more angry expressions... Along came a man with two eyes... and he said, “Men, you are all right; the trouble is you touched the elephant at different points. The wall was the side, the rope was the tail, the serpent was the trunk and the toes were the pillow.
Religion has become involved in such a quarrel.”

Bush keeps Mush going & Mush keeps Jihad going: Ethnic Cleansing of Hindus in Kashmir
 Pakistani government’s direct aiding and abetting of terrorism in Kashmir has resulted in: 20,000 Hindus killed and 500,000 Hindus have fled Kashmir in terror.
The world has been mostly silent about this ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir.
Bangladesh is also a State-Sponsor of Terrorism
The world is also silent about harrowing abuse and ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Bangladesh. Amnesty International has publicized horrible atrocities against Hindu women in Bangladesh, such as gang-rapes in front of their fathers and husbands, resulting in floods of Hindu refugees from that country. Bangladeshi government does nothing beyond denying facts.

On one hand, the Hindu minority has been persecuted in many countries in the world, and on the other hand, the Hindu majority has been targeted by terrorism in India, which is over 82% Hindu. Terrorism and insurgency are the unending battles India has been fighting since Independence.

Just imagine yourselves in the place of victims of 7/11 Mumbai serial bomb blasts. Your mother & wife are crying, your children are dead, your father's hands & limbs are ripped apart in the blast. How does it feel to be one? All religions, gods are full of eternal love & compassion. Let that God shine his light, upon you all on the violent path.

Don’t allow Sick-ular Arjun, Mayavi Mayavati and Mulayam, other so called seculars and followers of Jinnah to divide people in the name of religion, dalit and caste.

Now thus Iran got God gifted benefit from its present enemy America:
U.S. removed the Sunni-dominated regime of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, and allowed Shiites to gain political control through "one man, one vote" democracy, it shifted sectarian power in the region toward Shiites.

Recent violence between Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim guerrilla group, and Israel; sectarian conflict in Iraq and escalating tensions around Iran's nuclear ambitions have drawn urgent attention to the resurgence and politicization of Shiite Islam and its relationship to Sunni Islam.
Above said tragedy could not be happened in the way of pious ‘karbala’ if there would be no bloody fight between Sunni and Shia and both followed patriotism in Iraq. If those tears of Hyderabad still can not open the eyes of Anti-Nationalism then ask these Moulanas to leave India and look for a place where only Islam is there and no patriotism. They are making their lives easy here and teaching against the country in the name of Shariah. No religion including Islam says that you practise your religion by becoming anti nation. Don’t allow any one to inject poison in the life of the nation. Don’t say heaven is reservced only for the Christians or Islamists through Christ or Paigamber. There is no one religion that is superior or inferior and that all forms of God are acceptable to the Supreme.Otherwise tears of Hyderabad will be every where.

By Premendra Agrawal


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