
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Non-Dalit US Org attacks RSS

Discussion on Press releases of Dalit Freedom Network Dt Aug 29 & Aug 05, 06: Is conversion necessary for development? Powerbrokers Maulvis oppose ‘Vandematram’. Nexus is between DFN, Teesta & Arjun.

DFN is a Christian missionary organization headed by Dr. Joseph D'souza, who heads the "All India Christian Council". Nanci Ricks, its Executive Director is located in Colorado in USA. Neither Dr. Joseph D'souza nor Nanci Ricks is Dalit, however D'souza claims that his wife was born a Dalit. Dalit Freedom Network is a partner of the All India Christian Council, a nation-wide alliance of more than 2000 Christian denominations, mission agencies, institutions, federations in India.

Secret meeting!
What does it mean? Are every type of foreign dignitaries and orgainizations head not doing meet Indian government and Sonia Gandhi? Does any one including Hindu org take objection? Is Christian lobby of Congress doesn/t meet at 10 Janpath? Why not DFN should be banned? Why not its organizers’ visas are not cancelled as visa of Modi by US and entry of Feroze Khan and javed Akhtar was blocked by Pakistan?

The above said Anti-India, Anti-Hindua, and Anti-Dalit US based lobby property of the Non-Dalits send guide line to Bush: “secret meeting’ between Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) spokesman Ram Madhav and US State Department officials, Dalit and minority groups in the country have urged the Bush Administration not to give “legitimacy to the Sangh and its fascist ideology.”

In press circular this Anti-Dalit organization has sent instruction to US Govt: “The Dalit Freedom Network calls on the State Department, the White house, and Congress to formally deny meeting with Mr. Madhav and thereby sends a message that his organization’s activities are unacceptable in the eyes of the United States Government.”

DFN of Non-Dalits Non-Indians
Most people are unaware that all fronts calling themselves ‘Dalit’ are actually created and maintained by fundamentalist Christian missionaries. For example, Dalit Freedom Network [DFN] is an umbrella of most rabidly Hindu-hating ‘Dalit’ activists like Udit Raj and Kancha Ilaiah. If you call their toll-free number 1-866-921-1333, a Caucasian American will answer the call from Colorado. Ask for their contact information in India, and she will direct you to the All India Christian Council [AICC]!

Most peple are also unaware that Indian National Congress is Indian (!) because its president is Non-Indian origin, Non-Hindu and Anti-Hindu with Hindu name and makeup. And this is not new in the Congress history. Even Congress was born by a foreigner.

Press release dated Aug 5, 2006
This is of the same Dalit Freedom Network:
“Sonia Gandhi opposes Anti Conversion Bills: Christians demand for review of development status, conversions: News release for Dalit Freedom Network in association with OM India/A.I.C.C./SC-ST Federations: For Immediate Release -- In a signed letter to Dr John Dayal, a member of the National Integration Council and President of the All India Catholic Union, Indian Congress President Mrs. Gandhi said “The Congress Party’s views on this are well known. These are enactments passed by the State legislatures where the Congress is in Opposition. The Congress Party has opposed this strongly in the assembly and through demonstrations.” What type of nexus between Non-Dalits owned US based organization DFN with OM India/A.I.C.C./SC-ST Federations & Congress? Are ‘OM’ to confuse ‘Aum’ and A.I.C.C. to represent All India Congress Committee?

I want to know is conversion necessary for development of India as said above. Was Mahatma Gandhi not against the conversion? Why Pope sent ‘Fatwa’ to India? On whose instruction Rajasthan Governor sent back the Anti-forced conversion bill passed by Raj assembly? On whose blessings Indian Deputy Ambassador at London inaugurated there exhibition of nude paintings of MF Hussain? Why MF in NCERT books?
On Oct. 6, 2005, DFN had hosted a conference entitled "Racism and Caste Based Discrimination in India: Implications for the US-India Relationship", with anti-Hindu speakers Udit Raj and Kancha Ilaiah featured; both of them are active collaborators of DFN.

Anti-India becomes Save India Front
Udit Raj, Ram, who is also the National Chairman of the All-India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations, and Maulana Mahmood Madani, general secretary of the Jamiat-Ulama-e-Hind, have come together to form the Save India Front (SIF) On May 2, the SIF will hold a rally at the Ramlila Maidan here ''for the sake of the country and sufferings of the Muslims of Gujarat''. Both promised to make it a ''mammoth'' demonstration against the Sangh Parivar and its ''politics of communalism''.

Powerbrokers Maulvis oppose ‘Vandematram’
After banned SIMI, now the activities of JuH and Tablighi jamaat are also under the scanning. Neither the leaders of Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind (JuH) nor Tablighi jamaat (TJ) are nationalists. Fact is that the mullahs are losing political control over their community, and these are devises to control them. Now, they act as powerbrokers. Even for this they issued Fatwa to oppose “Vandmatram”.

With proportional representation, direct power will flow to them, and their control of the community would be total. The integration of the community nationally will cease, and their remaining in the mainstream will come to a halt. Proportional representation is the worst form of communal politics. In the presence of Sonia Gandhi in Ram Lila ground rally on May 2005 JuH demanded proportional representation of Muslims in legislatures. Sonia Gandhi’s presence in Ramlila was not in the interest of India.

Californian Hindu textbook controversy
The Wall Street Journal reporter was apparently not informed about the affiliation of Dalit Freedom Network with a Christian evangelical organization, it mis-identified the group as a Hindu group in order to gain currency in their actions against legitimate Hindu groups involved in the controversy.

This trend is going on abroad and with in India. Hindu organ should launch a contiuous protest to expose such Non-Hindu individuals and organs that intentionally in the name of Hindu act and propagate against Hindus and Hinduism.

Dalit Freedom Network has been criticised by many Hindus, as well as secular authors, for using the plight of the Dalits as an excuse to create social disorder and unrest in India by isolating them from mainstream society as part of the missionary agenda. They have been accused of being an anti-Hindu group.

Another Anti-India is Teesta setalwad
“I was clear that I found Teesta’s high-flying ways questionable,”wrote columnist Tavleen Singh. Teesta says: “I am born a Hindu. I know my conscience. I know from where my faith comes. I know the BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena don't speak for Hindus.” Teesta married jihadi Javed Anand. Javed & his wife teesta are spreading hate against Hindu comunity living in USA and UK by false propaganda.

“Teen Ticket (Anand) Maha Vikat”
AS Anand is, Chairman of NHRC. It is ’Muslim right Commission’. RK Anand, Congress leader, and was accused in 84’s riot. Javed Anand, husband of Teesta is a fanatic supporters of terrorists.

The report "The Foreign Exchange of Hate, IDRF and the American Funding of Hindutva" prepared by Sabrang publications of Mumbai, India owned by Teesta and her terrorists supporter was ill intended. Ashish Joshi clarified on 26/02/2003: “Does IDRF funnel money through RSS to its funded agencies? The report acknowledges [p5, s2.4] that RSS does not accept foreign funding and by virtue of this acknowledgement it is proof that IDRF never used RSS as a conduit for funding…. The report devotes close to 60% of its discussion on RSS and its Hindutva concept to brand it a violent organization. But the facts prove otherwise. Does the recent RSS's support to Iraq [Feb 3, 2003 news] and opposition to US war on Iraq, mean hatred for Muslims? Definitely not. The report assumes a blatant posture in arguing that lectures and seminars on Islamic terrorism are anti-secular. It concedes that 70% of IDRF work was related to tribals, Adivasis and Dalits but it labels it as a move to perpetuate anti-religious attacks.”
NCERTof sick-ular Arjun Singh in which Teesta is also involved published books wounded even Union Minister Sureh Pachori, Cogress spokesperson Satyavrat Chaturved and others.

By Premendra Agrawal

Previous articles at Blog:
Pakistan buried Akbar Bugti or his duplicate?
Why not ‘Vandematram’ in Lok Sabha on Sept 07?
Mole in Nehru’s Ministry: Baloch Bugti’s Murder
Abu Salem Toa Ban Gaya Gentleman?
Desert of woes hits by flood
Jihadi Blast on Vande Mataram


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