
Monday, May 08, 2006

Freedom of lying

Wife writes ‘Murder of Sufi Soul’ after that husband writes
“There’s a Taliban in Gujarat”. They write to evoke minority sentiments and to cover America’s statement: laden is in Pakistan.
Bottom of the both articles one line is published: (The author is the co-editor of Communalism Combat).

Anti-Gujarat rhetoric

They are habitual to write these types of articles concentrating anti-Gujarat rhetoric, a sloppy mixture of Hitler-Mussolini-style propaganda and Al Jazeera- style exaggerations. The titles are meant to refer to the Gujarat, a democracy which betrays itself when it kills and tortures minority (the articles indirectly and also directly implied that this is done daily by Gujarat Police). Mostly readers live in a virtual world, invented by this imaginative writers-pair husband and wife in the name of Human activists and NGOs, a world that has little or nothing to do with the real world.

Teesta Setalvad obtained ‘Sadbhavna’ reward from Sonia Gandhi. Teesta called Gujarat DGP Pandey a Godse.

Hostility of witnesses

Jaheera shekh was hostile due to Teesta Setalvad. As reported Jaheera Shekh was kidnapped and introduced first by Teesta Setalvad to defame Gujarat BJP Govt., Police and Judiciary. But after that she became against Teesta. Then all pseudo-seculars circled single woman Jaheera.

Not a single newspaper, electronic media and even BJP highlighted the issue of becoming hostile of every witness in the murder case of Ramawatar Jaggi. It is being investigated by CBI. Son of former CM of Chhattisgarh Ajit Jogi was prisoner but now grated bail. I have no objection on the release of young boy. In his old age V.C. Shukla is waiting to get entry in Congress. Jaggi was a right hand of Shukla. Jaggi was murdered due to rivalry of Shukla and Jogi.

Divide and Rule

For the security of our nation we should not divide our police force and our army in secular and non-secular. Even people also not be divided in this line. To fight BJP and RSS this should not be the way. Govt. should research other ways to fight NDA as it researched ‘renounces’ ‘double profit’ etc. But it is unfortunate that State Home Minister Jaiswal researched in Gujarat 'newly constructed and long time constructed' religious places.

Search of murders & ladens

Teesta Setalvad writes article titled “Murder Of Sufi Soul”. Though there is no such murder. America says Osama Bin laden is in pakistan. But to cover this report her husband Javed Anand gives title for his article “There’s a Taliban in Gujarat”. He wants to compare Modi with Taliban. Another one human activist told at the time of Godhra riots disussion in Rajdeep Serdesai’s ‘Big fight’ that attack on Modi was not a terrorist attack, it could be called attack for revenge. But attack on Musharraff was terrorist attack. This is their secularism and patriotism.

Articles on ‘Gujarat’ be sellable

These types of loophole are now in pseudo-secular India, an entire category of these has been created whose main business is to spread false information, and then interpret it, analyze it, review it, etc. Needless to say, false news article on the basis of false facts would not sell if it were about, say, the brutal murder of Kasmiri Pandits. It sells if it is about the Gujarat, the most famous and controversial topic of the period. Thus the vast majority of such "false-news analysis" targets the Gujarat. But the phenomenon extends way beyond anti-Gujarat propaganda.

Freedom of lying

This is a culture of lying and freedom of lying. A lie repeated many times, over and over again (like a mantra), becomes a fact. And soon a virtual reality is created out of these "facts".

Sure, it's easy to prove the falsity of all of these statements, but most readers are not interested in hearing the other version of the facts. They, too, are exercising a democratic right: the right to read (listen to) only what they want to read (listen to). Democracy indirectly protects people who lie and people who want to hear only the lies. The combination of writers who specialize in lying (who invoke the right to lie) and readers who are not interested in the truth (who invoke the right to only listen to the lies) creates a market for false news, an eventually an entire culture of lying.

That was not the reason that democracy was invented.
The Indian democracy does not betray itself. But it is being betrayed by these mongers & pseudo-secularists.

Today Gujarat CM Narendra Modi from Tel Aviv said to India TV about Narmada Bachao Movement that it is not registered organization. It is making hurdles in the rehabilitation work. Central Govt. should enquire from where these organizations are getting fund.
There should also be enquiry from where sabrang is getting fund.

By Premendra Agrawal


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